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1、unit 1 I went there last year教学设计教学教学题题目:目:第六册 Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year.教材分析教材分析:一、教学目标1、知识目标:学习并会运用句型:A. Where is? B. Its in the of china .C.When did you go ? I went there last year.D.Did you go with? 2、技能目标:(1)能够根据图片练习句型(2)能听录音回答问题。(3)能描述一个人的旅行经历。3、情感态度:(1)帮助学生树立学习英语的自信心,培养他们在日常生活中敢说

2、、乐说英语的积极性。(2)培养在实际情景中运用知识的能力,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。(3)培养学生自主学习、互助学习、合作学习的能力。二、学习策略引导和启发学生在情境当中感受语言的交际功能,逐步熟练运用所学到的语言。本节课学生的学法一是师生互动,二是任务型学习,三是小组学习,四是自主学习。小组学习,学生在小组内交流老师的旅行,练习句型。自主学习,根据图片写句子。三、教学重点、难点1、运用一般过去时态,谈论以前的旅行。2、运用句型:A. Where is? B. Its in the of china .C.When did you go ? I went there last year.D.

3、Did you go with? 学情分析学情分析1、谈论以前去过的地方主要运用一般过去时态,学生已经学过。语言目标1. A. Where is? B. Its in the of china .C.When did you go ? I went there last year.D.Did you go with? 句型学生以前也学过。本节课是对这些句型的综合应用。2学写小短文关于自己以前的旅行。教学教学设计设计思路:思路:热身复习学过的单词呈现新知识(课件展示图片,练习句型)学习课文巩固练习(Look and say )拓展应用(Lingings travel)作业(My travel)一

4、、教学准备:课件内容:1、Lets chant (歌词)2、关于自己旅游的图片,依次是 Xinjiang ,Beijing ,Shanghai ,Qingdao Seaside3、呈现新知识的句型,4、课文录音(加图片)5、学习课文听录音回答的问题 二、教学过程:(一) 、Warm up 1.Greetings:Good morning boys and girls .2.Lets chant (二) 、Lead inBoys and girls ,Now look at this map ,This is a map of china,(出示课件)Who can tell me “Where

5、 is beijing?” (呈现新知识)Practice this dialogue in pairs .Who can show ?(找学生到讲台上表演练习句型,锻炼学生大胆开口说英语的能力)这个环节主要是引出新句型 Where is it? Its in the of china .一开始教师先和学生互动引出句型,之后让学生两人一组进行提问,发挥自主学习能力。这个过程时间可放短点(之前学生对此句型有所了解)(三) 、Presention1.T: I like travelling ,Do you like travelling ?(调动学生积极性)。I visited many plac

6、es of china,So I took many photos .(增强学生好奇心)2.Now Look at this photo,(出示课件),Ask the students :“Where is it” ,紧接着问学生:“Can you guess when I went ? Can you guess who I went with ?要求学生猜一猜,引出句型 When did you go ? I went there last year. Did you go with? 3.I will give you some words(出示课件,展示所给单词),please mak

7、e a short passage .4.Work in your group, talk about Teachers Travel .(发挥小学生小组内自主合作能力),5. look at the Teachers Travel. (让学生领读)6.出示课件,展示北京、上海的片,If you want to know about my travel,you can ask these questions :(出示课件,展示句型)7出示课件,展示句型,进行练习(要求学生独立思考巩固练习句型) 。8.出示课件“I can do it !” (学生展示)四、Learning the text1、

8、I like travelling , Lingling likes travelling ,too. Now lets listen to the text and answer my questions:(出示课件) ,在听课文之前,让学生带着问题去听,调动学生的学习积极性。Questions:Who has some photos?Where is Xinjiang?When did Lingling go to Xinjiang? Did Lingling go with her mother and father?2、Listen to the text again ,3、Read

9、the text in your group and talk about questions.4、Answer my questions , which group can show ?(及时给予评价)五、PracticeLets look and say 六、Consoludation1. lets look at Lingings travel(小组内合作交流总结)2.及时给予小组评价。七、HomeworkNow look at todays homework .(出示课件)Listen and read the text after the tapeWrite your travel.

10、Ask your friends about their travel.七、板书设计Module 6unit 1 I went there last yearWhere is it ?Its in the north of china .When did you go ? I went there last year .八、小组评价G1 G2 G3 G4 G5热身导入,激发兴趣Review the wors,课件展示图片,引入新知创设情景,呈现新知课文呈现,讲解句型课堂小结,布置作业巩固练习,拓展提高听录音,读课文小组讨论,自主学习Practice,look and sayTalk about linglings travel


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