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1、1延边大学硕士学位论文物理模型教学实践以 03-08 年万有引力高考题为例2摘 要新课程要求物理教学注重过程,重视学生能力的培养。这就要求我们教的不仅仅是知识本身,而且应该教给学生解决问题的方法,思考问题的方式。其中一个非常行之有效的方法就是开展模型教学,教会学生运用模型解决问题。传统的物理教育主要注重知识的传授,不重视学生对知识的领悟过程。物理知识本身抽象程度高,与实际联系紧密,运用物理知识解决实际问题时灵活多变,而教材的编写比较有原则,缺少形象化的说明。由于我们平时缺少训练学生思路的典型范例,学生没有把握住学习物理的科学方法,不善于从多方面去理解物理概念,不善于作比较分类工作,没有掌握解决



4、。关键词:万有引力 物理模型 现实问题3AbstractAbstractNew courses require physical education focusing on process and the ability of students. This requires us to teach not only the knowledge itself, and should teach students to solve the problem, think about the problem, develop model teaching and teach students to u

5、se the model to solve the problem. Traditional physical education major emphasis on knowledge, doesnt pay attention to students understanding the process of knowledge. Physics itself with a high degree of abstraction, and the actual physical linkages, applying knowledge to solve practical problems i

6、s flexible,while textbooks compare principles and miss image description. Since we usually lack of typical examples of the students train of thought, students have not grasp the scientific method to study physics . They are not very good at understanding the physical concepts with a number of ways ,

7、 they have no master to solve practical problems of scientific thinking. The process of doing physics problems should be analyzing the meaning of the question,bstracting the physical model,determine the rules to follow,identifying known and unknown,contact equition,discussing of the problem and the

8、answers to the physical process, While many students do not have this problem-solving skills.Part of the students in learning the physics observ of physical phenomenon only in daily life experience level, their psychological level is not developed. The error is not corrected and the new concept has

9、not been established. When it comes to solve practical problems, exploratory work, the students dont know how to start, so they generally consider physical both difficult , useless and lack of interesting and passion of learning it. The problem is partly because of we ignore the teaching value durin

10、g the construction of the physical model, neglecte to teach students to understand the physics model from the methods of concepts, principles, laws and the skills of solving problem using a physical model. Therefore, training and mentoring students, allowing them learning method is an important aspe

11、ct of further physical education reform. The teachers responsibilities is to make clear what students learn, why learn it, more important is to let the students know how to learn, train the students to master the 4scientific way of thinking and methods . Developing model teaching will be conducive t

12、o the implementation of the above content.Physics is very dynamic, there are a lot of physical methods, though complex and intricate , there are inherent laws. By establish a physical model, you can simplify a complex problem, grasp the complex question of the point. In the palm of a physical model,

13、 you can resolve the problems more quick-witted.This article mainly force on the example of the gravitational to show how to build models and how to use the model to solve the problem, mainly from the practical point of view to discuss how to apply the model to solve problems. With this mode, the students will master the knowledge more firmly, they can solve new problems flexibility by using model. Key words: Gravitation physics model reality problem.5目 录摘 要.1Abstract.3目 录.5第一章 绪 论.61.1 研究问题的提出.61.2 阐述所研究的问题.71.3 研究的现状.



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