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1、C5225 立式车床电气系统改进设计1摘要摘要更新改造旧机床是最近几年发展起来的一个新兴产业,购买新的机床是提高产品质量和效率的重要途径,但是成本高,许多企业在短时间内无法实现,这严重阻碍企业设备更新的步伐。为此把普通机床改造,不失为一条投资少、提升产品质量及生产效率的捷径。该设计是对 C5225 立式车床的控制系统的 PLC 控制改造的研究设计。电气控制系统控制逻辑采用硬件接线,利用继电器机械触点的串联或并联等组成控制逻辑,其连线多且复杂、体积大、功耗大,系统构成后,想再改变或增加功能较为困难。另外,继电器的触点数量有限,所以电气控制系统的灵活性和可扩展性受到很大限制。采用连线少、体积小、功

2、耗小、控制速度快、可靠性高、功能完善的 PLC 控制系统,来代替电气控制系统中继电器控制逻辑,配以合适的控制系统,可使机床控制功能更加丰富,自动化水平大大提高。此次设计从被控对象的 I/O 点数和性价比高、综合成本低这几个主要原则出发,主要进行了控制装置选型,PLC 的地址分配和用梯形图编辑的 PLC 控制程序设计。关键词:电气改造;继电器;PLC;梯形图C5225 立式车床电气系统改进设计2ABSTRACTRetrofitting obsolete old machine tools is an industry developed in the recent years , Purchas

3、ing new machines is an important way to improve production precision and efficiency, but it may not come true to many enterprises because it cost much . Enterprises equipment updating step are counteracted severly. So General lathes reforming is a quick way that costs less, improve production precis

4、ion and efficiency. this design makes a reconstruction towards Research and Design for C5225 vertical type lathe Reconstruction on PLC Control. The electrical control system control logic of the hardware connection, relay use machinery series or parallel contacts and other components of the control

5、logic, the attachment is much and complex, large size, power, system structure, want to change or add a function more difficult. In addition, relay contact quantity is limited, so the electrical control system of flexibility and expansibility is very limited. My purpose is to use the state of PLC me

6、morizer unit to replace the relay mechanical touch in series or parallel connection in electric control system, Systems controlled by PLC have few line connected and small cubage, little power cost and high control speed as well as precision, and that PLC have count function, which the electric cont

7、rol system dont have commonly. This design on the principle of the number of I/O spot in object controlled and high performance to price ratio and low comprehensive cost . PLCs address distribution and PLC control edited by ladder diagram is mainly designed. KeywordsKeywords: electric control recons

8、truction; relay; PLC; ladder programC5225 立式车床电气系统改进设计3目录目录第 1 章 绪论.11.1 车床的历史及发展.1 1.1.1 车床的历史.1 1.1.2 车床的诞生及发展.1 1.2 普通机床及 C5225 立式车床的简介.2 1.2.1 普通机床的基本知识.2 1.2.2 C5225 立式车床简介.2第 2 章 系统总设计.52.1 PLC 控制系统的设计基本内容.5 2.2 PLC 控制系统设计原则与步骤.5 2.2.1 PLC 控制系统设计的基本原则.5 2.2.2 PLC 控制系统设计步骤.5第 3 章 PLC 及其在立式车床加工中的应用.73.1 可编程控制器的背景.7 3.2 PLC 简介.7 3.2.1 PLC 的组成.7 3.2.2 可编程控制器的特点.9 3.2.3 PLC 的分类.10 3.3 PLC 的工作.10 3.3.1 PLC 的性能指标.10 3.3.2 PLC 工作原理.11 3.3.3 PLC 的编程语言.13 3.4 PLC 在我国的车床中的应用.16第 4 章 系统硬件设计.



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