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1、辽宁石油化工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸325 吨/年硫酸双氢链霉素生产装置工艺设计程 伟(辽宁石油化工大学,环境与生物工程学院,生物工程 0901,辽宁抚顺,113001)摘 要本课题为 325 吨/年硫酸双氢链霉素生产装置的工艺设计。在发酵过程中,每天需完成至少 51.055 m3(53607.75 kg)发酵全液的生产。经计算,生产中选用 8个 75 m3的发酵罐,发酵周期为 8 d,一、二、三级种子罐各 4 个,发酵周期为 4 d。菌种经一、二、三级种子罐逐级扩大培养后放罐入发酵罐中,在发酵罐中经 8 d 发酵,产成 51.055 m3的发酵全液,后放入预处理罐内进行硫酸双氢链霉素的合成提

2、取。发酵液进入预处理罐后,用草酸酸化至 pH 3.0 左右,通过板框过滤,除去大量杂质,再用 NaOH 中和至 pH 在 6.7 7.2 范围内。离开预处理罐的发酵液进入稀释罐进行稀释,后进入交换罐。在交换罐中采用 110 3 Na 型树脂对稀释液进行吸附,再经 7% H2SO4溶液进行解吸,解吸完毕,采用活性炭粉对解吸液脱色。解吸后的解吸液在补还原罐中用 NaBH4将硫酸链霉素还原为硫酸双氢链霉素,还原后的硫酸双氢链霉素经稀释、吸附、解吸精制、精脱、薄膜蒸发、成脱和离心喷雾干燥等步骤形成成品。关键词:硫酸双氢链霉素;生产装置;工艺流程;设计辽宁石油化工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸IIA tech

3、nological design of 325 t/a dihydrostreptomycin sulphate production facilityCheng Wei(Class 0901, Department of biological engineering, School of Environmental and biological engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Liaoning Fushun, 113001, China)AbstractThis topic is the technological design of 325

4、 t/a dihydrostreptomycin sulphate production facility. In the fermentation process, it have to complete at least 51.055 m3 (53607.75 kg) fermentation liquid production every day. After calculation, the results is that the production design selecte eight 75 m3 fermenter , the fermentation period was

5、8 d, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd seed tank is four, respectively. After 8 d fermentation, 51.055 m3 fermentation broth is obtained. Then the fermentation broth is put into the pretreatment tank for the synthesis of dihydrostreptomycin sulfate extraction.After the fermentation broth into the pretreatment tanks

6、, it is acidified to nearly pH 3.0 with oxalic acid. Then it can remove large amounts of impurities through the plate and frame filter, and it is neutralized to a pH range of 6.7 to 7.2 with NaOH. After fermentation broth leaving the tank into the dilution tank for dilution, the fermentation broth f

7、lows into the exchange tank. In exchange tank, it uses 110 3 Na type resin for adsorption on dilution. Then the dilution is desorbed completely by 7% H2SO4 solution. After desorption, desorption solution is decolored using activated carbon powder. After desorption, the streptomycin sulfate in desorp

8、tion solution will be reduced to dihydrostreptomycin sulfate using NaBH4 in the reduction pot. After reduced, dihydrostreptomycin sulfate forms finished goods through dilution, 辽宁石油化工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸IIIadsorption, desorption refined, loss of essence, a thin film evaporator, a centrifugal spray drying of

9、f and other steps.Key words: Dihydrostreptomycin, Production facility, Process, Design辽宁石油化工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸目 录摘摘 要要.IAbstract .II第第 1 章章 绪绪 论论.11.1 链霉素简介.11.2 国外生产和技术水平现状.31.3 国内生产和技术水平现状.31.4 生产技术的展望.41.5 链霉素的生产制备.41.6 链霉素的用途.51.7 药理作用及副作用.61.8 链霉菌产生的抗生素.71.9 链霉素遗传工程的其它应用.8第第 2 章章 链霉素生产工艺设计内容链霉素生产工艺设计内容.102.1 工艺设计的指导思想与目标.102.2 工艺设计的主要内容.102.3 工艺设计的基本要求.102.4 工艺设计介绍.112.5 工艺设计的主要步骤.122.6 工艺设计的基本流程.14第第 3 章章 设计指标及主要物性参数设计指标及主要物性参数.153.1 发酵工段设计条件.153.2 连续灭菌温度.15辽宁石油



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