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1、浙江大学硕士学位论文 摘要. i .浙江港口物流信息平台技浙江港口物流信息平台技术应术应用研究用研究浙江大学硕士学位论文 摘要. ii .摘要摘要随着国际贸易的快速发展,全球物流和共同配送成为港口物流业发展趋势,沿海港口成为全球贸易和运输体系的主要基地,港口物流正在向现代综合物流中心发展。2010 年,浙江省提出重点构筑港口“三位一体”物流服务体系,着力打造成中国重要的枢纽港,加快建设成为“港航强省”和“海洋经济示范区”。为此,本课题拟结合浙江“三位一体”港口物流服务体系建设内容,研究一体化的港口物流电子商务运作模式、信用机制和物流平台架构体系,为我省建设港口物流平台提供技术支撑和借鉴。课题根

2、据浙江“三位一体”港口物流服务体系建设要求,系统地研究了浙江港口物流平台技术应用体系,并以舟山港物流信息平台为例,重点对平台需求分析、功能设计、数据交换技术和信用机制建设等内容进行了阐述,最终建立一个开放式的集数据实时采集、查询、预警、控制、管理、决策于一体的综合性现代港口物流信息平台。本文首次在浙江港口物流平台中引入企业服务总线(ESB)技术和 J2EE 四层架构设计体系,提出采用文件和 webservice 接口交换格式,建立基于 WEB 的ebXML 开放式电子数据交换标准,还创新性地提出了港口会员信用评价管理体系的有关方法和内容,并在舟山港口物流平台中得到应用。实践表明开展港口物流信息

3、平台建设对港口物流发展的优势明显,是“三位一体”港口物流发展的主要技术支撑体系,对提高我省港口管理水平、促进港口管理现代化、建立现代港口企业制度等方面都有着重要意义。关关键词键词:港口,物流,平台,技:港口,物流,平台,技术术浙江大学硕士学位论文 AbstractiiiAbstractWith the rapid development of international trade, the global logistics and distribution are becoming the port and logistics industry trends. Coastal ports b

4、ecome the most important base of the global trade and transport system. Port and logistics are trending to the development of modern logistics centre. In 2010, Zhejiang Provice proposed a major port and logistics service systems which called three-dimensional,and want to build the important port in

5、China, become the best provice in port and voyage and sea economic for good example. And then this paper integrates the Zhejiang “ three-dimensional “ port logistics information platform technology application system, and researches the port and logistics e-commerce operational mode 、credit mechanis

6、ms and logistics system platforms schema. It is supports for building the port logistics platform in our provice.According to the Zhejiang “ three-dimensional “ port logistics systems demand, it reaches the Zhejiang port logistics information platform,and takes zhoushangang logistics information pla

7、tform construction for example, and describes the needs of analysis and design of function, data exchange of technology , credit mechanism and so on. At last, it establishes an open combining and modern port logistics information platform which containes real-time collection , enquiries , early warn

8、ing , control , management and decision-making.This article introduces enterprise service bus ( ESB ) technology and J2EE four layers architecture design in the Zhejiang port and logistics platform for the first time. It introduces the file and the WebService interchange format, which is based on WE

9、B ebXML open electronic data exchange standards,and also introduces the methods of port member credit management system innovatively. It takes the practice in the Zhoushan Port Authority Port Logistics Platform. At last the results show that developing port logistics information platform constructio

10、n is better on the port 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstractivlogistics development, which is the“ three-dimensional “ port logistics development the mainly technical supporting system. It is good for improving our port management and promoting of the modern management, establishing a modern port enterprise system.Key Words: :port, logistics, platform, technology浙江大学硕士学位论文 目录V目目录录摘要.iAbstract.ii第 1 章 绪论.11.1 课题背景.11.2 国内外发展及现状.21.2.1 港口物流及其发展.21.2.2 港口物流信息平台发展现状.41.3 课题的研究内容.71.4 论文的结构.8第 2 章 “三位一体”港口物流信息平台应用需求.92.1 背景及现状.92.1.1 背景.92.1.2 浙江港口信息化现状.92.1.3 现代港口物流信息化发展趋势.


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