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1、1高三职高英语期中考试题命题人:左丽霞一、语音(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)观察所给单词划线部分的读音,从 A、B、C、D 划线部分中找出与其读音相同的选项,并将选项前的大写字母按题号填在答题纸上。二、单项选择题(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 20 分)1. -Do you enjoy skating, Ping Ping?-Yes, skating on real ice is .A. great fun B. a great fun C. of great fun D. great of fun2. As is known to all, biology

2、is .A. science of the life B. the science of lifeC. the science of the life D. science of life3. To have a large collection of good stamps, you should often go to stamp sales and buy you can pay for.A. however B. whatever C. no matter what D. wherever14. ,there were in the streets, taking part in th

3、e celebration.A.December 12;millions of peoples B.In December 12th; millions of peopleC.On December the 12th; millions of people D.On December12;a million people15. -The vegetable usually as soon as we are sea.-Dont worry. Its none of your business.A. goes badly; at B. went badly; on C. goes bad; at

4、 D. goes badly; in16. Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?I dont know, .A. nor don t I care B. nor do I careC. I dont care neither D. I dont care also17. , their sports team is made up of 50 people.A. Entirely B. Completely C. Altogether D. Wholely18. -Will you give this message to Mr. White,

5、 please?2-Sorry, I can t. He .A.doesn t any more work here B.doesn t any longer here workC.doesn t work any more here D.doesn t work here any longer19. This test is obviously bad enough because it incorrect learning.A. brings up B. begins withC. leads to D. comes from20. Where I put my umbrella?A. s

6、hall B. would you like thatC. will D. do you want that21. , we went swimming.A. Being a hot day B. It was a hot dayC. Due to a hot day D. It being hot22. Which sentence is wrong?A. She said, What a lovely day it is! B.She said what a lovely day it was.C. She said that it was a lovely day. D. She sai

7、d what was a lovely day.23. The only language is easy to learn is the mother tongue.A. which B. whose C. that D. it24. was he able to work out the maths problem.A. Until the teacher explained it to him B. Not until did the teacher explain it to himC. Until did the teacher explain it to him D. Not un

8、til the teacher explained it to him25. used to be a church round the comer.A. Here B. There C. It D. It is26. I heard a sudden crash so I rushed out to see whether anybody I found that part of our fence down by a car.A. is injured; is knocked B. will be injured; will be knockedC. would be injured; w

9、as knocked D. was injured; was knocked27. The pianos in the other shop will be , but .3A. cheaper; not as better B. more cheaper; not as betterC. cheaper; not as good D. more cheap; not as good28. More than one speaker the affair.A. talk about B. mentionC. refer to D. speaks of29. -Do you enjoy musi

10、c?-Yes, and I think music is one way people can get to know .A. better each other B. each other betterC. of each other better D. better of each other30. Which stress of the following words is different?A. gratitude B. imitationC. handicraft D. literature三、完形填空题(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项

11、A、B 、C、D 中选出最佳答案,并将正确选项前的大写字母按题号填在答题纸上。四、阅读理解(每小题 3 分,共计 45 分)阅读下列 3 篇短文,选择最佳答案,并将正确选项前的大写字母填在答题纸上。(A)China Firm Shouldn t Hire ClintonA large Chinese garment firm has offered former US president Bill Clinton US $ 2 million to represent the company as its image ambassador (形象大使)When I came across th

12、is information in a newspaper, I was greatly amazed. It reminds me of another report not long ago, when a general election was underway in Israel, that some Ismelis suggested Clinton move to Israel to be their new prime minister! Fortunately that was just a talk. But the proposal of the Chinese garm

13、ent firm is not just talk; it has been put formally to Clinton himself.To offer US $ 2 million to a former president to be an image ambassador is unbelievable!Even Yuan Longping, an agronomist (农学家) who contributes 4greatly to agriculture in China,was given only 5 million yuan by the government.Firs

14、t, is it wise to spend so much money on advertising? No one can refuse to say the great function and influence of advertising But it goes too far. Wouldn t it be wiser to invest this sum to improve the quality of the companys products? Microsoft hasn t needn t Bill Clinton to be its image ambassador, while it does need Bill Gates to be its manager.Second, can the position of a company really be raised to a higher place by having one or two famous persons as image ambassador? As the saying goes, Borrowed Plumage (羽衣) never appears beautiful on one s own bod



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