报刊选读练习题 (2)

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1、Exercises for Selective Readings in English Print News MediaPart I Give the complete form for the Common abbreviations in the news. shortened form of .(10%) 1. ABC- American Broadcasting company 美国广播公司 2. BBC- British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司 3.APEC- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚洲和太平洋经济

2、合作组织 4.NATO -North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织 5.OPEC- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织 6. NPC- National Peoples Congress(中国)全国人民代表大会 7. GNP-Gross National Product 国民生产总值 8.GDP-Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 9.IOC-International Olympic Committee 国际奥(林匹克)委(员)会 10. UN

3、PKF-United Nations Peacekeeping Force 联合国维持和平部队11UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织12IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织13NASA=National Aeronautics Aeronautics And Space Administration 国家宇航局14DJI=Dow-Jones 道琼斯指数15SALT=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

4、限制战略武器会谈16NMD=National Missile Defence 国家导弹防御系统 Part Reading comprehension (40 %)Directions: In this section there are four passages. Read each passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question at the end of each passage.Passage One Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage

5、. My advice to Michelle Obama: learn to like the back seat You have to take your hat off to Michelle Obama. Like everyone else, I have watched how brilliantly she has handled herself in the media spotlight in the past few months and days. By the time of last weeks election, she had won over all but

6、the most partisan of critics. Her article in The Times showed how valuable her role had been in winning support for her husband. It also revealed her priority for the next four years. She is absolutely right to make her family central to all she will do. Its not only the most important role of any p

7、arent. It is also the best way of keeping her husband grounded and in touch with real life. But I know that there are hard adjustments ahead. For a start when your spouse is elected the leader of a country, the dynamic of your relationship is bound to change - even when the partnership has been one

8、of equals as has certainly been the case in the Obama marriage. You have to learn to take a back seat, not just in public but in private. When your spouse is late to put the kids to bed, or for dinner, or your plans for the weekend are turned upside-down again, you simply have to accept that he had

9、something more important to do. Not always easy when it happens several times in quick succession and I cant say I always bore this with equanimity. You have to try as well, where you can, to share the burden without interfering. You cant confuse being a sounding board with having influence over dec

10、isions. You always have to remember that it is not you who was elected. The power behind the throne is a line of attack political opponents are only too keen to deploy, as Hillary Clinton discovered. As a lawyer, I quickly found myself being compared to Hillary by sections of the media. There were s

11、uggestions that if Tony got to No 10, I would be pulling the strings and trying to move policy farther to the left. These fears turned out to be far from the truth. When Tony returned to the No 10 flat after a long day immersed in the detail of government policy, the last thing that he needed was a

12、further round of political discussion with me. He wanted to leave the job behind and relax, to spend time with the children and to talk with me about anything other than politics. Before the election, however, the Labour Partys response, which I entirely understood, was to ensure that the attacks co

13、uldnt stick. So I had the slightly surreal experience for a QC of finding myself talking to womens magazines about knitting and my favourite recipes. They are interests I genuinely have but not ones I had ever thought I would share with a wider audience. Early in the campaign, Michelle Obama, yet an

14、other lawyer, found herself shoe-horned into the same damaging stereotype. There was an attempt in some sections of the US media to portray her as another Hillary, angrier and more divisive than her husband. She even suffered the indignity of being labeled the “American Cherie” by the Daily Mail - a

15、bout as bad an insult as it can throw. She responded with intelligence and grace, softening her image and, in turn, helping to soften her husbands. She proved herself an accomplished performer on chat shows, poking gentle fun at her husband, which helped him to connect with the public. She has prove

16、d - like Sarah Brown over here - a tremendous asset on the campaign trail. Michelle Obama showed signs in her article of realizing where the boundaries must be drawn. But it is something of an irony that in these days of pushing for equality, those married to our political leaders have to put their own ambitions on hold while their spouses are in office, and keep their views to themselves, sometimes, as in my case,



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