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1、 (二二 一一 一一 年年 六六 月月本科毕业设计说明书本科毕业设计说明书题题 目目: LED 节节日日彩彩色色灯灯电电路路的的设设计计学学生生姓姓名名 : 学学 院院 : 系系 别别: 专专 业业: 班班 级级:指指导导教教师师 :*大学本科毕业设计说明书摘 要近年来 LED 技术的发展引起了国内外光源界的普遍关注,现已成为极具有发展前景和较高影响力的高新技术产品。与此同时,各种与 LED 相关的电子产品不断涌现在市场上。本文主要以 LED 节日彩色灯电路的设计为核心内容,在电阻电容等一些常见元器件的基础上,利用一些常见的芯片如 NE555、CD4017 等,制作出节日彩色灯电路。这些元件都

2、具有生产工艺简单、体积小、成本低等特点。全文共分 3章,分别介绍了 LED 基本理论知识、电路所用元器件以及 LED 彩色灯电路的组成和工作原理。其中,第一章主要叙述了 LED 的发展、优点、尚待解决的问题以及LED 的基本结构和工作原理。第二章对本设计所用元器件进行了相关介绍,为以后的设计做了铺垫。第三章给出了自己的设计方案,介绍了设计的整个过程,同时对其进行了分析。事实上,LED 节日彩色灯电路的制作原理十分简单,那就是利用二极管的单向导通特性,另外扩充其特性和应用可形成一些新型电子器件。LED 节日彩色灯电路主要可以实现的功能是:调节可变电阻器可以改变节日彩色灯的流动速度,同时也改变了我

3、们的视觉效应。关键词:关键词:LED;NE555 定时器;CD4017 十进制计数器*大学本科毕业设计说明书AbstractIn recent years, LED technology attracted widespread attention at home and abroad of lighting industry, and now it has become the most influential development of prospects and higher high-tech products. At the same time, various types of

4、electronic and LED-related products continue to emerge in the market. This paper mainly as LED festival lantern circuit design for the core content, on the basis of some common components such as resistors and capacitors, which also use some common chips such as the NE555, CD4017 and so on to produc

5、e a festival lantern circuit, these components have a simple production technology, small size and low cost. Paper is divided into three chapters, describing the basic theoretical knowledge of LED, the circuit components and LED circuit used in the composition and working principle. Among them, the

6、first chapter describes the development of LED, the advantages of LED outstanding issues and the basic structure and working principle. Chapter II introduction the components which were associated with the design, it does the upholstery for the future design. Chapter III gives my own design, introdu

7、ced the design of the whole process, and analyzed. In fact, the LED festival lights circuit production principle is very simple, it is use of a single wizard-pass characteristic of the diode, another single guide to extend the characteristics and application can form some new electronic component. L

8、ED holiday lights circuit which was designed can achieve the main functionality is regulating the resistance can change the flow rate of water lanterns; this also changed our visual effects.Keywords: LED; NE555 timer; CD4017 decimal counter*大学本科毕业设计说明书目 录引 言.1第一章 LED 知识简介.21.1 LED 的发展.21.2 LED 的优点.2

9、1.3 LED 尚待解决的问题.31.4 LED 的基本结构及发光原理.31.4.1 LED 的基本结构.41.4.2 LED 的发光原理.5第二章 芯片及元件介绍.62.1 NE555 时基集成电路及功能介绍 .62.1.1 NE555 时基电路工作原理 .62.1.2 NE555 应用 .72.2 CD4017 计数器.82.2.1 CD4017 基本原理 .82.2.2 CD4017 应用 .92.3 电阻和电容的分类及使用.92.3.1 电阻的分类和使用.92.3.2 电容的分类和使用.10第三章 LED 彩色灯电路的组成和基本工作原理.123.1 彩色灯电路的组成.123.2 彩色灯电路制作过程.123.3 彩色灯电路的原理.133.3.1 电源电路.133.3.2 振荡电路.



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