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1、OrinocoflowKingston TownNew York, New York (or An Englishman in New YorkBelfast ChildThe Lebanon Ferry Cross the Mersey墨西河BarcelonaStreets of PhiladelphiaOh CarolinaGoing Loco Down in AcapulcoLondon Calling一Enya 一UB40 一Frank Sinatra一Sting)一Simple Minds一Human League一Gerry and the Pacemakers 一Montserr

2、at Caballe and Freddie Mere一Bruce Springstein一Shaggy 一The Four Tops一The Clash关于地方的歌曲Yearning for the LakesI weary for the fountain foaming,For shady holm and hill,My mind is on the mountain roamingMy spirits voice is still.I weary for the woodland brookThat wanders through the vale,I weary for the h

3、eights that lookAdown upon the vale.The crags are lone on ConistonAnd Glaramaras dell,And dreary on the mighty oneThe cloud enwreathed Sca-fell.Oh, what although the crags are sternTheir mighty peaks that sever,Fresh flies the breeze on mountain fernAnd free on mountain heather.I long to tread the m

4、ountain headAbove the valley swelling,I long to feel the breezes spedFrom grey and gaunt Helvellyn.There is a thrill of strange delightThat passes quivering oer meWhen blue hills rise upon the sightLike summer clouds before me.John Ruskin向往湖泊向往湖泊我厌倦了泉水吐出的泡沫以及阴暗的沙洲和丘陵我只想漫步于大山我的灵魂坚定地召唤着我我厌倦了漫游在在森林溪谷也厌

5、倦了那足以俯瞰溪谷的高度峭壁孤独地耸立在尼斯顿湖旁?And ?And Glaramaras dell,在巨大的湖旁独自沉闷着云盘绕在急速下跌的瀑布上方啊,尽管峭壁艰险无比清新胡风吹拂着山上的蕨草和石南我渴望踏上山顶踏在涨水的山谷之上我渴望感受到那清风快速地吹过灰暗的、荒凉的赫尔维林峰(位于英格兰湖区)当蓝色的小山象夏天的云一样浮现在我的视线的时候,一阵难以言表的欣喜传遍我了的全身ORINOCO FLOW Let me sail, let me sail, let the Orinoco flow, 让我远航,让我远航,让 Orinoco 河水(位于委内瑞拉)流淌。 Let me reach,

6、let me beach on the shores of Tripoli. 让我触及,让我停泊在 Tripoli 海岸(利比亚的首都和最大港口) 。 Let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon your shore, 让我远航,让我远航,让我倒下,躺在你的岸上。 Let me reach, let me beach far beyond the Yellow Sea. 让我触及,让我远远地停泊在黄海上。 From Bissau to Palau - in the shade of Avalon, 从 Bissau(位于几比亚)到 Palau(一个美

7、丽的群岛)- 在 Avalon(西方传说中的极乐花园) 的笼罩下。 From Fiji to Tiree and the Isles of Ebony, 从 Fiji(群岛,有美丽的沙滩)到 Tiree(苏格兰偏远的一个荒岛) , 还有 Ebony 小岛。 From Peru to Cebu hear the power of Babylon, 从秘鲁到 Cebu(位于菲律宾) ,去聆听巴比伦的声与力。 From Bali to Cali - far beneath the Coral Sea. 从巴厘岛到 Cali(位于哥伦比亚)- 去沉溺在珊瑚海中。 From the North to t

8、he South, Ebudae into Khartoum, 从北到南,从 Ebudae 直入 Khartoum(苏丹共和国首都) 。 From the deep sea of Clouds to the island of the moon, 从乌云的深海到月亮上的岛屿。 Carry me on the waves to the lands Ive never been,让我承载着波浪去我从未到过的土地。 Carry me on the waves to the lands Ive never seen. 让我承载着波浪去我从未见过的土地。We can sail, we can sail.

9、 我们可以远航 We can steer, we can near with Rob Dickins at the wheel, 我们掌舵,我们可以用轮子与 Rob Dickins 更为接近。We can sigh, say goodbye Ross and his dependencies 我们感叹,我们向 Ross 和他的属地作别。 We can sail, we can sail. sail away 我们可以远航,到去不了的地方kingston townthe night seems to fade,夜色渐渐退去But the moonlight lingers on、但是月光仍旧在徘

10、徊There are wonders for everyone对每个人来说都有奇迹The stars shine so bright,星星的光芒很明亮,But theyre fading after dawn但是黎明之后它们就将衰落There is magic in kingston town金斯敦镇是有魔力的Oh kingston town, 啊!金斯顿镇The place i long to be这个我渴望去的地方If i had the whole world如果我拥有整个世界I would give it away我都将放弃Just to see, the girls at play看

11、看那些戏里德女孩们Ooh, ooh, ooh And when i am king,如果我是国王Surely i would need a queen那我自然需要一个王后And a palace and everything, yeah还有宫殿,还有所有的东西And now i am king,现在,我已经是国王了And my queen will come at dawn我的王后将在黎明到来Shell be waiting in kingston town她将会在金斯顿镇等待Oh kingston town,哦,金斯顿镇The place i long to be这个我渴望去得地方If i

12、had the whole world就算我拥有整个世界I would give it away我也将放弃Just to see, the girls at play看看,那些玩耍中的女孩Ooh, ooh, ooh And when i am king,当我是国王的时候Surely i would need a queen我自然需要一个王后And a palace and everything, yeah还有宫殿,还有一切And now i am king,现在,我已经是国王了And my queen will come at dawn我的王后将在黎明后到达Shell be waiting i

13、n kingston town她将会在金斯顿镇等待Shell be waiting in kingston town她将会在金斯顿镇等待Shell be waiting in kingston town她将会在金斯顿镇等待New York, New YorkThis is the finish my friend, this is the end. 这是终点,我的朋友,its a revolution, its a civillian revenge. 这是结束 这是一场革命,它是一个平民在报复 Theres no need to move, or adjust your television

14、. 没有必要离开,也没有必要看你的电视。 Whenever an era dies, another era begins. 每当一个时代逝去,另一个时代便开始它的 脚步。 These American fights, these American wars. 这些美国的争吵,这些美国的战争。 These American stripes, these American stars. 这些美国的条纹,这些美国的星星。 but these American cages have American bars. 这些美国的牢笼带着美国的栅栏。 We hungered for truth so we

15、headed for yall. 我们渴望知道真相,我们朝着你们走去。 Towers are crumblin, bridges are fallin. 高楼崩毁,桥梁坠落。 limits are fadin, the normal is borin. 限制在崩溃,秩序在建立。 Looking at time move progressively forward; 看哪!时间在向前走去 Looking at days just vanish before me 岁月在我面前消逝 You wanted a benz, but you couldnt afford it. 你想要一辆奔驰,但你却穷

16、到买不起 Now you were killed to put your foot in the (toilet.) 现在你被谋杀,你的脚落在厕所里 Its a different of madness, and never look backwards.。 这是一个全然不同的疯狂,决不后 退! But this is a crisis, prepare for disater. 准备灾难的降临,这是一场危机 Start spreading the news, 开始传达消息, Im leaving today, 我今天就要离去, I want to be a part of it, 我想成为它的一部分,



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