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1、英译汉教程练习参考答案Key to the Exercises (for reference only)Keys to the exercises for the first semester 1 They considered that such work is of particular relevance in helping developing countries, in particular governments and SMEs, to better understand and participate in processes under way in other inter

2、governmental organizations dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications, in particular the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization.1) Analysis of the original: A) Grammatical analysis: The selection consists of a single sentence, consisting of a main claus

3、e and an object clause. Additionally, in the sentence, in particular governments and SMEs is embedded as a parenthesis. In the object clause, better understand and participate in processes could be understood as better understand the processes and better participate in them. Then the word processes

4、is modified by both under way and in other intergovernmental organizations. It can be understood that the processes are dealing with or preferably, other intergovernmental organizations are dealing with . However, the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization is in appositi

5、on to other intergovernmental organizations. B) Stylistic analysis: Stylistically speaking, the selection consists of a periodic sentence for the embedding of a parenthesis. In terms of structure, the sentence is rather formal and complicated in that it is grammatically complete and every grammatica

6、l unit is formally connected with every relevant others. The complication mainly lies in the gerundial phrase helping, which takes an object and an object complement, consisting of two coordinate verb phrases and the word processes is followed by two attributes, as revealed in the grammatical analys

7、is. And the content in the prepositional phrase in particular is used to specify or exemplify the content in another prepositional phrase in other intergovernmental organizations. In the selection, parallel structures could be easily identified, for example, governments and SMEs; to better understan

8、d and participate; telecommunications and their trade applications; the International Telecommuni- cations Union and World Trade Organization; in other intergovernmental organizations dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications, and in particular the International Telecommunications

9、 Union and World Trade Organization. In terms of lexical cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: particular, organization, telecommunications, and others are repeatedly used; government is used as a partial repetition for intergovernmental, though of different categories. In the selecti

10、on, formal words, including nominalizations, are frequently used, for example, consider, particular, relevance, developing, country, government, understand, participate, telecommunications, and many others.2) Staged translation: A) Translation 1:他们认为,这样的工作在帮助发展中国家,尤其在帮助政府和中小企业,关系甚为密 切,以更好地理解并参与到正在进行

11、的过程中去,参与到其他政府间的组织中去,应付通 讯和电讯的贸易应用,尤其在国际电讯联盟和世界贸易组织中。 Comments:The translation, produced by following the original strictly, has missed some important relations concerned with the fact that the International Telecommunications Union and World Trade Organization is among other intergovernmental organi

12、zations, which, including ITUWTO, or the processes are dealing with telecommunications and their trade applications, as revealed in the grammatical analysis. B) Translation 2: 他们认为,这种工作对帮助发展中国家,尤其对帮助政府和中小企业,关系尤为密切, 以便它们更好地理解并参与到其他政府间的组织正在着手进行的电讯及其在贸易中的应用 的进程中去,特别要参与到国际电讯联盟和世贸组织中的活动中去。 Comments: With

13、 the wordings reorganized, the present translation has caught the important relations as discussed above. However, 活动 in the last line remains incongruous in the context.C) Translation 3: 他们认为,此项工作对帮助发展中国家关系重大,尤其对政府和中下企业。其他政府 间的组织,尤其是世界电讯联盟和世贸组织,正在研究电讯和电讯在贸易中的应用,让他 们了解这些进程,参与到这些进程中去,尤为重要。 Comments:

14、The present translation is reorganized again, and to a large extent, irrespective of the original structures. Consequently, it sounds more logic, coherent, authentic and readable either locally or taking the text as a whole. This example shows that English textualization much depends on grammatical

15、patterning while Chinese textualization much depends on logic sequencing.2 The meeting considered that the recommendations made by the United Nations International Symposium on Trade Efficiency in the sector of telecommunications remain a valid basis for the continuation of intergovernmental activit

16、ies in the area of the telecommunications, business facilitation and trade efficiency. The experts underlined that UNCTAD should pursue its work in this area by complementing UNISTE recommendations through the consideration of a number of recent trends and events, which have been and will continue to be of critical importance for the competitiveness of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in the years to come.1) Analysis of



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