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1、1语法重点突破分词 考研英语语法的考研英语语法的“拐点拐点”现在分词和过去分词现在分词和过去分词一、作定语一、作定语 分词短语作从句,相当于从句。换句话说,分词短语可以被看做从句“简化”而来的。分词短语(作后置定语)(定语)从句Do you know the boy standing at the door? Do you know the boy who is standing at the door? A developing country needs aids. A country that/which is developing needs aids.They lived in a

2、house facing the south They lived in a house that faced the south.The man wearing a red tie is our head. The man who wears a red tie is our head.现 在 分 词 短 语The workers working in the factory are well-paid. The workers who are working in the factory are well-paid.The window broken yesterday was repai

3、red this morningThe window that/which was broken yesterday was repaired this morningThe hamburgers sold in this chain are not to my taste.The hamburgers that/which are sold in this chain are not to my taste.The shoes made in a small factory are of bad quality.The shoes that were made in a small fact

4、ory are of bad quality.过 去 分 词 短 语The tie worn by our head is made in Shanghai.The tie that is worn by our head is made in Shanghai. 二、作状语二、作状语 1、分词短语作状语,实际把状语从句简化。 简化的条件:分词短语的逻辑主语一定要与主句的主语保持一致。分词短语(状语)从句Reading the book, he nodded from time to time.While he was reading the book, he nodded from time

5、 to time.现 在 分 词 短 语Being shy, he didnt come to the party.Because he was shy, he didnt come to the party.过 去 分 词 短 语Written in simple English, the book is easy to read.As the book is written in simple English, the book is easy to read.22 2、分词作状语时可分为以下几种形式:(务必掌握)、分词作状语时可分为以下几种形式:(务必掌握) * * doingdoing

6、 : 用来表示主动,且前后动作同时进行。用来表示主动,且前后动作同时进行。ReturningReturning homehome later,later, mymy friendfriend learnedlearned thatthat thethe policepolice hadhad beenbeen toto thethe flat.flat. * * havinghaving done:done: 用来表示主动用来表示主动, ,且动作发生在主句之前。且动作发生在主句之前。HavingHaving seenseen thethe filmfilm before,before, I I

7、 decideddecided notnot toto seesee itit again.again. * * beingbeing done:done: 用来表示被动用来表示被动, ,且前后动作同时进行。且前后动作同时进行。BeingBeing questionedquestioned byby thethe police,police, hehe feltfelt frightened.frightened. * * done:done: 用来表示被动且完成用来表示被动且完成DestroyedDestroyed inin thethe storm,storm, thethe househ

8、ouse willwill bebe rebuilt.rebuilt. * * havinghaving beenbeen done:done: 用来表示被动,而且强调动作持续用来表示被动,而且强调动作持续 一段时间或次数。一段时间或次数。HavingHaving beenbeen defeateddefeated threethree times,times, hehe hadhad toto givegive up.up. * * 否定形式:否定形式: not/not/ nevernever + + 分词结构分词结构NotNot studyingstudying hard,hard, he

9、he didntdidnt passpass thethe test.test. NeverNever havinghaving takentaken a a planeplane before,before, hehe waswas nervous.nervous.3、分词作状语如果前后主语一致可简化时间、条件、原因、结果和伴随等状语从句。(条件)If you work harder, you will do better in the exam next time. - Working hard, you will do better in the exam next time. (时间)

10、After I did my homework, I went back home. -Having done my homework, I went back home. (伴随)He hurried to the station and hoped to catch the last train. - He hurried to the station, hoping to catch the last train.。 (原因)Because my friend was frightened of losing his job, he said nothing to the police.

11、 -Frightened of losing his job, my friend said nothing to the police. (结果) His parents were killed in the SARS epidemic and left him an orphan. - His parents were killed in the SARS epidemic, leaving him an orphan. 注意: 分词不做目的状语,只有动词不定式可以。To get high marks in the mid-exam, he cheated. To be listed on

12、 the top of 500 largest enterprises in the world, a company should meet the following requirements. Not to forget the key points, he wrote them down.Exercises: 1. The plane crashed and killed 120 lives. -The plane crashed, killing120 lives.32. I suffered a headache yesterday, so I wasnt in a good mo

13、od. -Suffering from a headache yesterday, I wasnt in a good mood. 3. When I saw them, I went down to meet them. -Seeing them, I went down to meet them. 4. Because he has lived in Beijing for many years, he knows the city very well. -Having lived in Beijing for many years, he knows the city very well

14、. 5. Because it is recorded on the tape, the dictionary is available to the blind. Recorded on the tape, the dictionary is available to the blind. 6. As I was troubled by my conscience, I wrote a letter to the teacher counselor. - Troubled by my conscience, I wrote a letter to the teacher counselor.

15、 7. When you are being spoken to, you should look at the other. -Being spoken to, you should look at the other. 8. After Miss Zhong explained the text, it became clearer to us. -Explained by Miss Zhong , the text became clearer to us.4. 注意过去分词作状语的用法: 一般认为, 无论在从句中的动词是被动语态还是过去分词作形容词, 都直接用过去分 词。As he i

16、s tired, he wants to sit down and relax. -Tired, he wants to sit down and relax. As he is born and brought up in a big city, he knows nothing about farming. -Born and brought up in a big city, he knows nothing about farming. He came in to the room and he was very excited. -He came in, excited. As he was filled with confidence, he le



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