新概念一考试卷 三

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《新概念一考试卷 三 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新概念一考试卷 三 (6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1新概念一新概念一 考试卷(三)考试卷(三)Date:_ Name:_ Marks:_一一. 写出下面的单词。写出下面的单词。 (110) 1. mi_d_ (温暖的,温和的) 2. inter_st_ _ _ (有趣的,有意思的) 3. en_el_pe (信封) 4. hea_a_ _ _ (头痛) 5. ma_c_(火柴) 6. br_ _ _(打破) 7. no_ _ _(喧闹声) 8. _ _y(钥匙) 9.ha_ _ e_(锤子) 10. pho_t_gr_ _ _ (照片) 二选词填空。二选词填空。 (114) behind in front of in on along acr

2、oss over under out of into near 1. Can you stand _the door? Then I can see you. 2. Tims _ the garden, but you cant see him. Hes _the tree. 3. There are some cups _the shelves _the kitchen. 4. Bob is swimming _the river. His friend is walking _the bank. 5. Wheres my newspaper?-Its _the small table_th

3、e television. 6. Wheres the tea ?-Its over there, _the teapot.Can you see it now? 7. They are running _school. They arent going _the building. 8. The men are standing_the bridge. They arent walking _it. 三三.写出下面的数字。写出下面的数字。 (16) 1.75_ 2. 97_ 3. 101_ 4. 81_ 5. fifteen_ 6. nineteen_ 四写出下面单词的反义词。四写出下面单词

4、的反义词。 (15) 1.rise _ 2.night _ 3.esat_ 4.over_ 5.late_ 五按照括号中的要求,根据给与单词写出新单词。五按照括号中的要求,根据给与单词写出新单词。 (15) 1.son_(同音异义词) 2.hero_(复数) 3._(也,用在 否定句中) 4.China_(中国人) 5.see _(现在分词) 六用六用 a ,some,或,或 any 填空。填空。 (110) 1I have _new car. 2. There are _clouds in the sky. 3. There is _milk in the bottle. 4. Is the

5、re _chocolate on the shelf? 5. There is _bar of chocolate on the table. 6.I want _loaf of bread , please. 7.Do you want _bread? 8.No, I dont want _bread. 9. I want _tea. 10.I want _biscuits, too. 七选择题(七选择题(110) 1._is the climate like in your country? A. What B. How C.Where D.Why 2. Do you want any b

6、eef or lamb? _.2A. I do not like beef. B. Beef, please. C. Yes, please. D.No, thanks. 3. The Sawyers _ _ 87 King Street. A. live in B. live at C. lives in D. live on 4.These apples are very nice! Do you want _? A.one B.an apple C. one apple D ones 5. I like _science story, since I am very young, but

7、 now I like _romantic story A. reading to read B. to read reading C. to read to read D. reading reading 6.I want _the book. A. to go through B. go through C. going through D. reading 7. Its often wet _March but it rains sometimes. A.at B. in C. on D.from 8. Whats the time? _. A.Its Monday. B.Its eig

8、ht oclock. C.Its 1st January. D.Its windy.9. Would you like _tea? A. any B.much C.some D. many 10.How often do you go to school? I go to school _Monday _Friday. A. in in B. from to C. on on D. at at 八判断对错。八判断对错。 (15) My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my fat

9、her and mothers room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, its my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall. ( )1. This is Lilys house. ( )2. There are four

10、rooms in the house. ( )3. There are three pictures in Lilys room. ( )4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mothers room. ( )5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mothers room. 九连线题。九连线题。(15)Whats her job? A. She is a nurse.What nationality are you ? B. How do you do?How do you do?

11、 C.I am from China.What make is it? D. Its Volvo.Whose is this red case? E. Its my red case.十根据文章内容,填空。十根据文章内容,填空。 (15)3Mary and Kate are sister. They just had a physical examination(体检)。These are some of the results.MaryKateAge1210Height130cm110cmWeight( 体重)40kg30kgHairlong, blackshort , brownEyesb

12、lueblueThey are healthy.1. _ is Kates sister.2. Kate is _ than Mary.3. Mary has _ and brown hair.4. Mary is _ than Kate.5. Their eyes _are same.十一十一.阅读理解。(阅读理解。(25)Passage 1 选择填空。选择填空。(15)Dear Peter,Thank you for your letter and some wonderful stamps. I like them very much. I also collect stamps. Im

13、 sending some Monkey King stamps to you. I thing youll like them.Now Im going to answer some of your questions. You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter. Its quite cold and it often snows in winter. After snowing the ground is white. And I can skate on ice. Its very interesting to skate. I like winter best.4You ask me when is the best time to come to China. I think the best time to come to China is in s


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