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1、情态动词情态动词 提高练习 1- Shall I tell John about it? - No, you _. I”ve told him already. A. neednt B. wouldn”t C. mustnt D. shouldnt 2. - There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well. - It _ a comfortable journey. A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt hav

2、e been 3. - Why didn”t you come to see me?- I_, but I was too busy yesterday.A. like to B. should like to C. would like to have D. am going to 4. You c”t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. A.might B. need C. should D. would 5. There was plenty of time; she _. A. mustnt hav

3、e hurried B. neednt have hurried C. may not have hurried D. woun”t have hurried 6. - Is John coming by air?- He should, but _ not. He likes taking trains. A. must B. can C. need D. may 7. - _ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?- No. It _be Wang Hai who did it. A. Could; may B. Can; can C. May; must D

4、. Can; must 8. When the old man was alive, he _ sit for hours at the door.A. would B. could C. must D.might 9. Jack, you _ play with the knife; you _ hurt yourself.A. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant; should 10. I”ve decided to take the job and I _ change my mind. A. mustnt B. can

5、t C. wont D. may not 11. She _ into the thick forest alone on such a dark night.A. dares not go B. dares not to go C. dare not to go D. doesnt dare to go 12. My parents never remember my telephone number, and they always _ look it up. A. must B. can C. should D. have to 13. - Where is Jack? I c”t fi

6、nd him anywhere.- He _ his homework upstairs. A. might have done B. must have done C. might be doing D. must do 14. He _ you more help, even though he was very busy. A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give 15. -If he _, he _ that food.- Luckily he was sent to the hospital imm

7、ediately. A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warn; had not taken 16. - I hear youve got a set of valuable Australian coins. _I have a look ? - Yes, certainly. A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should 17 When can I come f

8、or the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon. They be ready by 12:00. A. can B. should C. might D. need 18. I_ such a mistake again. A. will never make B. shall never make C. can never do D. need never do 19. He began to write two hours ago. He _ have finished the article now. A. must B. ought C. w

9、ould D. had to 20. Looking at my determined face, the big boy _ pick up the fight. A. des not s not B. dare not C. doe”t dare t dare D. dares not to 21 You know that you were driving 100 km an hour, don”t you? No officer, I _. This car doesn”t do more than 80. A. may not have been B. couldnt have be

10、en C. mustnt have been D. shouldnt have been 22. I think he could have joined us, but he _ A. doesnt B. did C. didnt D. couldnt23. Why _ it rain now? I _ go to the concert at 7. What a pity! A. can, might not B. should, neednt C. must, cant D. need, mustnt 24. He was caught in the rain last night. T

11、hat _ his cold. A. can bring about B. ought to bring about C. should have brought about D. may have brought about 25 Did you visit the famous museum? No, we _, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could have visited B. must have visited C. cant have visited D. shouldnt have visited 26. You must p

12、hone us every week. Yes, I _. A. must B. have to C. will D. should 27. D”t throw the bottles away. They _ in the future. A. may need B. are needed C. can be needing D. might be needed 28. English is a language that many people around the world _ not speak perfectly but _ at least understand. A. may,

13、 can B. would, might C. will, must D. could, might 29 I wonder why Mr. Wang didn”t attend the lecture. He _ another one. A. could have B. must have C. might have had D. should have had 30. He was taken away by the police. He _ for a robber. A. must be mistaken B. was being mistaken C. must mistake D

14、. must have beemistaken 31. I wonder if I _ smoke here. No, you _. Could you see the sign “No Smoking“ there? A. can, neednt B. shall, wont C. must, cant D. may, mustnt 32. I havent seen Mr. White for weeks. What _ to him? A. must have happened B. may he happened C. can have happened D. may happen 33 I didn”t go to work yesterday afternoon because my car broke down. You _ mine. I wasn”t u


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