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1、句子翻译1. 这样的广告对小孩们是很有吸引力的。Signs like that have a way of attracting small children.2. 我现在付 2.75 美元,以后每月付 50 美分,直到付清为止。I will give you 2.75 now,and 50 cents a month until I have him paid for.3. 店主劝说道:“你何必买这只小狗呢?它又不能像其它小狗一样陪你跳,陪你玩。The store owner countered, “You really dont want to buy this little dog.He

2、 is never going to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies.”4. 近几十年来金融世界发生了巨大的变化。The financial world has changed enormously in the last couple of decades.5. 总而言之,你无法通过自己调查行情来省钱。In short,you couldnt save money by inverstigating on your own.6. 制定财政规划的过程充满艰难的抉择。Making a financial plan is

3、full of tough choices.7. 不要因为觉得引文财政规划太复杂而去寻求专家帮助,制定财政计划不是什么尖端科学.Dont use a professional just because you think financial planning is complicated.It is not rocket science.8. 成功对于不同的人有不同的含义。Success means different things to different people.9. 对于许多中国的年轻人,周末已经不再只是消磨在家看看电视或打打牌了.For many young chinese,th

4、e weekend is no longer a question of spending the evening hours at home, watching televition,and sometimes play cards.10.刘露的生活方式可能在当今中国二十多岁的年轻人中算不上典型,不过她又确实代表了年轻人的一种日益风行的趋势。Liu may not be typical of the vast majority of chinas twenty something. But she does really represent a growing trend among the

5、 countrys young.11.年轻的服务生们忙碌地穿梭着,手臂里抱着的全是啤酒。Young waiters and waitresses shuttle back and forth with armfuls of beer. 12.于是我们要么在沙滩的躺椅上或是吊床上度过慵懒而悠长的一天天假期,要么彻夜不归,喝着朗姆酒,品着美妙适口的马提尼,或干脆是无忌惮地吃着甜点。We spend long, lazy days on a beach chair or in a hammock and socialize the night away with rum drinks, fancy martinis, and indulgent desserts.13.这样的活动不仅对你的身体健康有好处,而且对你的心理健康也大有益处。These kinds of activities are not just good for your physical health.they impove your mental health.14.但是无论风景如何美丽,美好而难忘的假期不可能在车座上实现。But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great vocations dont happen in a car seats.



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