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1、An Analysis on the Character of The Adventures of Tom SawyerAbstractMark Twain (1835-1910), who was regarded as the greatest humorist in the 19th century. His works of realism was the landmark of the American literary history. Mark Twain was born at the riverside of Mississippi. His life experience

2、filled with changes, as he used to be apprentice, typesetter, sailor, and soldier. In 1863, he began to write with the pen name Mark Twain. His colorful life experience helped him a lot, since they were the best sources of his creation. He successfully employs local color and historical settings to

3、illustrate and shed light on the contemporary society.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was finished in year 1876 when the United States ended the Civil War. The novel satirizes the foolish religion and condemned the sin of slavery by describing white kids with a fugitive slave lived in a vagabonds life

4、in the Mississippi river,and propagandizes the idea that everyone enjoys the rights of freedom regardless of race.In the novel of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain described a boy who named Tom Sawyer. He is a naughty boy, soon become one of the well-known characters through American literary

5、 history.Tom Sawyer who has the characteristics of children in general.This paper dedicates to analyze Tom Sawyers character in three aspects, namely, innocence and romance, wit and leadership, and rebellion and heroism. The reason why people worship Tom Sawyer from generation to generation is that

6、peoples dream for freedom never die easily.Key words: Tom Sawyer romance character adventurous spirit freedom1.Tom Sawyers Innocence and RomanceLike any other children, Tom Sawyer is innocent and carefree. He owns a pure and nave inner world. Mark Twain puts emphasize on describing his personalities

7、 as an innocent boy who is quite fond of play. In the novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Toms innocence is perfectly described together with his romantic nature.1.1 Tom Sawyers InnocenceThe world in childrens eyes is pure and simple. They always explain the things happened around 1them with their

8、innocent mind, and they think with their unique simplicity. In this novel, Mark Twain has skillfully shaped Tom Sawyer as a standard bad boy, one who owns the traits that can be seen in the other average kids. Whatever situation Tom meets, he can successfully solve them by certain means.Generally, c

9、hildren indulge themselves in playing games, which is true for both boys and girls. In their opinion, there is nothing in the world that is more attractive and exciting than being allowed to play as long as they possibly can. Tom Sawyer owns various kinds of toys, and he takes much pride in showing

10、his wealth in front of his pals. He prepares for exchange whenever he finds there is something better than he has on hand. One Saturday morning, “Tom appeared on the side walk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.” 2 Aunt Polly orders Tom to whitewash the board fence which stretches f

11、or almost thirty yards. This is a hard punishment for Toms naughty behavior happened the day before. Thinking it is nearly impossible for him to finish the task; he believes that there should have some shortcuts. Tom always has measures to deal with any kinds of difficulty. He signs to Jim, a little

12、 slave, when Tom saw him with a tin pail. Jim knows Tom is going to bring water from the town pump, which has always been hateful work in Toms eyes before. But this time, he would like to try by asking Jim to make a deal. He says “Say, Jim, Ill fetch the water if youll whitewash some.” 3 But Jim ref

13、uses Toms proposal, as Aunt Poly has already told him to do his own job and leave Tom away. Tom fails in this exchange after he tried to persuade Jim again and again. Then he begins to tempt Jim with his toy which would be a big lure to Jim. He tells Jim his bargaining chip is a white alley, besides

14、, he will show Jim his sore toe, which is truly a powerful attraction for Jim. The business is done, only if Aunt Polly does not notice. “In another moment he was flying down the street with his pail and a tingling rear, Tom was whitewashing with vigor, and Aunt Polly was retiring from the field wit

15、h a slipper in her hand and triumph in her eye.” 4 Toms reaction against Aunt Pollys punishment perfectly shows his innocence and loveliness. Mark Twain describes the childrens innocent and pure inner world from the adults viewpoint, and makes us recall our childhood where no hypocriteexists. In thi

16、s novel, Tom Sawyers ability of making himself happy is impressive. His toys can be anything, such as tooth, stone, frog, and even a tick. In a sleepy noon, the air is dead, and no wind outside. Tom feels dreary, then his hands search for a box in his pocket, he opens the box, there is a tick inside. Tom sets the tick free, and the tick begins to move around the desk. Toms bosom friend, Joe and he then draws a line in the middle of the desk, which means they wil



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