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1、一五种简单句结构一五种简单句结构1. They arrived S + V. (主 谓) 主 谓(vi) (不及物动词 vi) eg : I am eating 2. I like English. S + V + O (主+谓+宾)主 谓(vt.) 宾 (及物动词 vt)eg : He plays football主 谓 宾 3. I am happy S + V + P (主+系+表)主 系 表eg.They look young系动词: be : am is are was were变化: become get turn感觉: look smell taste feel sound ke

2、ep 4 . He give me a book S + V + IO + DO主 谓 间接宾语 直接宾语give sb sth / sth to sb teach /write/show/pass/ callbuy sb sth/sth for sbeg: My mother buys me a book主 谓 间宾 直宾 5. My teacher makes us laugh S + V + O + OC主 谓 宾 宾补make sb /do+adj/keep / letI hear birds singing主 谓 宾 宾补hear sb do /doing see /findeg :

3、 I tell them to woke hard主 谓 宾 宾补tell sb to do /not to do want/wish/help/ask/order6. stop to do / doing 停下来去做某事/停止做某事Forget to do / doing sth. 忘记去做某事/忘记做某事Remember to do /doing sth. 记得去做某事/记得做了某事Like to do/ doing 偶然喜欢/习惯性的喜欢 7. 只能接 doing 的句子 mind / enjoy / practice/ finish/ keep / avoid doing 二名词二名词

4、普通名词可数(单数/复数)/不可数 如: rice / milk / water / air / tea (放在容器中) 1.名词的复数: a bag two bags 一般的加 s 末尾有 s , x , ch , sh 的加 es family变 y 为 i 加 es wife末尾是 fe 变 fe 为 ves manmen womanwomen footfeet childchilden toothteath单复数同形:Chinese Japanese sheep deer (鹿) 集合名词:people police class 等2.不可数名词的表达:a cup of teaa gl

5、ass of milka piece of bread a bag of rice 3.名词所有格 名词所有格: 单数名词后加s 如 lilys pen Janes name以 s 结尾的复数名词直接加s 如 girls books students school特殊: As and Bs (分开的) A and Bs(共有的)三代词三代词一人称代词主格I weyouyouheshe itthey宾格meusyouyouhimheritthem形容词性物主代词myouryouryourhisheritstheir名词性物主代词mineoursyoursyourshishersitstheirs

6、反身代词 myself ourselves Yourself himself herself Itself themselves 二不定代词 Some 用于肯定句,既可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数; any 用于一般疑问句或否定句。 Any 在肯定句中表示任何,any of us 任何一个 Both 表示两者都 neither(两者中没有任何一个) either 两者中其中一个 None 表示三者以上的不,对它提问用(how many) nobody 对它提问 who Many/ much=a lot of ,plenty of A little little (不可数) a few few (

7、可数) A little ,a few 表示“有 ” little few 表“没有” Each / every(每一个) each=either Each(两者或两者以上的每一个 强调个体) Every (三者或三者以上的每一个 强调整体) Each of us has a book.= We each have a book.四介词四介词1. 介词有:On, in, at ,with ,without ,to, for, under ,of ,before, by ,through, after ,from ,about ,belind (后面) beside(旁边)=next to, s

8、ince, Besides(除了还) 如:On the desk ,on the left(左) on the right(右) 介词 主要用于固定搭配 at 具体时刻 at 3oclock . in 季节,月份,年,.in spring/ in March, in 1998 On 具体某一天 on May 1st./ on a cold morning/ on the afternoon of July 2nd. in two days, after two days 都表示两天之后 In 用于将来时,对其提问用 how soon 而 after 则用于过去时,对其提问用 when on/

9、over/ above 表示在上方,below/ under 表示在下方 on 表示相互接触的上方,Over 表示垂直上方 above 表上方但不垂直 below 表斜下方 ,under 垂直下方 arrive in/ at 表示到达,in 表大地方 arrive in Chongqing; at 表小地方 arrive at school 5.over/ through/ across 表示穿过 through 内部穿越 across 平面穿过 over 表示翻山越龄的穿 结婚 marry sb / be married to sb 3:10 three ten 半小时前用 past ten

10、 past three 3:40 three forty 半小时后 to twenty to four五形容词、副词五形容词、副词形容词如: nice, beautiful, new ,big A nice bag 做定语A is young 做表语 A is younger than B A is the youngest of all 副词如: slowly,quickly, healthily A works slowly B walks more slowly than A C walks most slowly of all 不规则形容词,副词比较级最高级earlyearlierea

11、rliest many muchmoremost goodbetterbest bad/badlyworseworst farfartherfarthest oldolderoldest old elder eldest littlelessleast 形容词,副词的考点 1. 最高级转换成比较级 She is the tallest of all She is taller than any other student / the other students 2. 修饰比较级可用 much, a little, even,a lot 等A is much / a little /even

12、/ a lot fatter than B 3. 同样的事物在不同的地方用that(单数)those(复数) The weather in Chongqing is hotter than that in Beijing. 4. as as / not as /so . as 与.一样 /与 不一样A is as tall as B. A isnt as (so) tall as B. A is one fifth as tall as B. 5. the + 比较级 of two, 表示两者中较一个He is the taller of two. 他是两者中较高的一个。 6比较级+ 比较级

13、越来越 older and older /younger and younger (适用于单音节的形容词) 越来越:more and more beautiful / more and more interesting (适用于多音节的形容词) 7. The +比较级, the +比较级 表示越, 越The more you eat , the fatter you are .The harder you work, the better you are. 六反意疑问句六反意疑问句- He is a student, isnt he?= He isnt a student, is he ? (

14、前面肯定,后面否定) - Yes, he is. No. he isnt.(根据事实本身进行回答) I am.开头的句子,后面用 arent I 。如: I am a student, arent I . 句中出现否定意义的词如:no、nothing、little few、seldom、never、 nobody、nothing.看 作否定句。He has nothing to do, does he. 句中出现否定前缀 : un、dis、im,看作是肯定句。如:eg : she is unhappy/disappear / impossible, isnt she ? 不定义代词作主语,指物

15、的时候用作., isnt it ? 指人的时候用作, isnt he ? , arent they/ 指人: everyone/someone is here, isnt he/arent they指物: something/anything/nothing goes well, doesnt it / does it ? 祈使句一般后用,, will you ;Lets 开头用, shall we ? eg : open the door, will you.Let us the door, will you ?Lets go the door, shall we ? I dont think /believe that 进行否定转移时,主语为第一人称时,以从句为准。主语为非 第一人称时,以主句为准。 I think he is a teacher , isnt he ?I d



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