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1、Semantics is the study of meaning. More specifically, semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the Referential Theory.The naming theory

2、命名说According to it, the linguistic forms or symbols or words used in a language are simply labels of the objects they stands for. So words are just names or labels for things.It is also called the referential theory (指称论)(指称论).Theory of the context of situation J. R. Firth (1890-1960) 情景语境情景语境The re

3、levant features of the participants, persons, personalities.The relevant objects.The effects of the verbal action.The conceptualist view 概念理论This view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to; rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through

4、the mediation of concepts in the mind. It is also called ideational theory(观念论)(观念论)Contextualism 语境 J. R. Firth 费斯The linguists hold that meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, contextelements closely linked with language behavior. Behaviorism 行为主义This theory, somewhat close to conte

5、xtualism, is linked with psychological interest. This view of meaning proposed by Bloomfield is illustrated by his story about Jack and Jill.According to Bloomfield, the meaning of a linguistic form should be viewed as “ the situation in which the speaker utters it, and the response which it calls f

6、orth in the hearer.”The Definition of senseSense refers to the inherent meaning of the linguistic form; it is concerned only with intra-linguistic relations. The definition of referenceReference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship betwee

7、n the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.What is culture?Broadly speaking, it means the total way of life of people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language.In a narrow sense, it refers to local or specific practice, belie

8、fs or customs.Anthropological study of linguistics: study of language in a sociocultural context.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 定义 Our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express speakers unique ways of understanding the world. Linguistic determinism:

9、 L may determine our thinking patterns.Linguistic relativity: different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around.Sociolinguistics The sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in

10、 which the users of language live.Variationist perspective: 变异视角变异视角Variety 的定义的定义 People who claim to be users of the same language do not speak the language in the same manner.Dialect 定义定义 Varieties (变体) related to the user are normally known as dialects Register 定义定义 In linguistics, a register is

11、 a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting. 1. Regional dialects are linguistic varieties used by people living in different regions.2. Social-class dialect, or sociolect 社会方言社会方言, refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social cl

12、ass.3.Idiolect 个人方言 A personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender and age variations.4. Ethnic dialect 种族方言 A variety of language that is mainly spoken by a less privileged population that has experience some form of social isolation such as ra

13、cial discrimination or segregation5. Standard dialect:Diglossia: Two distinct varieties of the same language are used, side by side, for two different sets of functionsMonolingual: Speakers of a single language control different varieties of that language.Bilingual: People develop some ability in a

14、second language.High Context Culture:- Cultures that rely heavily on non-verbal and subtle situational cues in communication.Low Context Culture:- Cultures that rely heavily on words to convey meaning in communication.Definition of PragmaticsThe study of language in use.The study of meaning in conte

15、xt.The study of speakers meaning, utterance meaning, the uttering of the sentence is the doing of an action; they cannot be said to be true or false.Constatives: utterances which roughly serves to state a fact, report that something is the case, or describe what something is.Conversational Implicatu

16、rea type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conversational meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims【Herbert Paul Grice (1913-1988)】The Cooperative Principle (CP)Make your conversational contribution such as required at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that identifies, investigates,


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