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1、(1)词Great!Perfect!Good!Wonderful!Correct!Excellent!(2)短语 Well done!Neat and tidy!(3)句型Thats OK!What a good job you have done!Now you can do better than before. Your handwriting is excellent! Keep it up. Your English will become better if you work harder.(4)段落Although you have not been successful, yo

2、u have done better than ever.Keep it up. Remember that little by little one goes far.(5)格言或谚语Practice makes perfect.Where there is a will, there is a way.(1)对起始阶段的学生,使用简单的表达,如:Good!Great!Super!Try hard!(2)有一定英语基础的学生Fabulous! Both of your handwriting and spellings are very good.You should do more lis

3、tening work after class.(3)优等生的作业表扬中要有指正,提出更高的要求,例如:Its good to be correct. Its also important to be creative.Excellent. You havent made any mistakes, but do try to make your handwriting neater (better).对中等生的作业要慎重评价,多督促,例如:You had better be more careful! Pay more attention to your handwriting.Your w

4、ork is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.对于学困生多点激励,在温和指出错误的同时,也要表扬优点进行激励,例如:I like your handwriting very much, but there are some mistakes here. I am sure you can correct them.You have done your work better this time. I think that nothing is impossible if you work hard. Practice makes pe

5、rfect.学困生的作业如果有进步,就应得到表扬和认可,教师可以写上 Your work is much better now.等等之类的话。反之那些优等生的作业如有不足之处,则应该提出婉转的批评。如:I am afraid this time your work isnt good enough. Be more careful next time.总之,我们不能总是用一成不变的眼光去看待学生的作业。如果教师对于学生的作业不进行客观的评价必将伤害学生的自尊心,挫伤其学习积极性,这样的情形是任何教师都不希望看到的。教师的评语要多鼓励、少批评,给学生以温馨的开导、安慰,带给学生以潜移默化的影响,

6、学生就会受到教育。诸如“Good!”“Well done!”“Youve made some progress.”之类的评语,往往最具有鼓励性。如果我们纯粹因为一个学生的作业中有各种各样的错误就把它一棍子打死,那必然会挫伤学生的学习积极性。因此,学生的作业即使做得再差,哪怕较之前次只要有一点点进步,评语也应该给以肯定。记得有一次我在批改一个平时不喜欢记单词的学生的作业时,发现他的字迹很清晰,便在他的作业本上写道:“Your handwriting greatly interested me. Well done!”作业本发下后,我观察到他马上拿出字典翻阅,急切想知道我在他的本子上写了些什么。 错误,就写下了如下评语:Your work is not so good. Please rewrite it. 重新写下了这样的评语:Your handwriting is quite good now, but would you please correct your wrong spellings? 提出协助订正错误的方案,如:Please read the dialogue in Page . first.等等。



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