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1、作文的题材和体裁(六级)作文的题材和体裁(六级)_CET 英语英语一、四六级写作的要求 四级作文和六级作文的要求基本是相同的。 1 篇幅:120-150 字 达不到字数要求的,要酌情扣 1-5 分; 90-99 扣 1 分,80-90 扣 2 分,70-79 扣 3 分,60-69 扣 5 分; 2 布局:三段式 只写一段为 0-4 分,只写两段 0-9 分; 3 评分标准: 2 分- 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,但多数为严重错误; 5 分- 基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误; 8 分- 基本切题。有些地方表达思想不过清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错

2、误相当多,其中有一 些是严重错误; 11 分- 切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误; 14 分- 切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错误。 例如: 1) 有人认为机会是极少的 2) 有人认为机会人人都有 3) 我的看法 Sample 1 As to the opportunity, there is two different opinions: first, someone think the opportunity is little in their life. Secondly, someone consider that opportu

3、nity is existing everywhere everybody has some kinds of chance. According to my life experiment and knowledge I agree with the second idea. There is chance for everyone in some unexpected case. But if you has no preparing for it, the opportunity will lose. Those who have many preparation and much kn

4、owledge, and some good virtue, may I quip the opportunity firmly. For example, two man are appealing for a job in a company, and there is only one vacant job for the only one of the two man. How, the two man has an opportunity to get the job but the boss certainly would accept the good one. So I thi

5、nk the opportunity is existing to every one, but more opportunity is belongs to who has knowledge, experience, encourage and confident. 该篇文章条理不清,思想紊乱,语言支离破碎,几乎没有正确的句子,得 2 分。 Sample 2 Some one thinks that the opportunity is very few for him because he has never meet the chance. But other one thinks t

6、here are chances here and there, then everyone can meet opportunity. I resist the second opinion. There to are some opportunities, the important thing is that if we could catch the chance when we meet it. In our lives we have a lot of choice that need us take our heart to. For example, when I was a

7、little boy, my health was very bad. Oneday a teacher advise me to join the basketball with my friends. My health become well. So I think there are opportunities for everyone. 该篇文章基本切题,但思想表达不清楚,有很多严重的语言错误,属于 5 分档。 Sample 3 Some people think that they lack of opportunities, while others think that eve

8、ryone will face to some ones. I agree to the latter. In fact, we are living on the same world. Most of us must deal with a lot of things every day. Some peoples circumstances are even the same, so do the opportunities. However, why someone can grasp it but others cannot? All this depends on the care

9、ful observation and grasping the opportunity in time. For instance, we students in our college, whose circumstance are the same. We all should study a lot of courses before we graduate. But some of us study hard in order to learn more and well, while some dont. In the end, the hard-working students

10、get the better jobs. At that time, there are some students who have been playing all the time will say that they lack ;of opportunities. As we know that the hard-working students make the best use of their time and they observe everything around them carefully, so that they can grasp the opportuniti

11、es in time. In a word, the opportunity is equal to everyday, and whether we can grasp it or not is critical. 该篇文章基本切题,有些地方表达不清,文字勉强连贯,但语言错误较多,其中有一些为严重错误。属于 11 分档。 Sample 4 People have different views on opportunity. Some think that there are few opportunities for them in the world, while others hold

12、 that everybody will have some kind of chances in his or her life. As far as I am concerned, I am for the latter. People who claim that they dont have good luck may be those who are not able to take chances. Maybe they fail to recognize opportunities even when they are in front of them. However, wis

13、e man wise men can seek opportunities rather than wait for chances to appear. For example, almost everybody had watched apples falling from apple trees, but only Newton discovered the Law of Gravity. In fact, no one can be denied of the access to opportunity. People may have good luck sometimes, but

14、 no one can be lucky all the time. As a saying goes, every dog has its day. So everybody can have a chance to succeed. So we can conclude that everybody has the opportunity to succeed, but it is up to himselfto take it. 该篇文章切题,思想表达清楚,文章结构条理,行文连贯,符合逻辑,属于 14 分档作文。4 行文要求 1) 切题:统一,无不相关细节内容; Beethovens d

15、emand for perfection meant long and hard work. Unlike Mozart, he couldntdash off three great symphonies in six weeks. It doesnt mean he was not as talented as Mozart. Beethovens music was different from Mozarts Sometime he worked years on a single symphony, writing other works at the same time. He c

16、arried music sketchbooks everywhere, jotting down new ideas, revising and refining old ones. These early notes oftenseem crude and uninspired when compared with their final versions, which were hammered out through great labor. Beethoven was often in poverty, though he produced great music. 本段文字中红体部分显然与主题 Beethovens demand for perfection meant long and hard work.无关,应该去掉。 2) 条理清楚:连贯、和谐 - 注意衔接语的使用 In their hurry to get practical preparations for a career, students often ov



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