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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料2013年3月3日托福考试独立写作范文-智课教育旗下智课教育2013年3月3日托福考试独立写作范文。本文主要为大家提供2013 年3月3日托福考试独立写作范文,为想要参加新托福考试的同学提供参 考,助力托福考试。 2013年3月3日托福考试独立写作范文 独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree:young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improve the world than young people were in the past. 同意 问题核心:

2、 什么促使年轻人去改变世界incentive 什么确保年轻人可以去改变世界foundation 分领域探讨:政治,经济,文化 政治开放更有能力参与政治(民主投票等)客观上更多的时 间在改进这个世界 经济发达有较好的物质基础通过经济手段改进世界(开公 司,增加就业) 受教育水平更高有知识自身更强大改进世界范文: Nowadays people are having conflicting views about whether young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improve the world than

3、young people were in the past. Some people hold that young people today, due to a decline of moral value, do not care about making the world a better place. However, in my point of view, young people today are, indeed, more likely to give time to improving the world. Firstly, thanks to the developme

4、nt of science and technology, young people today are able to receive more information about worlds current situation and make a sound individual decision to help those in need. It is hardly imaginable if people live, so tosay, fifty years ago. For example, one of my friends is currently working in U

5、N Volunteer, a subsidiary branch of UN in charge of organizing international volunteer project. She told me that every year, tens of thousands of young applicants are submitting their interest in going to poor places and help those in need, and most of them get their information about UN Volunteer p

6、rojects via their webpage. The technological development of our world does enable young people to give more time to making the world a better place. Secondly, todays educational system has a stronger emphasis on students extracurricular activities, such volunteering work, entrepreneurial projects. T

7、ake China as an example. Decades ago university curriculum had a stronger emphasis on students intellectual ability, such as calculation and interpretation. Recently experts and country administrators start to realize that an education of making children mentally better shaped is the education most

8、justified. Thus, Chinas educational quality improves and the whole society evaluates students in various ways and encourages them to help others. In this way, young people today are more likely to give time to helping other people. Admittedly, there are some merits in the opposite argument - young p

9、eople today are not doing as well as people in the past. The supporters of this argument notice that due to a moral decline and money-centered lifestyle, young people today are more likely to be morally eroded, as is shown in numerous TV programs. However, I argue that they just exaggerate the darkness too much. More young people today are trying their best to extend a hand to other people. All in all, I agree with the statement that young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improve the world than young people were in the past.以上就是2013年3月3日托福考试独立写作范文,祝大家都能取得 一个好成绩。


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