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1、1选择题:1.What is epigenesis(渐成论)? da) The belief that a mutant organism is already present in miniature in the embryo.b) The theory that early development is controlled by the zygotes genes.c) The theory that early development is controlled by the maternal genes.d) The process by which the mature orga

2、nism is produced gradually from an essential formlessembryo. 何为后生(渐成论)?一)认为突变生物体是已经存在于微型在胚胎。二)该理论认为,早期的发展是由受精卵的基因控制的。三)该理论认为,早期的发展是由母体基因控制的。d)使该成熟生物体从一个基本无定形胚逐渐产生的过程。2. What is apoptosis? ba) An experimental technique that biologists use to kill specific cell.b) Programmed cell death that is require

3、d for normal development.c) A pathological condition observed only in damaged or diseased organism.d) A developmental mechanism unique to the roundworm C.elegans.一个实验性的技术,生物学家用来杀死特定的细胞。B)编程所需的正常发育的细胞死亡。c)在病理状态中受损或患病的机体只有观察。D)独有的蛔虫线虫,一个致力于发展机制。3. What is the function of stem cells in adult mammals? c

4、a) Some of their daughter cells remain as stem cells and continue to divide throughoutlife.b) The give rise to hair, fingernails, and other structures that grow throughout life.c) The produced cells that differentiate to replace dead or damaged cells.d) The produced compounds that stem blood loss fr

5、om wounds.。什么是干细胞在成年哺乳动物的功能?一)他们的一些子细胞仍然是干细胞,并继续在整个生命来划分。二)引起的头发,指甲,以及整个人生发展的其他结构。三)生产的细胞分化代替死亡或受损的细胞。四)生产的化合物,源于创伤失血。24. What are regulatory cascades in development also referred to as networks? ca) Each transcription factor and signal in the cascade has limited life span.b) Signals as well as tran

6、scription factors are involved in the cascade.c) The cascade is not linear-within and between levels in the cascade, various geneproducts interact to form network.d) Each step in the cascade takes time, so the steps in the cascade are sequential.4.什么是监管级联的发展也被称为网络?a)在该级联的每个转录因子和信号具有有限的寿命。二)信号以及转录因子参

7、与了级联。三)级联是不是线性内并在级联级之间,各个基因产物相互作用形成网络。d)在级联的每个步骤需要时间,所以在级联中的步骤是顺序。5. What is a homeotic mutant? ba) An individual with an abnormal head-to-tail axis.b) An individual with a structure located in the wrong place.c) An individual with double the normal number of structures or segments.d) In flies, an i

8、ndividual that is missing segments; in Arabidopsis, an individual that ismissing a hypocotyls or other embryonic structure.什么是同源的突变?一)具有异常的头 - 尾轴的个人。b)在位于错了地方的结构的个人。c)与结构或部分的正常数量的一倍的个人。d)在果蝇,即缺少部分的个人;在拟南芥,即缺少胚轴或其它胚胎结构的个体。6. What happens during the acrosome reaction? ca) Bindin(结合素) binds to the egg-

9、cell receptor for sperm.b) The sperm- and egg-cell membranes fuse.c) Enzymes that digest the egg jelly layer are released, and microfilaments in the tip ofthe sperm head polymerize to form a protrusion.d) The centriole released from the sperm orients microtubules in the fertilized egg andcauses the

10、cortical cytoplasm to rotate-creating gray cresent.6.顶体反应过程中会发生什么情况?一)结合蛋白(结合素)结合到蛋细胞受体对精子。3二)sperm-和鸡蛋细胞膜融合。三)酶消化蛋果冻层被释放,并在精子头部的前端微丝聚合形成的突起。d)与精子释放的中心粒定向在受精卵的微管,并且使皮质细胞质旋转创造灰色cresent。7. What happens during gastrulation? ca) The neural tube-precursor to the spinal cord and brain-forms.b) Basal and a

11、pical cells form, which are the precursor to the suspensor and embryo,respectively.c) Massive movements of cells make the primary body axes visible and organizer thethree embryonic tissues.d) The fertilized egg divides without growth occurring, forming a ball of cells.7.原肠胚形成过程中会发生什么情况?一)神经管前驱物至脊髓和脑

12、的形式。二)基础和根尖细胞的形成,这是先导,以柄和胚胎分别。三)细胞的大规模运动做出的主要机构轴可见和组织者三个胚胎组织。四)受精卵分裂没有出现增长,形成细胞的一个球。8. In animals , which adult tissues and organs are derived from ectoderm?ba) Lining of the digestive tract and associated organs.b) Nerve cells and skin.c) Blood, heart, kidney, bone, and muscle.d) Blastopore and bla

13、stocoel.8.在动物中,其中成人组织和器官从外胚层衍生?一个)的消化道和相关器官的衬砌。二)的神经细胞和皮肤。三)血液,心脏,肾脏,骨骼和肌肉。D)胚和囊胚。9. What term describes the mode of asexual reproduction in which offspring develop fromunfertilized eggs?BAa) Parthenogenesisb) Buddingc) Regenerationd)Fission9.什么术语描述无性繁殖的方式,其中从后代未受精的卵子发展?一)单性生殖二)萌芽三)再生四)裂变10. What do

14、es it mean to say that differentiation is “progressive”? c4a) Differentiation gets more efficient over time.b) Differentiation gets more complex over timec) Cell become increasingly more specialized over time.d) Differentiation is triggered by master regulators.10.什么意思说,差异化是“进步”?一)分化得到随着时间的推移更加高效。二)

15、分化得到随着时间的推移更加复杂三)细胞变得越来越专业化随着时间的推移。D)差异是由主监管触发。11. What is a fate map? ba) A description of an individual organisms fate.b) A description of the fate of each embryonic region or cell.c) A list of cell fates that is possible only in animal embryos.d) A list of cell fates that is possible only in tuni

16、cate embryos.1.什么是缘分地图?a)任何个人生物体的命运的描述。二)每个胚胎区域或细胞的命运的描述。细胞命运的可能只存在于动物胚胎三)名单。细胞命运这是可能只有在被囊动物胚胎 d)一个列表。12. Which of the following stages of development is defined by the three embryonic tissue layers(ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm)? aa) The gastrulab)The zygotec)The morulad) The blastula12.哪发展的以下阶段是由三个胚胎组织层(外胚层,中胚层和内胚层)中所定义?一)原肠胚二)合子三)桑椹四)囊胚13.What happens during cleavage? ca) The neural tube-precursor of the spinal cord and brain-forms.b) Basal and apical cells-precursor of the suspensor and



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