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1、1.A: Scientists have found that life can survive in boiling pools of toxic water at Yellowstone National Park, something they did not think was possible. The fact that life can thrive in a boiling pool brings up all sorts of ideas about the origins of life. It may be that the first life on earth was

2、 in a place more like the hot pools at Yellowstone than in the places humans might consider hospitable. Scientists used to think life needed just the right mix of warmth,sunlight and air. Now they are found that it grows not just in the hot pools, but also in the perpetual darkness of the ocean floo

3、r even in the frozen arctic. “It now expands our possibilities of where we could look for life .”在黄石国家公园毒水沸腾的池塘中,科学家们发现了生命,这一“意外惊喜”使他们对于生命起源有了各式各样的新想法。也许,地球上第一个生命的诞生地不是什么“宜人”的地方,而是像黄石公园里的池塘这样的“凶险”之地。 科学家们习惯认为温度、阳光和空气的适当搭配是生命的必需,但现在他们已经看到生命的踪迹不出不在,从酷热难当的池塘到永恒黑暗的洋底,直至冰封千里的北极地区。专家说,这为我们在宇宙中寻找生命提供了更多的可能

4、。 B:电子邮件使我们会面的时间越来越少。以后可不一定是这样。通过使用一种名为 Facemail 的新程序,用户可以让真人大声读出他们的邮件内容。这项程序使电子邮件有了 生机,也使我们赋予科技以人性。 E-mail is taking away from face time. It does not have to anymore. A new program called Facemail allows users to have the text of their e-mail read aloud by a virtual person. The program brings e-mai

5、l to life and makes us humanize technology as well. 2.A:To the professional anthropologist,there is no superiority of one culture over another,just as to the professional linguist there is no hierachy among languages. People once thought of the languages of backward groups as savage,underdeveloped f

6、orms if speech,consisting largely of grunts and groans.While it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans,it is a fact established by the study of “backward”language that no spoken tongue answers that description today.Most languages of uncivilized groups are ,by mo

7、st severe standards,extremely complex,delicate,and ingenious pieces of machinery for the transfer of ideas.They fall behind our Western languages not in their sound patterns or grammatical structures, which are fully adequate for all languages needs,but only in their vocabularies which reflect the o

8、bjects and activities known to their speakers.对人类学专家来说,不存在某一文化优于另一文 化,就像对语言学专家来说预言家不存在等级差别。 人们曾经认为落后群体的语言是粗野、未成熟的话语形式,主要是由咕哝呻吟声组成的。 但是对“落后”语言研究产生的结论是目前没有哪种语言如上述所描绘的一样,尽管总体来说, 语言在开始时是一系列的咕哝和呻吟声。大多数未开化人群的语言,即使以我们最严格的标 准衡量,也适用于传递思想的极其复杂、微妙、精巧的载体。他们落后于我们西方语言并不 在于语音形式和语法结构方面。其实他们的语音和语法通常完全满足语言表达的需要。落后 的是

9、在词汇方面,它们仅能够表达这些语言使用者熟知的物体和活动.B:从本质上说,翻译就是用一种语言忠实地表达出用另一种语言所学或说的内容。然而, 实践证明,不可以把翻译仅仅看成语言学的任务,而应该把它看成是思想交流这一更为广 泛领域的一个方面。在遇到复杂的课文时,翻译不仅仅涉及语言的熟练程度,而且还涉及 多学科的知识。Translation ,essentially,is the faithful representation,in one language,of what is written or said in another language .However,as proved by pr

10、actice,translation cannot be viewed as merely linguistic undertaking ,but should be regarded as an aspect of a larger domain ,namely,that of communication .In the case of complex texts ,translation involves not only linguistic proficiency,but also encyclopedic knowledge. 3.A:Scientific research is l

11、ike an exploration of a voyage of discovery.You are continually trying out new things that have not been done before.Many of them will lead nowhere and you have to try something different,but sometimes an experiment does work and tells you something new ,and then you will have the fun of thinking wh

12、at this finding will lead to and of deciding what will be the next experiment One of the best things about scientific research is that you are laways doing something different and it is never boring .There are good times when things go well and bad times when they dont. Some people get discouraged a

13、t the difficult times but when having a failure the policy has always been not to worry but to start planning the next experiment,which is always fun. 科学研究就是探索和发现,你不断地尝试以前没有尝试过的新事物。这些尝试中有很多 是没有结果的,于是你不得不尝试另外一些不同的事物。有时,尝试是奏效的,并且告诉你 某些新东西。然后你就会有兴趣思考所发现的东西将导致什么结果并决定下一次实验应是 什么。科学研究最大的乐趣之一就是你总是可以进行一些不同的尝

14、试,它从来不会令人厌倦。 事情进展顺利是令人高兴的,事情进展不顺利则令人苦恼。有些人在遇到困难时就泄气。面 对失败的做法是从不着急,而是开始设计下一次实验,整个探索的过程都充满了欢乐。B:世界不会缺少贪婪,但很少有人,或公司或国家能例外。企业、国家总是相互竞争,采 用不是那么合法的手段获取优势。随着全球网络的出现,技术扩散至每个人,贪婪来到了 那些可能永远也不会犯罪的人旁边。贪婪在各个层面上都起作用,而大多数信息系统存在 的薄弱环节则为企图利用这些弱点的人提供了攫取惊人利益的机会。 Greed is in no short supply,and few individuals, busines

15、ses, or countries are exempt.Business and governments constantly maneuvered to gain an advantage over each other ,relying on less-than-legal techniques to gain an edge.With the Global Network in place ,and the proliferation of technology for everyone ,greed has found its way to people who might othe

16、rwise never commit a crime.Greed operates at all levels,and due to the vulnerability of most information systems,provides opportunity to exploit their weaknesses for enormous profits. 4. A:There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitation, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not fe


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