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1、经济型数控铣床的电气设计I摘摘 要要随着科学技术的发展,数控技术应运而生,并应用到现代制造业中。数控机床及由数控机床组成的柔性化制造系统是改造传统机械加工装备产业、构建数字化企业的重要 基础,它的发展一直备受人们关注。数控系统以其卓越的柔性自动化的性能、优异而稳 定的精度、灵捷而多样化的功能引起世人瞩目。数控机床是当今机械制造业中实现机电 一体化的代表性先进设备。随着先进制造业的发展,对数控机床的设计,特别是经济型 数控机床的设计已经成为摆在我们面前迫切而艰巨的任务。本文在叙述了数控技术的历史、现状和发展的基础上,通过对同类型机床的分析, 结合机床电气设计的总体思想,提出了经济型数控机床电气设

2、计的技术方案。并针对经 济型数控机床的特点,进行了机床电气部分的设计 ,包括数控系统、步进电机的选型和 理论分析和故障诊断。最后阐述了设计后机床的精度和性能以及今后尚需完善之处。经济型数控铣床,显示了机床强大的工作能力和高度的可靠性。加工精度和生产率 较普通铣床有了很大提高,是提高企业生产率和增加效益的一条切实可行的途径。关键词:经济型,数控铣床,电气设计,步进电机沈阳工程学院毕业设计(论文)IIAbstractWith the develop of science and technology,NC(numerical control) technology which has applie

3、d for the modem manufacture industry is bron and grow up. Numerical control machine and CNC machine tools from the composition of the flexible manufacturing system is processing machinery and equipment to transform traditional industries, the number of enterprises to build an important foundation, i

4、t has been the development of peoples attention. Numerical control system of flexible automation for its superior performance, outstanding accuracy and stable, agile and functional diversity caused by the world. NC machine is the representative of advanced equipment in current mechanical manufacture

5、 industry. With the developing of modem manufacture industry, to design machine with NC, especially to study the economy milling-machines design with NC has becoming more urgent and arduous for us. After introducing NC machines history and current status and the analysis of similar type machine, a n

6、ovel scheme for NC machine electric design and new NC machine selection is proposed; With the features of economy NC machine , the design of the machine electric system have been completed. Matching、jointing and diagnose trouble of the NC system have been completed. The main parameters of the machin

7、e have been confirmed and optimized too. The accuracy and function of machine in finality have been improved.The economy NC machine, so as to their working precision and productivity. It is proved that raising rate of NC control is a feasible way for enterprise to enhance their productivity and prof

8、it.Key words: Economy type, NC milling machine, Electric design,stepper motor 经济型数控铣床的电气设计III目 录摘 要.I Abstract.II 1 绪 论.- 1 - 1.1 数控机床的产生和发展历程.- 1 - 1.1.1 数控机床的发展简史.- 1 - 1.1.2 我国数控技术的发展.- 1 - 1.1.3 国内外数控系统发展概况.- 2 - 1.1.4 数控机床发展趋势.- 3 - 1.2 课题背景、意义及研究目标.- 4 - 1.2.1 课题背景、意义.- 4 - 1.2.2 研究目标.- 5 - 2 数控机床及控制方式.- 7 - 2.1 数控机床的组成及工作原理.- 7 - 2.1.1 数控机床的组成.- 7 - 2.1.2 数控机床的工作原理.- 7 - 2.2 机床控制方式选择.- 8 - 2.2.1 位置控制方式分类.- 8 - 2.2.2 步进电机的开环控制.- 9 - 2.2.3 数控机床开环系统速度计算.- 10 - 3 步进电动机的选择.- 11 - 3.1 步进电机的基本要求.-11- 3.2 步进电机的选择.-11- 3.2.1 选用步进电机应考虑的问题.-11- 3.2.2 实际应用.



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