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1、1外文文献翻译译文一、 外文原文原文:原文:Recruitment rulesWatson,MarkFilling vacancies for employment isnt as easy as it used to be. Employers cannot simply pick and choose candidates according to whim and prejudice-there needs to an adherence to a multitude of law and regulation. Miss out on any and employers can exp

2、ect trouble from litigious prospective employees.Diversity of applicantsThe watchword about job advertisements is diversity avoiding discrimination risk. Unlike other employment rights, anti-discrimination laws apply to applicants for jobs not just workers in post. Advertisements which could be take

3、n to indicate an intention to discriminate may prompt standalone action by the Equal Opportunities Commission, Disability Rights Commission or Commission for Racial Equality. They also will be persuasive evidence to support an unsuccessful (or. for that matter, successful) applicants claim for discr

4、imination in Recruitment.Advertise every timeThe best advice on advertising jobs is to make sure you do it -ideally, every time theres a vacancy. Informal methods of recruitment such as word of mouth are warned against by the various equality agencies, as they tend to result in replication of the cu

5、rrent workplace demographic and cloning whereby people recruit people like themselves. Cloning is the antithesis of diversity Targeted search and selection may also only access a narrow pool of applicants, Using a range of recruitment methods is more likely to attract a diverse pool of applicants.Co

6、ntrol your contentThe content of an advertisement is obviously critically is prohibited to use gender specific job titles such as salesman, chairman, and waitress so use a gender-2neutral alternative (or, if thats just too painful, use both the male and female titles). Care over the specified Job cr

7、iteria is crucial: some of the most common job requirements have a disparate impact on a particular gender, race or other group (for example, fewer women than men hold driving licenses or can work full-time) so it is critical to ensure that you can objectively justify each one. Dont allow very minor

8、 aspects of the role to drive the requirements as it may not be justifiable to exclude applicants on the basis of trivial parts of a job.Positive action.In limited circumstances, it may be permissible to include in advertisements encouragement for applicants from underrepresented groups. Care should

9、 be taken to ensure the eligibility criteria for positive action are met or the advertisement will be unlawful. In no circumstances should any form of discrimination occur at the point of selection between candidates. If you dont meet the criteria for positive action in the advertisement wording, yo

10、u could still target a particular publication to reach the underrepresented group provided it is only one of a number of sources.Where you advertiseBe careful about where advertisements are placed. Again, the objective is to ensure that your advertisement reaches a diverse readership. Equal opportun

11、ities guidance encourages employers to advertise widely including in local and national papers, job centre, trade magazines and company websites. Not all will be suitable, but thought should be given before disregarding a particular method. Be careful of publications read mainly by one gender or oth

12、er group as a sole advertising site. Advertising for a secretary or receptionist in magazines read mainly by women is not just stereotyping but is likely to discriminate against men.Youre responsibleDont assume that if a recruitment consultant or agency places the advertisement that youre not respon

13、sible, the buck stops with the employer and this includes for information disseminated through job centre, career offices, schools. Colleges polytechnics, etc. While in some cases the agent placing the advertisement will also, separately, be liable this will not get you off the hook. Give written in

14、structions to the 3agent in case there is a dispute later.Avoid discriminationIn some specific cases, an advertisement discriminating on grounds of race will be unlawful even if it would not be unlawful to discriminate in selecting for the job. In particular, while recruitment for Jobs based wholly

15、outside the UK, for example managing an overseas factory, may not be caught by the Race Relations Act, it is prohibited to place a discriminatory advertisement for the positions. This is because the public display of racial prejudices is considered inherently offensive.CV reviewA simple way to begin

16、 the Interview is to get the candidate to talk through their CV, position by position. More time should be spent on the more recent/most relevant positions. It is important to make sure that ail information required regarding each position is obtained before moving on to the next. Candidates should be asked to talk about a typical day in the role, what their duties and responsibilities were, and their key achievements, why they moved on, what salary they were on. This should be done wi



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