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1、河北联合大学轻工学院QINGGONG COLLEGE, HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY毕毕业业设设计计说说明明书书设计题目:设计题目:7 万万 t/a 焦油加工厂蒸馏工段的初步设计焦油加工厂蒸馏工段的初步设计学生姓名:学生姓名: 学学 号号:专业班级:专业班级: 学学 部:部:指导教师:指导教师: 2012 年 5 月 23 日摘要I摘 要综述了国内外焦油加工工艺和发展现状,选用了国内应用较多且比较成熟的常压两塔式焦油蒸馏工艺。本设计为 7 万 t/a 焦油加工厂蒸馏工段的初步设计。首先对一段蒸发器、二段蒸发器、蒽塔、馏分塔等主要设备进行了物料衡算;对馏分塔、蒽塔进行了设计计算

2、,确定了塔径和塔高,并对塔器进行了设计计算和流体力学校核;对馏分塔进行了机械设计和强度校核;最后列出了非工艺条件。本设计的主要设备有:350 万 kcal/h 的圆筒式管式炉,直径 DN=1000mm的一段蒸发器、直径 DN=1800mm 的二段蒸发器、直径 DN=1400mm,塔高H=21000mm,塔板数为 37 的馏分塔和直径 DN=1400mm,塔高 H=13000mm,塔板数为 23 的蒽塔,还有换热面积为 24m2的一段冷凝冷却器,换热面积为37m2的馏分塔冷凝冷却器,换热面积为 12m2的蒽油浸没式冷却器。 关键词关键词:煤焦油;焦油蒸馏;馏分塔AbstravtIIAbstrac

3、tA brief introduction of the coal tar and the development of process technology trends were reviewed. Two atmospheric distillation process were chosen.The design involve the preliminary design of the 70 000 t / a tar processing plant distillation .First ,keep the equipment of first evaporator, secon

4、d evaporator, anthracene tower and distillate tower material balance; secondly design distillate tower and anthracene tower calculations to determine diameter and heigh and plate design calculations and the hydrodynamics check of the tower ;distillate tower mechanical design and strength check ;fina

5、lly, list the non-process condition. Cylindrical tube furnace of 3.5 million kcal/h ,the first evaporator which diameter is 1000mm and the second evaporator which diameter is 1800mm are the major heating equipment in the design .In addition ,distillation tower of which diameter is 1400mm ,height is

6、21000mm and plate number is 37 and anthracene tower of which diameter is 1400mm ,height is 13000mm and plate number is 23 are the major distillation equipment of the design .Furthermore ,the area of heat transfer of the major condensate equipment above first condensate cooler ,distillation tower and

7、 anthracene tower are 24m2 ,37 m2 and 12m2 .Keywords: coal tar; tar distillation; distillation tower目录III摘 要 .I Abstract.II 前 言.1 1 文献综述.2 1.1 焦油的性质及用途.2 1.2 应用性和先进性.2 1.2.1 我国煤焦油加工工业发展的基础优势.4 1.2.2 存在的问题.4 1.2.3 煤焦油加工发展方向.5 1.2.4 现代焦油新技术进展.5 1.3 设备的选择.6 1.3.1 常压塔式煤焦油连续蒸馏工艺流程.7 1.3.2 常压两塔式焦油连续蒸馏流程.8 1.4 焦油加工前景.10 2 工艺方案的确定及主要设备选择.11 2.1 工艺方案的确定.11 2.2 主要设备选择.11 2.2.1 蒸发器.11 2.2.2 馏分塔.11 2.2.3 管式加热炉.11 3 工艺计算.12 3.1 物料衡算.12 3.1.1 整个流程的物料衡算.12 3.1.2 主要设备的物料衡算.13 3.2 主要设备计算.14 3.2.1 管式加热炉.14 3.2.2 一段蒸发器.17 3.2.3 二段蒸发器.17 3.2.4 蒽塔.



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