教育论文influence of anxiety on second language acquisition and the pedagogical implication

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1、 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本 站工作人员整理后发布的, 是篇质量较高的学术论文,供本站访 问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的, 的论文版权归原作 者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯论文网, 如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。Abstract:Affective factors play a significant role in SLA. It is universally acknowledged that anxiety, one of affective variables, has prod

2、uced negative upon language learning. This paper examined the correlations between language anxiety and SLA. At the same time, it explored sources of students anxiety in second language learning. On this base, some strategies in pedagogies can be made.Key words:SLA language anxiety pedagogies.Litera

3、ture review1.Definition and classification of anxietyAnxiety is a very important affective factor for the second language learning. Brown (1994) noted that anxiety has been studied in the psychological domain and it is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension or

4、worry. From the perspective of definition, anxiety is viewed negatively and it is also regarded as emotional disorder and a common emotional problem. Anxiety is, perhaps, the most pervasively obstructive factor in learning process. There are two kinds of anxieties from H.D.Brown(1987): trait anxiety

5、(a predisposition toward feeling anxious)and state anxiety(anxiety produced in reaction to a specific situation).2.Language anxietyLanguage anxiety refers to the fear or apprehension occurring when a learner is expected to perform in the second or foreign language. In Oxfords opinion, language anxie

6、ty is the main factor of those that affect the second language learning (Daimanchun, 2000).and Horwitz et al. (1986), identified three components of foreign language anxiety:(1)communication apprehension; (2)fear of negative social evaluation;(3)test anxiety. .Anxiety in SLA1.Source of anxietyYoung

7、(1991) examined the language anxiety literature, and then discerned six general sources of language anxiety: personal and interpersonal anxieties;learner beliefs about language learning;instructor beliefs about language teaching;instructor-learner interactions;classroom procedures;language testing.2

8、.Factors correlated with language anxiety(1)Self-esteemUnsuccessful language learners often have lower self-esteem than successful language learners(Price1991). Self-esteem consists of two interrelated aspects:self-efficacy confidence in ones ability to think, learn, choose, and make appropriate dec

9、isions, and, by extension, to master changes and manage changeandself-respectconfidence in ones right to be happy and, by extension, confidence that achievement, success, friendship, respect, love, and fulfillment are appropriate for oneself.Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope(1986) noted that foreign languag

10、e learning can cause a threat to self-esteem by depriving learners of their normal means of communication, their freedom to make errors, and their ability to behave like normal people. Scarcella and Oxford (Scarcella and Oxford1992)also pointed that those with high self-esteem might handle their anx

11、iety better than those with low self-esteem, resulting in better performance. (2)BeliefInfluenced by previous experiences as language learners, or shaped by their own cultural backgrounds, second language learners often hold different beliefs or notions about language learning (Horwotz, 1987).Belief

12、 is one of the characteristics the learners hold about in the process of language learning. A growing body of evidence suggests that beliefs play a central role in learning experience and achievements. In a study of the relationship between individual difference variables and proficiency ratings for

13、 a large group of adults involved in intensive language training, Ehrman and Oxford(1995:79)report that“Believing that one can learn languages well was significantly correlated with proficiency in both speaking and reading.” Gremmo and Riley(1995:158)cite a number of recent reports which emphasize t

14、he central role of beliefs and representations about language and language learning play in determining behavior. Therefore, in second language learning, it is very important to hold a firm belief.3.The roles of anxiety in SLA Language researchers hold different views about the existence or signific

15、ance of anxiety in SLA. Horwitz(1990)stated that anxiety is only helpful for very simple learning tasks, but not with more complicated learning such as language learning. Scovel (1978) suggested that clear-cut results are made more difficult because anxiety can have two effects that cancel each other out, leading to facilitation in some cases and interferences in others. Brown(1994a) commented that



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