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1、重庆南方翻译学院重庆南方翻译学院本科毕业论文本科毕业论文中文题目:中文题目:分析分析教父教父中美国的社会矛盾中美国的社会矛盾外文题目:外文题目:An Analysis of American Social Conflicts in The Godfather院 系 英语语言学院 专 业 英语(翻译) 年 级 2009 级 结稿日期 2013 年 5 月 7 日 四川外四川外语语学院重学院重庆庆南方翻南方翻译译学院教学院教务处务处制制2013 年年 5 月月 7 日填日填i分析教父中美国的社会矛盾摘要:摘要:马里奥普佐,美国著名的现实主义作家,他的现实主义写作技巧在教父中表现的淋漓尽致, 教父不


3、的对策。社会矛盾的缓解,对整个人类社会的文明进步有着巨大的推动作用,从而促进整个人类社会的发展。关键字关键字:现实主义;黑手党;社会矛盾;人类文明iiAn Analysis of American Social conflicts in The GodfatherAbstractMario Puzo, the famous American modern realist writer, his realism writing skill is performed incisively in The Godfather. The Godfather is not only a work of l

4、iterature, but also a textbook of American social contradictions. In The Godfather, the author focuses on describing the United States by telling a story of Corleone Mafia family from prosperity to decline, from declining to dominating the mafia empire once again, which is also an interpretation of

5、a social history of the United States of America.In many studies on this novel, most stress on the analysis of the novel writing techniques, growth process or characters. However, this paper focuses on the research of social reality the United States of America, which is wars between wealth and powe

6、r. In financial market, the big banks, companies, and groups, start fierce competition. because of various greedy temptation, the intensification of social contradictions expand. Through the analysis of The Godfather, people will gain a great deal of wisdom of how to get along with people, acquire m

7、ethods of easing contradiction.In this paper, the author will discuss the United States social contradictions phenomenon as following three aspects: the phenomenon, the causes, and the solutions. The alleviation of conflicts not only plays a great role in promoting society civilization ,but also adv

8、ances human civilization.Keywords: modern realism; mafia; social conflicts; human civilizationiiiAcknowledgmentsThis thesis is dedicated to the whole teachers who have taught me, especially to my instructor Gu Fan, who has helped to figure out the outline, giving me enlightening suggestion throughou

9、t all the process of the thesis. I owe an incalculable debt of gratitude to her help. Besides, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my foreign friend Marten Selbmann for collecting necessary material for my paper.The work would not have been possible without the help of my supporters, who gave m

10、e a great deal of cheering when I felt frustrated. We discussed a lot and got forward step by step.I am particularly indebted to my parents, who encouraged me to persist and supplied me with the best they could offer.Without all the support, I could not have finished this tough work. 1Contents中文摘要.A

11、bstract.Acknowledgments.ivIntroduction.1I. The Phenomenon of the American Social Conflicts in The Godfather.3A. The Criminal Activities.31.Criminal Actions Committed by Civilians Towards Civilians.4 2.The Criminality Committed by the Mafia Towards Civilians.53.Crimes Committed by the Mafioso Towards

12、 Mafioso.7B. The Governmentss Corruption.8C. Danger of the National Security.10II. The Origin of the Phenomenon.12A. The Primary CauseEconomic System .12B. The Main CausePower of Social Class.14C. The Unneglect CauseCulture Diversity.15III. The Alleviation of Conflicts.17A. The New Operation Rules.16B. The Solution.181.Reduction of Social Inquality.182.Personal and Cultural Acknowledgment.



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