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1、1六年级英语下册听力训练三六年级英语下册听力训练三一、听读句子,选出句中含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。一、听读句子,选出句中含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。8%8% ( )1. A. December 23rd B. September 21st C. December 21st ( )2. A. at 10:20B. at 9:40C. at 12:10 ( )3. A. LondonB. TokyoC. Wellington ( )4. A. see the doctorB. went for a walkC. cleaned the dog ( )5. A. cool an

2、d windyB. cold and rainyC. hot and sunny ( )6. A. jump very highB. run very fastC. jump very far ( )7. A. the first presidentB. the first premierC. the third premier ( )8. A. fly in the skyB. ride a new bikeC. run like a bus二、听句子,选出最佳答语,请把最佳答语的英文大写编号写在括号内。二、听句子,选出最佳答语,请把最佳答语的英文大写编号写在括号内。6%6% ( )1. A

3、.Yes,I doB. You too.C.Thank you. ( )2. A.Yes, you must.B. No, you mustnt.C. No, you neednt. ( )3. A.The blue whale.B. The cheetah.C.The elephant. ( )4. A.Two weeks. B. By bus.C. Every Sunday. ( )5. A.It was May 1st.B. It was Sunday.C. It was sunny. ( )6. A. No, I dont.B. I dont like fishing.C. Good

4、idea!三、看图听三次,根据听到写出图的英文大写编号。三、看图听三次,根据听到写出图的英文大写编号。6%6%1 ( )( )( )2( ) ( )( )四、听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。四、听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。 (每格一词)(每格一词)5%5% 1. They _ they could _ a walk on the moon. 2. My father was a _when he was _. 3. Can I_ the book a little _? 4. Janet _ to be a _. 5. _ climb the trees in the _.五、根据听到的内容,指出

5、下面的句子是否与短文一致,如一致,在括号内写五、根据听到的内容,指出下面的句子是否与短文一致,如一致,在括号内写 T,T, 否则写否则写 F F。5%5% ( ) 1. Jane is seventeen years old. ( ) 2. Jane doesnt live with her parents.2( ) 3. Janes grandfather had a fever last night. ( ) 4. Janes father is a policeman. ( ) 5. Jane is going to take her grandfather to the hospita

6、l.听力材料听力材料一、听读句子,选出句中含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。一、听读句子,选出句中含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。8%8% 1. My birthday is on December 21st. 2. The party will begin at twenty to ten. 3. Theyre going to Wellington on holiday. 4. My bother went to see the doctor yesterday . 5. Guangzhou will be cold and rainy tomorrow. 6. The kang

7、aroo can jump very far.7. Zhou Enlai was the first premier of New China. 8. The boy wishes he could fly in the sky. 二二. 听句子,选出最佳答语,请把最佳答语的英文大写编号写在括号内。听句子,选出最佳答语,请把最佳答语的英文大写编号写在括号内。6%6% 1. Help yourself to some fish. 2. Must I return the book now? 3. What is the biggest animal in the world? 4. How lo

8、ng did you stay in Shanghai? 5. What day was it yesterday? 6. Shall we go fishing next Saturday? 三、三、看图听三次,根据听到内容写出图的英文大写编号。看图听三次,根据听到内容写出图的英文大写编号。6% 1. A. The girl is good at playing the piano.B. The boy has breakfast at seven every day.C. The girl did her homework last night. 2. A. The man is driv

9、ing a taxi. B. Were going to visit Paris next week. C. The boy went to see a film yesterday. 四四. 听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。5% 1. They wish they colud take a walk on the moon. 2. My father was a teacher when he was young. 3. Can I keep the book a little longer? 4. Janet wants to be a runner. 5. Don

10、t climb the trees in the park. 五根据听到的内容,指出下面的句子是否与短文一致,如一致,在括号内写五根据听到的内容,指出下面的句子是否与短文一致,如一致,在括号内写 T, 否则写否则写 F。5% Jane is a schoolgirl. She is fifteen. She lives with her parents and her grandfather. Her grandfather is seventy years old. She often helps her grandfather do housework. Her grandfather h

11、ad a cold last 3night. He needs to see a doctor. But Janes parents are very busy. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a soldier. So Jane wants to go to hospital with her grandfather after school. She hopes her grandfather gets better soon.六年级英语下册听力训练四六年级英语下册听力训练四一一. .听读句子,选出含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。听

12、读句子,选出含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。8%( )1. A. September 21 th B.September 25 th C.November 25th ( )2. A. at 7:30 B.at 7:50 C.at 11: 40 ( )3. A.London B. Tokyo C. New York ( )4. A.went fishing B. went to the circus C. went shopping ( )5. A.rainy and windy B. sunny and hot C. cloudy and wet ( )6. A. a big mouth

13、 B. a long tail C. strong legs ( )7. A. a great leader of China B. the father of modern ChinaC. he famous historical person ( )8. A. run in the Asian Game B. fly in the sky C. win the race二二. .听句子,选出最佳答语,请把最佳答语的英文大写编号写在括号内。听句子,选出最佳答语,请把最佳答语的英文大写编号写在括号内。6%( ) 1. A. Im fine. B. Im eleven. C. Im very y

14、oung.( ) 2. A. Its August 2nd. B. Its Sunday. C. Its nine thirty. ( )3.A. I was born in Conghua. B. I was born in 1993. C. Im thirteen . ( )4.A. No, Im not. B. Thank you. C. Please dont. ( )5.A.Happy birthday. B. Thank you. C. Im very happy. ( )6.A Yes, Id like some coffee. B. Yes, Id like some cakes. C. Yes, I do. 三三. .看图听三次,根据听到内容写出图的英文大写编号。看图听三次,根据听到内容写出图的英文大写编号。6%1.( )( )( )2、( )( )( )4四四. 听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。听句子,写出句子所缺的单词。5%1. We usually take morning _ after _. 2. Janets _ is coming, I want to buy a _ for her. 3. Adults usually lucky to children .4. Robin Hood was a



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