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1、本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:FDI, Trade and Product Innovation: Theory and Evidence 出 处: Southerm Economic Journal 作 者: Hui-lin Lin and Lin Eric S FDI, Trade, and Product Innovation:Theory and EvidenceThis article investigates the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI, including outward FDI and inwa

2、rd FDI), imports and exports, and product innovation. Our theoretical model predicts that inward FDI, outward FDI, imports, and exports have positive influences on firm innovative activities, which would evaluate the effects of the relative magnitude of different sources on innovation. The empirical

3、 results based on the 2003 First Taiwan Technological Innovation Survey confirm three of the proposed hypotheses for the entire sample. However, when focusing on the manufacturing sector, outward FDI, inward FDI, imports, and exports all exhibit strongly positive effects on the determination of cond

4、ucting product innovation (i.e., the four hypotheses are verified). A consistent trend is that outwardFDI has the largest effect on innovation, regardless of the measurement of product innovation and the division of the entire sample, which may imply that in Taiwan a positive effect of “deindustrial

5、ization“ is to innovate more. 1. IntroductionThe current trend toward globalization has greatly increased the frequency of cross-border investments and international trade. For example, the amount of inward foreign direct investment (inward FDI) approved by the Investment Commission of the Ministry

6、of Economic Affairs in Taiwan from 1991 to 2000 has had an average annual growth rate of 24.12%, which indicates that the local market actively uses the inward FDI. The amount of the approved outward FDI has shown an even higher average annual growth rate of 46.24% over the same period of time, whic

7、h indicates that local firms arc actively investing in foreign markets. According to the Taiwan Statistical Data Book 2008, the average growth rates of exports and imports from 1991 to 2000 were 8.28% and 9.79%, respectively, representing the prevalence of international trade. The competition genera

8、ted by these cross-border investments and trade has been highly infiuential in shaping the innovative activities of firms (Jacquemin 1982; Cave 1985; Kumar and Siddharthan 1994; Bertschek 1995; Coe and Helpman 1995; Wagner 1995). Typically, there are two kinds of competition: One is generated by the

9、 entry of domestic firms into foreign markets and the other by the entry of foreign firms into domestic markets. The former takes the form of outward FDI and exports, while the latter takes the form of inward FDI and imports. Many studies have examined the effect of inward FDI and imports on firm in

10、novation, such as those of Zimmermann (1987), Veugelers and Houte (1990), Scherer and Huh (1992), Bertschek (1995), Co (2000), and Lofts and Loundes (2000). The authors of these studies find that inward FDI and imports can enhance competition and accelerate the process of innovation in the local man

11、ufacturing industry. However, only a few studies discuss the influences of outward FDI and exports on innovative activities. Lin and Yeh (2004) find that outward FDI and exports have a complementary positive impact on the research and development (R Caves 1985) and empirically (Pugel 1978,1980; Turn

12、er 1980; Levinsohn 1991) supported by quite a few studies. The disciplining effect may also be generated by inward FDI, since inward FDI, likeimports, can intensify the competition in the market. Bertschek (1995) argues that the effect of inward FDI is even greater than that of imports. The reason f

13、or this is that FDI is so costly, time consuming, and irrevocable in terms of its sunk costs that decisions related to it must be prudently made. As a result, the impact of inward FDI on local firms is comparatively huge and persistent. Moreover, inward FDI not only increases efficiency but also bri

14、ngs about technological spillovers. Blind and Jungmittag (2004) indicate that foreign firms that are profitable in the home market must have some special advantages and that the spillover effects brought about by these advantages will benefit local firms and encourage them to innovate.In the above t

15、heoretical analysis, imports and inward FDI are positively correlated with the innovation activities of local firms either through the disciplining effect of foreign competition or through the spillover effects of products and technology. Nevertheless, this is not entirely consistent with the empiri

16、cal studies. In his study of German manufacturing firms, Zimmermann (1987) finds that only imports have significantly positive effects on the product innovation of export firms. Scherer and Huh (1992) show that increases in imports have a negative infiuence on the R Wagner 1995). Pugel (1980) and Coe and Helpman (1995) also argue that international trade can expan



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