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1、大都市郊区基本农田规划研究 大都市郊区基本农田规划研究 Study of Basic Farmland Plan in Metropolitan Suburbs Areas 【中文摘要】 基本农田规划是土地利用总体规划中的重要内容之一,它是将总体规划确 定的耕地按照一定的指标优选划为基本农田保护区的过程。科学合理地划定基本农田,对于 保护耕地、稳定农业生产、促进区域经济可持续发展以及实现粮食安全都有着十分重大的 意义。大都市郊区做为一个特定的区域,基本农田功能日趋丰富,各级行政主体对其关注焦点 存在较大差异,导致其基本农田规划具有特殊性。大都市郊区基本农田的合理规划对于保障 区域粮食安全、生态

2、安全,促进区域经济快速健康发展将起到积极作用。因此,本文以北京市 大兴区做为典型案例尝试探索大都市郊区基本农田规划研究思路,从而为基本农田规划理论 体系的进一步完善和实际工作的深入开展提供借鉴参考。本文以新一轮土地利用总体规划 修编为背景,以大都市郊区基本农田功能为切入点,进一步探讨不同行政主体对基本农田的认 识和关注焦点。在此基础上,构建了大都市郊区基本农田规划的理论体系,并以北京市大兴区 为例进行了实证研究。通过研究得到以下结论:(1)系统阐述了大都市郊区基本农田功能,进 一步探讨不同级别行政主体对其认识和关注焦点,构建了适合大都市郊区的基本农田规划理 论体系,完善了基本农田规划理论,为实

3、际工作提供理.论支持和技术指导。(2)本文丰富了大 都市郊区基本农田功能内涵,认为基本农田的功能可以分为基本功能和外延功能,基本功能包 括生产功能和以其为基础的社会保障功能,外延功能包括生态功能、阻隔功能等。同时,认为 不同级别行政主体对其关注焦点和侧重差异明显。(3)针对不同的行政主体对大兴区基本农 田关注焦点的差异,分别对研究区耕地生产能力、生态和耕地稳定性三个方面进行了评价分 级并落实空间分布,识别耕地资源相关属性高低。(4)综合基本农田生产能力、生态、稳定性 三个方面的因素,采用逼近理想点排序模型进行排序,划定北京市大兴区基本农田综合适宜区 34491.34 hm2,并结合基本农田保护

4、的连片性原则,最终划定基本农田 31826.85 hm2,主要分 布在大兴东南部地区,西北部有零星分布。(5)将本研究规划结果与上轮规划的基本农田进行 对比,结果显示,在数量、质量、空间分布等方面本研究规划结果更加趋于合理,而且可以有 效缓解各级行政主体在基本农田规划中的矛盾,有利于实现共赢【英文摘要】 Basic farmland planning is an important part of general land use planning.It is a process of designating specific land in the general plan as the b

5、asic farmland protection areas. Scientific planning of basic farmland is essential for farmland protection, agriculture stability, sustainable development of local economics and grain security. As special areas, basic farmland in metropolis urban areas has increasingly abundant functions.Different a

6、dministratives have conflicting concerns over the basic farmland, all of which cause the specialty of its basic farmland plan. Scientific planning of basic farmland in metropolis urban areas will increase local grain security and ecological security, and accelerate local economic devleopment. Theref

7、ore, this dissertation takes Daxing district in Beijing as a case to study the basic research methods of basic farmland plan in metropolis urban areas, in order to provide reference for the perfection of farmland planning theories and practical work.Thi.s research is under the background of the new

8、round of overrall land use planning. It focuses on the functions of basic farmland in metropolis urban areas. Furthermore it discusses different administrative subjects perceptions, and concerns of the basic farmland. Based on this above, it constructs a theoretical system of basic farmland planning

9、 in metropolis urban areas. Through the empirical study of Daxing in Beijing, it arrives at the conclusions below:1) It systematically interprets the functions of basic farmland in metropolis urban areas.Furthermore it discusses the different administrative subjects perceptions and concern of it, so

10、 as to construct a basic farmland planning system applicatied to metropolis urban areas. It further improves basic farmland planning system, and provides references to the improvement of farmland planning theories and practical work.2) This dissertation classifies the functions of basic farmland int

11、o two categories: basic functions and extensive functions. Basic functions include production function and social security function based upon it. The extensive functions include ecological function, blocking function, etc. These two types of functions are equally important to metropolis urban areas

12、. Meanwhile, different administratives have different concerns over them.3) According to differences of the basic farmland administrative subjects focusing on in Daxing, the dissertation grades and evaluates three aspects of farmland: production power, ecological effect and stability. It also design

13、ates their spatial distribution and evaluates relevant attributes.4) The dissertation integrates the three aspects of production power, ecological effect and stability, and ranks by the method of ideal point approximation. It finally defines 31826.85 hm2 basic farmland, mainly in the southeast of Da

14、xing, with sporadic distribution in the northwest.5) Compared with the basic farmland in last round planning, this plan is more reasonable in quantity, quality and spatial distribution. It can also alleviate the conflict between different administratives and enhance mutual interests.【中文关键词】 大都市郊区; 基

15、本农田规划; 不同级别行政主体; 大兴区 【英文关键词】 metropolis suburbs areas; basic farmland planning; different administrative subjects; Daxing district 【毕业论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 1 引言 10-20 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 10-11 1.2 国内外研究进展 11-17 1.2.1 国内研究进展 11-15 1.2.2 国外研究进展 15-17 1.3 研究目标、内容与技术路线 17-20 1.3.1 研究目标 17 1.3.2 研究内容 17-18

16、1.3.3 研究框架 18-20 2 理论基础 20-26 2.1 相关概念辨析 20-23 2.1.1 基本农田相关概念 20 2.1.2 大都市与大都市郊区 20-21 2.1.3 城市化和快速城市化 21-22 2.1.4 耕地综合生产能力 22 2.1.5 耕地生态相关概念 22 2.1.6 耕地稳定性 22-23 2.2 理论基础 23-26 2.2.1 区位理论 23 2.2.2 生态系统平衡理论 23 2.2.3 外部性理论 23-24 2.2.4 可持续发展理论 24 2.2.5 空间规划理论 24-26 3 大都市郊区基本农田规划理论体系构建 26-36 3.1 大都市郊区基本农田功能概述 26-30 3.1.1 基本农田的基本功能 27-28 3.1.2 基本农田的外延功能 28-30 3.2 不同行政主体对大都市郊区基本农田关注的焦点 30-34 3.2.1 中央政府对基本农田功能的侧重 30-31 3.2.2 地方省、市政府对基本农田功能的侧重 31-32 3.2.3 区县政府对基本农田功能的侧重



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