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1、1六年级英语上册期末测试卷六年级英语上册期末测试卷Class_Class_ NameName NoNo MarkMark 听力部分:听力部分:30%一一听听句句子子,选选出出句句中中含含有有的的信信息息,并并把把其其字字母母编编号号写写在在括括号号内内。(8 8 分)分) ( ) 1A. at 7:10B. at 7:50C. at 8:10( ) 2A. has a feverB. had a coldC. had a fever( ) 3A. a maths teacherB. a history teacherC. a Chinese teacher( ) 4A. most intere

2、stingB. most importantC. most popular( ) 5A. painted a horseB. painted a houseC. painted a picture( ) 6A. quieter and smallerB. noisier and biggerC. quieter and cleaner( ) 7A. Spring FestivalB. Mid-autumn FestivalC. Dragon Boat Festival( ) 8A. at the zooB. at the marketC. in the library二二听句子,选出最佳答语,

3、并把其字母编号写在括号内。听句子,选出最佳答语,并把其字母编号写在括号内。 (6 6 分)分) ( ) 1A. Seven oclock.B. Sunday.C. December 12th.( ) 2A. Canberra.B. SydneyC. Ottawa.( ) 3A. Thank you very much.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I dont like them.( ) 4A. Great.B. No, we dont.C. See you.( ) 5A. I saw a filmB. She watched TV.C. Yes, she did.( ) 6A. Y

4、es, I am.B. OK.C. Sorry, wrong number.三三看图听三次,根据听到内容写出图的英文大写编号。看图听三次,根据听到内容写出图的英文大写编号。 (6 6 分)分) 1.2( ) ( ) ( ) 2.( ) ( ) ( )四四听听句句子子,写写出出句句 子子所所缺缺的的单单词词。 (5 5 分)分)1. Its boring. Lets go to the .2. The _ of _ is Washington D.C.3. He said he the homework better than his .4. I go to buy the in Xiajiu

5、Road tomorrow.5. The man will be very this Sunday.五五听短文,根据听到的短文内容,指出下面的句子是否与短文内容一致,如听短文,根据听到的短文内容,指出下面的句子是否与短文内容一致,如一致,在括号内写一致,在括号内写 T,T, 否则写否则写 F F。 (5 分)分)( ) 1. Halloween is on October 31st.( ) 2. Adults like Halloween very much.( ) 3.Childern usually wear horrible clothes that morning.( ) 4.If t

6、he children dont get anything, they would play tricks on the people.( ) 5.The neighbours will give some sweets or money to the children . 笔试部分:笔试部分:70%六把单词的字母编号按类别写在相应的表格内。六把单词的字母编号按类别写在相应的表格内。 (8 分分) A. Berlin B. art C. farmer D. Christmas E. lawyer F. Sydney G. music H. Easter I. athlete J. New Ye

7、ar K. soldier L. Rome M. maths N. Mid-autumn Festival O. history P. Wellingtonsubjects3Festivals jobscities七按实际情况回答问题。七按实际情况回答问题。(10 分分)1. Were you busy or free last night?_2. When is Christmas Day?_3. Who was your English teacher last term?_ 4. How many seasons are there in a year?_5. How does your

8、 father go to work?_6. What do people usually do at Easter?_7. Which are the tallest animals in the world?_8. Where would you like to go this summer holiday? _9. What is the most popular festival in China?_10. What date was it yesterday?_ 八选择最佳的答案填空八选择最佳的答案填空,并把其字母编号写在括号内。并把其字母编号写在括号内。 (12 分)分)( ) 1

9、.Christmas is _very important festival in the western countries.A. a B. the C. an( ) 2. _ you ill yesterday?I didnt see you at school.A. Was B. Were C. Did( ) 3.Jiamin is a good boy. He studies than many of us.A. hard B. harder C. hardest( ) 4. -_shirt is this? It is Bens.4A. Who B. Whos C. Whose( )

10、 5. Shall I bring food?-No, its OK.A. some B. any C. a ( ) 6. classroom is here. is over there.A. Our, theirs B. Ours, Theirs C. Our, Their( )7.Canadians speak .A. English B. French C. English and French( )8. A: Which floor do you live on? B: I live on the _ floor.A. two B. three C. second( ) 9. Wha

11、t Judys old school look like?A. was B. did C. does( ) 10. All of _ are going to have fun at Xiangjiang Zoo. A. we B. us C. our( ) 11. I _ my mum _ the rooms last night.A. help, did B. helped, do C. helped, clean ( ) 12 . Lucy is an girl, but shes in now.A. America; Britain B. America; English C. English; America 九用适当的单词填空,使对话成立。九用适当的单词填空,使对话成立。 (12 分)分)().().选用适当的单词填空选用适当的单词填空, ,把其字母编号写在横线上。把其字母编号写在横线上。 (5 分)分)A: Can I you?B: Yes, .A: I want to buy a pair of sport shoes for my son.B: What these ones?A:How are they?B: They are 100 yuan.A: OK. Ill it. ().().选用适当的句子填空选用适


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