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1、 最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 http:/ 名字6 月 7 月以来,很多参加过口语考试的同学发邮件给我,报告第一部分中 考官问到名字的话题,这个话题早就存在,可能是考生在考前一看 Names 就 觉得挺简单,没有过多留意。其实要想说好这个话题,还是需要积攒一些口语素材的。1. Does your name have any special meaning?Yes, I was named after my grandmother. (named after) 以.命名,起 名。My name is Suntao, Tao literally means billows or

2、large waves. 我叫孙 涛,涛字面意思是波涛,海浪。My parents named me Wangdong, something to do with the “solar term“, the beginning of winter. 我父母给我起名王冬,和 24 节气有关,立冬。No it doesnt. To me its just a couple of sounds put together. 没特别的 意义,对于我来说,这就是几个音拼凑在一起。My name is NOS, was picked by my dad - Micheal Yu, it represents

3、. 俺叫新东方,俺爹俞敏洪给我起的,它代表I was named Eve. I dont like it. I cant stand it for religious reasons. I dont like being named after the woman who picked the apple in the Garden of Eden. The only thing I like about it is that its short and easy to pronounce and spell. 我叫 Eve,我讨厌这个名字,我不能忍受的是宗教的原因。我不喜欢以 一个在伊甸园里

4、摘下苹果的女人而起名。唯一让我喜欢的一点就是,不长,而 且容易发音,拼写。2. Do you like your name?Yes, I got my name from my great grandmother, She past away the very same time i was born. So I was Named Elizabeth after her. Kinda bitter sweet huh? kinda=kind ofIts ok, its Jennifer. Wish i had a more exciting name though.最权威的国际教育服务平台

5、资料来源:教育优选 http:/ love my name and I dont think I would change it because its a name my parents picked out for me and im proud to have it.Im quite happy with my name now. I think its pretty, fairly unique, and sort of formal (in a good way).For the longest time, I hated my name. I wanted to change it

6、, but I never knew how to go about doing it. Now, I am 30 and I still hate my name, but I do not want togo through the trouble of actually doing it.3. What name do people at home (your family members) call you?Just my name, sometimes my Dad called me “son“, my mom called me “babe“.They call me xxx f

7、or short, or sometimes just “darling“, its such a sweet sentiment.Parents call me xxx, which is the best nickname i think.4. Why are some Chinese names very similar to each other?As such the personal given name carries not only the function of thedesignation, but also the hope or wish the name-giver

8、 has for the name- bearer. People often find the following cases in classical given names: 因为很 多人的名字不仅仅是个代号,而是代表了给他们起名字的人的希望或者愿望, 人们一般选择以下这些名字:Respect for ancestry. The specific way is to add before the name of forefathers characters like xi(希), zun(尊), xue(学), zong(宗), jing(敬), yang(仰), mu(慕), etc.

9、 And from the new name, e.g. Qian Zongni(钱宗尼),Yu Muyuan (于慕渊), Fang Jingyu(方敬御).Wish for virtues and morals. The Chinese lays much value on the virtues and morals the young generation is hope to obtain. So characters like de(德,virtue), ren(仁,love, benevolence), yi(义,justice, righteousness), xin(信, t

10、rust, faith), qian (谦, modeaty) frequently show up in the names before. For example, Cao Mengde(曹孟德), Liu Xuande(刘玄德),Zhu De(朱德).Hope for fortune and prosperity. People like fortune and noble life and so they often express their hope in names they give to children and the names thus convey the hope

11、or wish of the name-giver. One will easily find 最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 http:/ hope or wish the name-giver has when the following names are given: Li Guangli(李广利), Liu Chuanfu(刘传富), Gai Kuanrao(盖宽饶), Wang Fugui(王 福贵), Qian Guang(钱广), Chen Yonggui(陈永贵), Wei Maofu(魏冒富), Zhang Deli (张德利).Avoidance of ba

12、d luck or diseases. As they like fortune and prosperity, people do not like diseases nor bad lick. The following names are of the kind: Huo Qubing(霍去病), Sima Xiaonan(司马消难), Xin Qiji(辛弃疾), Feng Quji(冯 去疾), and Sun fenji(孙逢吉).Wish for longevity. Longevity is what people wish for and this wish is held

13、in a lot of names. For example, Mao Yanshou(毛延寿), Zhang Chengshou(张承寿), Xu Zhenshou(许增寿). Shou(寿) means longevity. The following given names are also very popular: Yannian (延年), Danian(大年), Wanling(万龄), Songling(松龄), and Heling(鹤龄).5. How are babies given their names in China?The parents think about

14、 how they want their child to be recognized. and then go from there.Maybe they want something unique, traditional, family-oriented, etc.Some people waited until the baby was born and evaluated her personallity, and applied a name accordingly.People have always showed particular concern for the meani

15、ng, appearance and sound when they name children. It is expected that a name given by the father or grandfather carries their wish, hope, pursuit, aspiration, generation, etc. This name must be rich in the name-givers wish or intention and it should also be pleasant in form and sound.I know some people choose to name their children after family members, either living or deceased. For westerner, If they are Christian, they may name their child after someone in the Bible-John, Luke, Simon, Micah, Rebecca, etc. If they are Catholic, they may choose to name their child a


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