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1、 课课 程程 设设 计计 报报 告告课程名称 PLD 原理与应用 设计题目 音乐播放器 专 业 通信工程 I课课 程程 设设 计计 任任 务务 书书设计题目: 音乐播放器 设计内容与要求:1. 设计内容本次设计的是一个四位抢答器,该抢答器有四个不同组别的抢答输入信号,并能识别最先抢答的信号,对回答问题所用的时间进行计时,同时该系统还应有复位功能。2. 设计要求1、设计制作一个可容纳四组参赛者的抢答器,每组设置一个抢答按钮供抢答者使用。2、要设计的系统划分为三个功能模块:抢答信号鉴别模块、计时模块和计分模块。3、主持键按下,4 个抢答键才有效,时间从 60s 开始计时。4、在规定时间内抢答并作答

2、,显示先按下的组别号,与此同时其他抢答键无效;当主持键再次按下开始键才有效。5、在规定时间内答对一题加 10 分,答错不扣分。每组初始分都为 100 分。指导教师: 邹红文 2013 年 12 月 12 日课课 程程 设设 计计 评评 语语成绩:成绩:指导教师: _II年 月 日四位抢答器摘 要随着我国经济和文化事业的发展,在这个竞争激烈的社会中,知识竞赛、评选优胜,选拔人才之类的活动愈加频繁。在很多竞争场要求有快速公正的竞争裁决,例如:证劵、股票交易及各种智力竞赛等。在现代社会生活中,智力竞赛更是作为一种生动活泼的教育形式和方法能够引起观众极大的兴趣。但是、在竞赛中往往是多个选手一起,分为几

3、个小组参加比赛,针对主持人提出的问题各竞赛小组进行抢答,而抢答环节就要有一种逻辑电路抢答器作为裁判员功能、实现其比赛公平、公正的规则。智能抢答器是一种应用十分广泛的设备,在各种竞赛、抢答场合中,它都能客观、迅速地判别出最先获得发言权的选手。新增了许多功能,如选手号码显示,抢按后的计时,选手得分显示等功能。随着科技的发展,现在的抢答器向着数字化、智能化的方向发展.本设计借助于 Quartus软件仿真制作了四人抢答器。通过选手按动按键的先后,判定由哪位选手回答问题,并且实现倒计时和对选手加分的功能。本设计分为三个模块:控制模块、计时模块、计分模块,各个模块共同作用,以实现整个设计的总体功能。关键词

4、:Quartus,仿真,抢答器,控制模块,计时模块,计分模块IIIFour-way responderABSTRACTWith the development of Chinas economic and cultural undertakings, in this competitive society, knowledge contests, selection of superior, talents such as activities more and more frequent. In many competitive games require fast fair competi

5、tion award. In the modern society life, quiz is as a kind of lively education form and the method can cause the audience interest. But, in the competition is often several players together, divided into several groups to participate in the game, against the host question carries on the competition t

6、eam vies to answer first, vies to answer first link will have a logic circuit buzzer as referee function, achieve the game rules of fairness and justice. Smart responder is a kind of equipment, they are widely used in various competitions, vies to answer first, it can be objective, quickly won the v

7、oice discriminant out first. Added many features, such as the contestant number display, rob after pressing time, players score shows, and other functions. With the development of science and technology, now the responder toward digital, intelligent direction. This design with the aid of Quartus sof

8、tware simulation produced four responder. Through the player has to press a button, decide which players to answer the question, and can realize the function of the countdown and the player points. This design is divided into three modules: control module, timing module, scoring module, each module

9、combination, to achieve the over all function of the whole design.KEY WORDS: Quartus,Simulation ,Answer four device,Control, Timing,Scoring IV目 录前 言.2第 1 章 绪论.21.1 抢答器系统图.21.2 抢答器设计要求.21.3 基本功能.2第 2 章 模块设计.22.1 主控制模块.22.1.1 主要功能.22.1.2 代码编写.22.1.3 仿真波形及其分析.22.2 计时模块.22.2.1 主要功能.22.2.2 代码编写.22.2.3 仿真波形及其分析.22.3 计分模块.22.3.1 主要功能.22.3.2 代码编写.22.3.3 仿真波形及其分析.2第 3 章 顶层电路.23.1 电路图.23.2 抢答器工作原理.23.2.1 各个端口的含义.23.2.2 操作流程及相应波形图.2结 论.2谢 辞.


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