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1、I600MW 机组脱硫系统的设计摘要本文根据已知 600MW 机组对应的锅炉出口烟气成分、石灰石成分,结合我国最新的要求进行脱硫系统的设计。首先,对当下常见的几种脱硫工艺进行综述性介绍,然后通过对比各种工艺的优缺点以及适用范围,选出最适合本设计工况的除尘方式和脱硫工艺。本次设计最终采用了电除尘器方式除尘和石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫工艺进行脱硫。本文主要介绍了除尘系统和脱硫工艺各子系统的工艺过程和设备的设计计算选型以及布置,并且对烟道烟囱进行了尺寸的计算,以及系统阻力的核算。设计的系统主要包括除尘系统、烟气系统、吸收系统、吸收剂浆液制备系统和石膏脱水系统。最后对本设计做综述性评价和简单的经济分析。

2、关键词关键词:脱硫;石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫;除尘;设备选型IIThe design of 600 MW units desulfurization system AbstractAccording to the known corresponding 600MW units composition of flue gas and limestone, I design the desulfurization system combined with the latest requirements in our country. First of all, I summarized several

3、 common desulfurization process which is popular at present;Then I compared the advantages and disadvantages of various technology and scope of application .At last, I choose the most suitable way of dust removal and desulfurization process. Eventually, I adopted the way of electrostatic precipitato

4、rs and limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization process for desulfurization. The artical mainly introduced the processes of the subsystems of the dedusting system、the desulphurization process and the design and calculation of equipment for the selection and arrangement. At the same time, I calc

5、ulate the size of chimney, and the resistance of the accounting system. The system mainly includes the dust removing system, flue gas sys-tem, absorption system, sorbent slurry preparation system, gypsum dewatering system. Finally I do a review assessment to this design and make a economic analysis.

6、Keywords: desulfurization;limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization;dedusting;equipment selectionIII目目 录录600MW 机组脱硫系统的设计.I 摘要.I ABSTRACT.II 1 绪论.1 1.1 火电厂脱硫的背景.1 1.2 燃煤电厂烟气脱硫情况.1 1.3 最新燃煤电厂大气污染物排放标准.2 2 工程概况.4 2.1 已知设计参数.4 2.2 设计原则及依据.5 2.2.1 设计原则 .5 2.2.2 设计依据 .5 3 脱硫工艺的选择.7 3.1 常用烟气脱硫工艺.7 3.1.1 石灰石-石膏法脱硫工艺.7 3.1.2 旋转喷雾半干法烟气脱硫工艺(LSD 法).9 3.1.3 炉内喷钙加尾部增湿活化工艺(LIFAC 法).9 3.2 脱硫工艺对比.10 3.3 脱硫工艺的确定.10 3.4 本设计采用的脱硫系统.11 3.5 石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫工艺系统 .11 3.5.1 烟气系统 .11 3.5.2 SO2吸收系统 .11 3.5.3 石灰石浆液制备系统 .12 3.5.4 石膏脱水系统 .12 3.5.5 供水和排放系统 .12 4 物料平衡计算.14 4.1 除尘、脱硫效率的计算.14 4.1.1 除尘效率的计算 .14 4.1.2 脱硫效率的计算 .


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