2014年职称英语考试 争锋软件 理工a 考前最后的押题

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1、2014 年争锋软件职称英语考前押题年争锋软件职称英语考前押题阅读理解:(共阅读理解:(共 6 篇,重点篇,重点 4 篇)篇) Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright(重点) Batteries Built by Viruses(重点) Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as “Ecosystem Engineers”(重点) Teaching Math,Teaching Anxiety(重点) Cell Phones Increase Traffic,Pedestrain Fatalit

2、ies U.S.Scientists Comfirm Water On Mars 建议对以下文章进行一般性了解: Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed Renewable Energy Sources Too Little for Global Warming Clone Farm Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning Listening to Birdsong 购买金牌保过版的客户,请认真学习软件中“名师课堂-阅读理解精讲”中以上相关文章的课程。 请尽量将“名师课

3、堂-阅读理解精讲”中的全部课程都学习掌握好,以确保在任何情况下都能轻松应对。完形填空:完形填空: Free Stains With Fast Food Could Neutrailze Heart Risk “Liquefaction” Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake Damage Sharks Perform a Service for Earths Waters【阅读理解阅读理解】 Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright 直立直立(重点掌握)(重点掌握) 视频课程见:名师课堂视频课程见

4、:名师课堂-阅读理解精讲阅读理解精讲 第第 7 讲讲 Most of us walk and carry items in our hands every day. These are seemingly simple activities that the majority of us dont question. But an international team of researchers, including Dr. Richmond from GWs Columbian College of Arts and Sciences,have discovered that human

5、walking upright, may have originated 起源 millions of years ago as an adaptation 适应 to carrying scarce 稀缺, high- quality resources. The team of researchers from the U. S., England, Japan and Portugal investigated 研究考察 the behavior of modern-day chimpanzees 黑猩猩 as they competed 竞争 for food resources, i

6、n an effort to understand what ecological 生态 settings would lead a large ape 大猿 one that resembles 类似于 the 6 million-year old ancestor 祖先 we shared in common 共 同分享 with living chimpanzees to walk on two legs. “These chimpanzees provide a model of the ecological conditions under which our earliest an

7、cestors might have begun walking on two legs, “,said Dr. Richmond. The research findings suggest that chimpanzees switch to moving on two limbs 四肢 instead of four in situations where they need to monopolize 独占 a resource. Standing on two legs allows them to carry much more at one time because it fre

8、es up their hands. Over time 久而久之,intense 激烈的 bursts 爆发 of bipedal 双脚 activity may have led to anatomical 解剖学 changes that in turn became the subject of natural selection where competition for food or other resources was strong. Two studies were conducted 进行 by the team in Guinea 几内亚. The first stud

9、y was conducted by the team in Kyoto Universitys “outdoor laboratory” in a natural clearing 天然空地 in Bossou Forest 博苏森林. Researchers allowed the wild chimpanzees access to 有权使用 different combinations of two different types of nut the oil palm nut 油棕榈坚 果,which is naturally widely available, and the co

10、ula nut 可乐果, which is not. The chimpanzees behavior was monitored in three situations:(a) when only oil palm nuts were available,(b)when a small number of coula nuts were available,and(c) when coula nuts were the majority available resource. When the rare coula nuts were available only in small numb

11、ers, the chimpanzees transported more at one time. Similarly, when coula nuts were the majority resource, the chimpanzees ignored the oil palm nuts altogether. The chimpanzees regarded the coula nuts as a more highly-prized 珍贵的 resource and competed for them more intensely 激烈的. In such high-competit

12、ion settings,the frequency 频率 of cases in which the chimpanzees started moving on two legs increased by a factor of four 四倍. Not only was it obvious that bipedal 双足 movement allowed them to carry more of this precious 珍贵 resource, but also that they were actively trying to move as much as they could

13、 in one go by using everything available - even their mouths. The second study, by Kimberley Hockings of Oxford Brookes University, was a 14- month study of Bossou chimpanzees crop-raiding 抢劫粮食, a situation in which they have to compete for rare and unpredictable 不可预知的 resources. Here, 35 percent of

14、 the chimpanzees activity involved some sort of bipedal 双足 movement, and once again, this behavior appeared to be linked to a clear attempt to 尝试 carry as much as possible at one time. 词汇: scarce adj.缺乏的,不足的;稀有的 chimpanzee n.黑猩猩 ape n.无尾猿; 类人猿 bipedal adj. 二足的 anatomical adj.解剖的 coula nuts( coula 也可

15、写作 cola 或 kola)可乐果 注释: 1. GWs Columbian College of Arts and Sciences:乔治华盛顿大学哥伦比亚艺术与科学学 院。 乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)的英文简称为 GW,是美国顶尖的私立大学之 一,于 1821 年建校,位于美国首都华盛顿。 2. ecological settings: 生态环境 3. bipedal activity:双足活动 4. anatomical chaiige: 解剖学上的变化 5. Kyoto University:京都大学,是继东京大学之后成立的日本第二所国

16、立大学,于 1897 年建校。 京都大学主要校区位于日本历史名城京都市。 6. Bossou: 博苏,几内亚的一个地名。博苏森林生活着黑猩猩群落。 7. oil palm nut: 油棕榈坚果 8. increased by a factor of four:增加了四倍 9. in one go: 口气 10. Oxford Brookes University: 牛津布鲁克斯大学,创立于 1865 年,是英国最具特色的综合 性大学之一。牛津布鲁克斯大学位于世界学术名城牛津。这里学风浓郁、精英荟萃,历来为求学 圣地。1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the first two paragraphs? A.Many people question the simple human activiti



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