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1、I基于单片机的多气体浓度测试仪基于单片机的多气体浓度测试仪摘摘 要要近些年来,我国经济快速发展,人民生活水平日益提高,全国机动车辆数量和 驾驶员人数猛增,醉酒驾车造成严重后果的违法犯罪也日益增多,给社会和广 大人民群众生命、健康造成严重危害。2000 年以来,酒后驾车行为所造成事故 越来越多,对社会的影响也越来越大,酒精逐渐成为凶残的“马路杀手” 。据有 关资料统计,全世界每年因车祸丧生的人数就超过 60 万人,留下永久性伤残者 在 400 万以上,一般受伤者则不计其数。在许多国家,车祸已成为第一位意外 死亡原因。另外,交通事故所造成的经济损失也相当惊人。据统计,大约 50%60%的车祸与饮酒

2、有关。中国公安部门在 2009 年 8 月,在全国各地加强查 处酒后驾驶的力度,以减少由酒后驾驶造成的恶性交通事故。要查处就涉及到 检测人体内的酒精含量和使用设备来进行检测的问题。 近年来我国煤炭工业的安全生产状况不容乐观,中小型煤矿的情况尤为严重, 已经直接威胁到整个煤炭工业的稳定生产,给国家财产和人民生命造成了很大 的损失,作为“万恶之首”的甲烷爆炸事故更是重大事故发生率之首。出于安 全考虑,甲烷浓度的测量,显得尤为重要。 基于以上可以看出,有关气体的浓度检测问题,至关重要。本文研究设计了 一种可以测量多种气体浓度,并可以进行超限报警的智能测试仪。其设计方案 基于 STC89C52 单片机

3、,MQ3 酒精浓度传感器,MQ4 甲烷浓度传感器。系统将传 感器回路输出的信号通过以 AD0832 为核心的 A/D 转换电路调理后,经由单片机 进行数据处理,由 LCD 显示酒精浓度值。并设计一定的限值,超限声光报警。 限值可由按键调整。考虑到单片机计算能力有限,难以进行复杂数据处理,故 单片机系统与 PC 机系统通过 RS-232 串行通信端口进行互连,从而单片机用作 下位机进行数据采集和设备控制,而 PC 机用做上位机进行复杂的数据处理和对 单片机的控制。文中详细介绍了数据采集子系统、数据处理过程以及数据显示 子系统和报警电路、单片机与 PC 机通信的软硬件实现的设计方法和过程。系统 对

4、于采样地点超出规定的指定气体浓度时,通过声光报警电路提醒监测人员。 同时,操作人员对于具体报警点的上限值可以通过单片机编程进行设置。关键词:酒精浓度传感器(MQ3)、甲烷浓度传感器(MC113)、 STC89C52、A/D 转换器、数据选择器(74HC4051)、串口通信、RS232、VB;IIAbstractIn recent years, Chinas rapid economic development, increasing peoples standard of living, the number of motor vehicles and drivers has soared,

5、drunk driving has caused serious consequences of illegal crime is also increasing, to the society and the life of the masses, causing serious harm to health. Since 2000, drinking and driving behavior caused by increasing number of accidents, on the social impact is also growing, alcohol has become f

6、ierce“ killer on the road“. According to the statistics, the whole world because of traffic accident every year the number of people killed more than people, left permanently disabled in above, general injuries are too many to count. In many countries, traffic accident has become the first cause of

7、accidental death. In addition, the traffic accidents caused by the economic loss is quite amazing. According to statistics, approximately 50% - 60% of the accidents are related to alcohol. China public security departments in 2009August, throughout the country to strengthen and driving force, so as

8、to reduce the driving caused by malignant traffic accident. To investigate the related to detection of human with an alcohol content and the use of equipment to detect problem.In recent years, industry of our country coal production safety situation is not optimistic, middle and small coal mine situ

9、ation is particularly serious, has a direct threat to the stable production of the whole coal industry, to the national property and peoples lives and caused great damage, as“ the worst of all evils“ methane explosion is a major accident rate in the first. For security reasons, the methane concentra

10、tion measurement, appear particularly important.Based on the above, the gas concentration detection problem, critical. This paper studied and designed a variety of gas concentration can be measured, and can alarm intelligent tester. The design scheme based on STC89C52 MCU, MQ3 alcohol concentration

11、sensor, MQ4 methane concentration sensor. System circuit of the sensor output signals from the AD0832 as the core of the A / D conversion circuit after conditioning, through the single-chip microcomputer for data processing, LCD display by the alcohol concentration value. And the design of certain l

12、imits, overrun alarm. Limit value by the keys to adjust. Considering the SCM calculation ability is limited, to complex data processing, so single-chip system and PC system through the RS-232 serial communication port interconnect, thereby SCM as the next bit machine data acquisition and control equ

13、ipment, and the machine used PC do PC for complex data processing and the SCM control. This paper introduces the data acquisition subsystem, data processing and data display system and alarm circuit, SCM and PC communication hardware and software to achieve the design method and process. System for

14、sampling locations beyond the prescribed specified gas concentrations, through sound and light alarm circuit to remind staff monitoring. At the same time, the operator for a specific alarm limit values can be set through the single-chip programming.Key words: alcohol oncentration sensor (MQ3), methane concentration sensor ( MC113), STC89C52, A/D converter,Dataelector (74HC4051), serial communication, RS232,VB;III目录引言.1 第 1 章 前言.2 1.1 气敏传感器的发展现状 .21.2 国内外气体浓度检测技术的发展现状.31.2.1 非光学分析法.31.2.2 光学分析法.41.3 单片机与 PC 机串行通信研究背景和意义 .



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