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1、1摘摘要要企业分销渠道管理是企业的一项基础管理工作,同时也是企业获取长期竞争优势的战略要素。在现在全球竞争的环境下市场竞争越来越同质化,使企业通过产品、价格、促销这些战略要素的差别化来获取竞争优势已经越来越困难了;在市场广阔、区域差异明显的中国市场上,分销渠道已经成为决定企业市场竞争力的最重要的因素,而且分销渠道竞争优势不易被模仿,是企业持久的竞争优势。因此,企业对分销渠道进行管理的重要性也越来越凸显。 经销商是分销渠道上的一个重要环节。他们在企业的整个分销渠道中不仅分担了相应的责任与经营风险,而且在帮助企业快速分销产品,扩大市场占有率的同时还传递着相关的市场与需求信息。经销商是企业面对市场的

2、第一用户。本文通过在公司经销商店的实践和对公司管理者、经销商的深度访谈,对华润漆在郑州的分销渠道进行分析,指出经销商在整个分销渠道上的重要作用,并结合公司的实际情况运用分销渠道管理、经销商管理的相关理论对经销商政策提出一些意见和建议,如加强对经销商的管理、了解经销商的需求、经销商经营专一化。关关键键词词:分销渠道管理 经销商管理 华润漆 经销商政策2AbstractEnterprise distribution channel management is a basic management, but also a kind of corporate strategy for long-ter

3、m competitive advantage factor. In the present environment of global competition, what increasing market competition, homogenization of the enterprise through product, price, promotion of these strategic elements of differentiation to obtain competitive advantage has become increasingly difficult; i

4、n the broad market, regional differences are significant in China markets. Distribution channels has become a deciding most important competitive factors; distribution channels, as a competitive advantage can not easily be imitated; distribution channels is the enterprise sustainable competitive adv

5、antage. Therefore, the importance of the enterprises managing distribution channels become more and more prominent. Dealer distribution channels is an important part. Their distribution channels throughout the enterprise not only share the responsibility and the corresponding business risks, but als

6、o the rapid distribution of products to help companies expand market while also conveying the relevant market and demand information. Dealers are the first company to face the market users. This thesis which is based on the analysis of CR distribution channels in Huarun paint in Zhengzhou show that

7、dealers is the important role of distribution channels.and according to the companys actual use of distribution channel management and dealer management theories,this thesis provides some suggestion to adjust and improve the dealer policy , Such as strengthening of the dealers management to understa

8、nd the needs of distributors, dealers Specialization.Key words: distribution channel management, dealer management, Huarun paint, dealer policy1 1目目 录录引引 言言. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 3(一) 本文的研究背景.31.华润公司简介.32.郑州华

9、润的发展背景.4(二)本文研究的意义.41.理论意义.42.实践意义.4(三)渠道管理研究文献综述.4一一、企企业业分分销销渠渠道道基基本本理理论论概概述述. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5(一)分销渠道的概念.5(二)企业分销渠道战略的模式.61.双重分销渠道.62.低分销成本战略.6(三) 经销商概述.71.经销商定义.72.经销商的形式.7(1)非独家经销.7(2)直营制和直销制.73. 经销商类型.7(四) 经销商政策.81. 返利政策.82.经销商激励管理.83.经销商绩效评估.

10、9(1)影响经销商绩效评估的因素.9(2) 经销商绩效评估方法.9二二、华华润润漆漆的的发发展展. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 9(一)涂料业的发展形势.9(二)华润的发展.10(三)华润的经销商政策.10三三、郑郑州州华华润润漆漆的的经经销销商商管管理理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 11 12 2(一) 郑州华润漆的分销渠道.11

11、(二)郑州华润漆的经销商政策.111. 经销商的选择.112. 经销商的管理.11(四)现阶段存在的问题.121公司对经销商的管理不到位.122经销商的积极性下降.123个别经销商不专一.12四四、建建议议. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 12 21.加强对经销商的管理.132.了解经销商的需求.133经销商经营专一化.13参参考考文文献献. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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