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1、1专业培训教育网页的设计摘 要在如今,互联网对于我们来说已经不再是新鲜的事物了,大多数的企业都建立了自 己的网站。随着互联网的快速发展,网站已成为人们生活的一部分,也成了我们生活中 必不可少的元素,于是各种各样的网站便如雨后春笋般地出现。在商业网站越来越多的 今天,像学校网站、慈善网站、企业网站等社会公益网站也不能忽视其发展,于是我就 是以网页设计教学辅助为主题制作了一个网页教学网站,供大家参考。同时在 Internet 飞速 发展的今天,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在人们政治、 经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。Internet 上发布信息主要是通过网站来实现的,

2、 获取信息也是要在 Internet“海洋”中按照一定的检索方式将所需要的信息从网站上下载 下来。因此网站建设在 Internet 应用上的地位显而易见,它已成为政府、企事业单位信息 化建设中的重要组成部分,从而倍受人们的重视。建设一个教学网站可以有更的多的资 源供大家借鉴。本文就是教学网站的建设,也随着计算机网络的发展,自己动手制作网 站已经成为一种时尚,本篇主要通过制作一个教学网站的实例,来对网站的规划、制作 过程做了介绍,并且着重论述了制作网站的一些技术。在网站实现方面,使用了当前比 较流行的 Dreamweaver8.0、Fireworks、Flash、Photoshop 等软件,通过

3、其与介绍了小型网 站的建设。关键词:网站;超文本标记语言;JSP 技术;级联样式表2The Design of Web Pages for InstructionABSTRACTToday at the Internet for us is no longer a novelty, and the majority of enterprises have set up their own websites. With the rapid development of Internet, web has become a part of life, our life has become an

4、essential element, so various websites such as mushrooming appear. At a growing number of commercial web today, such as school website, a charity website, corporate website and other social welfare website also can not ignore its development, so I am a web design teaching aids for the subject produc

5、ed a teaching web pages for reference. At the same time, the rapid development of Internet today, the Internet has become peoples Express acquisition, distribution and transmission of an important channel for information, which people at the political, economic, and other aspects of life play an imp

6、ortant role. Published on Internet information mainly through the implementation of the web to obtain information also to Internet “sea“ in accordance with the search method must be required to download information from the web on down. Therefore the construction of web applications in the Internet

7、on the status of obvious, it has become the government, enterprises and institutions in the Construction of information an important part of, so much attention. To build a teaching website can have many more resources for the U.S. learn from. This article is the teaching website building, but also w

8、ith the development of computer networks, making do-it-yourself website has become a fashion, this primarily through the web to produce a teaching examples to website planning, production process to do the introduction and focus on discusses some of the technical web production. Website at implement

9、ation, the use of the current relatively popular Dreamweaver8.0, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop and other software, through its website and introduce a small building.Key words: Website; Html; JSP; Css3目 录第一章前言 .11.1 远程教学系统发展的概况 .11.2 远程教学系统建设现状 .21.3 远程教学系统发展中出现的问题及原因 .21.4 远程教学系统的发展趋势 .21.5 本论文的组织结构

10、.3第二章教学网页的需求分析 .32.1 教学网站介绍 .32.2 课题的目的和意义 .32.3 网页设计的要点.32.3.1 确定网站的整体风格 .32.3.2 网页色彩的搭配 .42.4 开发模式、工具及环境 .42.4.1 开发工具.42.4.2 开发环境要运行本系统,须提供如下环境 .52.4.3 网站发展背景.5第三章 网页设计与分析 .63.1 系统分析 .63.1.1 系统建设目标 .63.1.2 网站的功能需求 .63.1.3 系统用户类和特性 .743.1.4 性能需求 .73.1.5 安全性需求 .83.2 教学网站的模块介绍 .83.3 建站目的 .83.4.网站实现功能.93.5 系统编程环境 .93.6 系统程序设计 .103.7 系统程序测试 .10第四章 网页的总体规划 .124.1 制作网页的一般步骤 .124.2 网页包括的元素 .124.3 网页的制作及实现 .134.4 页制作注意事项 .13第五章 网页的测试 .145.1 教学网站首页 .145.2 资源下载页面 .155.3 教学相册 .165.4 教学实例 .175.5 背景音乐 .185.6 访客统计 .185.7 系统待改进之处 .18总 结 .19参考文献 .



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