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1、Teaching Effect of Foreign Teachers Oral Classes for English Majors英语专业外教口语教学成效性研究Abstract Oral English class, as one of the most important means to improve English majors oral English, has been set as the necessary class in most of the universities especially the foreign language schools. However,

2、how is the effect of these oral classes? Does it really work as a way to improve the studentsoral English ? This is a big problem which is very close to each English majors benefit. The paper ,with oral class of the foreign teachers as its research object, researches on foreign teachers as well as E

3、nglish majors by using two means such as giving questionnaires and interviews .The questionnaire was divided into two parts (foreign teacherspart and studentspart) in order to get a systematic research from these two aspects. During the period of data collection and data analysis, the author found o

4、ut some problems existing in the oral classes nowadays, which are the main factors that affect the effects of this course. In order to get the materials to solve these problems, the author started to give interviews to the foreign teachers in our university and some English majors of our university.

5、 In the end , the author got some general points as well as some specific suggestions to improve the quality of the foreign teachersclasses ,which can also supply some good material to enhance English majorsoral level . Key words: foreign teachers; oral class; English majors; oral English; research

6、英英语语专专业业外外教教口口语语教教学学成成效效性性研研究究 - - - - - 一一份份来来自自孝孝感感学学院院的的个个案案调调查查 摘摘要要 英语口语课,作为提高英语专业学生口语水平的重要途径之一,已经被广大院校尤其是外国语学院设为必修课程。然而,这些外教课的课堂效果究竟如何?它是否能真正起到提高学生们口语水平的作用?这一问题关系到我们广大英语学习者的切身利益。 本论文把“外教口语课堂”设为研究对象,采用问卷调查和访谈的方式分别对外籍口语教师和英语专业学生两大群体进行调查,研究。调查问卷设为外教问卷和学生问卷两部分,从师生两个角度对该课题进行全面系统研究。在对问卷结果进行统计分析的过程中,

7、作者发现了现阶段外教口语课堂存在的一些问题,而这些问题正是影响该课程效果的重要因素。为了找到解决问题的办法,作者又对本校外籍教师和学生进行访谈,广泛收集意见,建议。最终得出提高外教口语课堂质量的几大着手点和一些具体措施,进而为提高广大英语学习者口语水平提供参考材料。 关关键键词词:外教 ;口语课堂 ;英语专业学生 ;英语口语;调查研究 Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Survey design1 2.1 Subjects1 2.1.1 Foreign teachers group1 2.1.2 English majors group2 2.2 Instrument

8、 2 2.3 Data collection2 3. Results and analysis2 3.1 Problems3 3.2 Analysis of the problems 5 4. Suggestions9 4.1 Suggestions for English majors 9 4.2 Suggestions for foreign teachers10 4.3 Suggestions for the English department 10 5. Conclusion11 Bibliography Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Bib

9、liography12Appendix I 13Appendix II15Appendix III171 1. IntroductionWe study spoken English in order to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. We can tell from the above that students have to pay more at

10、tention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness. This is also what the foreign teachers always do in oral classes. They keep on reminding the English learners not to be afraid of making mistakes when speaking in a foreign language. Everyone makes mistakes. If a person dare not speak out what he wants to e



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