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1、The characteristics of English Writing 英文写作特征英文写作特征Abstract:Developing a strong abitity of English writing is essential and will benefit English learners for their future career both as an aspiring English scholor and as an active , cometent member of the global society .This paper mainly discusses

2、the basic concept and the characteristics of English writing.Key words:characteristics;English writing;critical reading and thingking;thoughtful revision;creatityWhat would be considered good English writing,then?Some educators in English-speaking countries promoted a set of basic characteristics of

3、 English writing,for example:unity;coherence;emphasis;development and clarity.While these good values are still relevant ,our discussion of English writing,focuses on a different set of concepts.1.English writing calls of critical reading and critical thinking Good writing,especially good,effective

4、English writing,calls for critical reading and critical thinking.LiMing ,a college student, has to read some things about John Kennedy in order to write an effective term paper on her chosen topic.Michelle Williams needs more than her first-hand experiences and direct observations in Beijing to writ

5、e an effective booklet on China.Even though Julong Wangs essay on his hometown is more “personal”,he needs to get more informed on the arguments that have been made concerning how to help less developed regions to moderize and catch up with the coastal provinces.1.1Whats the critical reading and cri

6、tical thinkingWhat is critical reading(or reading with a critical eye)?It is reading not only for comprehension,but also to analyze the values and assumptions embodied in the texts and examine their historical,cultural as well as literary contexts.What is critical thinking ?In thinking critically ab

7、out any essue of certain complexity ,you need to be willing to see it from different perspectives,to face objections to your own beliefs, and to adopt a skeptical attitude toward authority and toward views that seem obviously right to you. To thinking critically is to willingly give up your monopoly

8、 an truth and respect your opponents by analyzing their views carefully.If you engage in multi-perspective,analytic,and evaluative thinking,you will ofter have second and third thoughts concerning the subject.You may find yourself,to your own surprise,adopting a position that you initially couldnt i

9、magine you would hold.Good writing is characterized by insight gained through an intellectually rigorous and open-minded inquiry .1.2The importance of critical reading and critical thinkingGood English writing calls for critical reading and critical thinking.This concept is particularly important fo

10、r you became many non-native speakers of English tend to be overly concerned with being correct in grammar and speaking.While good English writing is expected to be free from grammatical and other error,it is worth repeating here that good writing is not good grammar.Actually ,excessive anxiety over

11、 grammar can only hinder you from expressing yourself effectively in English writing or speaking.At this advanced level,you should be much more concerned with higher-level ,more important issues of English writing.2.English writing involves thoughtful revisionThe necessity of thoughtful revisionThis

12、 is true even with the most experienced writers.You will be convinced of this fact if you go and study the manuscrips have evolved. Many great writers subject their writings to numerous revision before feeling satisfied.LuXun,the great modern Chinese writer,for example,talks about pacing pensively i

13、n the study for days searching for the right word.Even if you have developed the finest plan and your drafting has gone rather smoothly,you will need to revise what you have written.2.2The function of thoughtful revisionBy revision,of course, we do not mean simply editing and proof-reading to clean

14、up grammatical and spelling errors.Effective revision involves making changes as both the macro and micro levels.During macro(meaning“large”in Greek origin)revision, you look at the whole essay in terms of such determining factors as your subject,audience,and purpose,and try to identify major proble

15、ms and fix them so as to bring about better unity and development.During micro (meaning“small”in its Greek origin)revision,you work at the paragraph and sentence levels to bring clarity and coherence to your writing.3.3. EnglishEnglish writingwriting isis dircteddircted towardtoward anan audienceaud

16、ience 3.1The3.1The importanceimportance ofof itit The term audience usually refers to viewers of movies and TV shows and listeners of radio programs .It is now expanded to include readers of written materials in discussions of writing activities.This concept is so improtant because different audiences can have significant impact on the content,structure,and style of your writing even if you are writing about exactly the same topic.Letsay you want to write a paper analyzing why ter



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