基于proe减速器 (垂直轴)的参数化设计_毕业设计论文

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1、1晋 中 学 院本科毕业论文(设计)题题 目目 基于基于 PRO/E 减速器减速器 (垂直轴)的参数化设计(垂直轴)的参数化设计院院 系系 机械学院机械学院 专专 业业机械设计制造及其自动化机械设计制造及其自动化姓姓 名名 学学 号号 学习年限学习年限指导教师指导教师 申请学位申请学位 学士学位 2012 年 05 月 10 日1基于 PRO/E 减速器参数化设计垂直轴参数化设计摘 要:参数化设计方法具有高效性、实用性的特点,在产品的系列设计、相似设计及专用CAD系统开发方面都具有较大的应用价值。与传统设计方法相比,能够减少重复劳动,提高设计效率,符合现代产品设计需求。减速器作为机械传动装置应


3、减速器;参数化;垂直轴;圆锥齿轮2PRO/E reducer based on parametric designABSTRACT: Parametric design method is efficient and practical. It has great application value in the series design, similar design of products, and special CAD system development. Compared with traditional design method, it can decrease the re

4、peated work and improve the design efficiency, accords with modem product design demand. As a transmission mechanism, reducer has been applied widely. Considering its similarity of structure and repeatability of design, it is suitable for the parametric design method. On this background, this paper

5、studies the parametric design method based on Pro/E, establishes a reducer parametric design system through the vertical axis of the reducer design calculation. First, design the modelling of vertical axis gear reducer , calculation of the parts data, the key is the design and calculation of bevel g

6、ears. Secondly, models and assemble templates are created by parametric modeling and program method, based on which parametric design is realized combining with parameter drive program. A reducer parametric design system is established, including part design module and standard part module and so on

7、. It could be used to design a two-stage tapered gear reducer, accomplish the whole process of gear design, shaft design, and main parts modeling and assemble. Finally, discusses the reducer movement simulation. Combined with the choice of motor, gear reducer to motion simulation.KEYWORDS:reducer; p

8、arametric; Vertical axis; Tapered gear1目 录1 减速器(垂直轴)说明书减速器(垂直轴)说明书11.1 选择电动机和计算运动参数11.2 齿轮传动的设计21.3 设计轴的尺寸并校核131.4 轴的校核(中间轴)161.5 滚动轴承的选择及计算191.6 键联接的选择及校核计算211.7 润滑与密封211.8 设计主要尺寸及数据21 2 直齿圆柱齿轮的创建直齿圆柱齿轮的创建232.1 输入基本参数和关系式232.2 创建齿轮基本圆232.3 创建渐开线242.4 镜像渐开线242.5 创建齿根圆252.6 创建齿形252.7 阵列轮齿262.8 创建凹槽特征272.9 创建轴孔特征282.10 创建小孔282.11 创建倒角特征29 3 锥齿轮的创建锥齿轮的创建293.1 输入基本参数和关系式293.2 创建基本曲线303.3 创建大端齿轮基本圆313.4 创建小端齿轮基本圆3223.5 创建渐开


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