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1、LessonLesson 1 1 two cups of coffee and two desserts. Henry: (looking at the clock on the wall) Would you mind waiting just a few minutes? Waiter: (in a rude manner) What s there to wait for? Owner: All right, Horace. Ill take care of this. Henry: (to owner) That was a wonderful meal. Its amazing ho

2、w much pleasure you get out of the simple thins in life, especially you cant have them for a while. Owner: Yes, very interesing. Now perhaps, sir, if you pay you bill I can help the other customers. Henry: (looking at the clock on the wall again) Well, I see its two oclock.( he opens the envelope an

3、d holds a million pound bank Norelco in his hands Henry is very surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked) Im sorry. ButII dont have anything smaller. Owner: (still shocked and nervous) Wellerjust on moment. Maggie, look! ( the hostess screams, the other customers look at her and she puts a han

4、d to her mouth) Do you thin its genuine? Hostess: Oh, dear, I dont know. I simply dont know . Owner : Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount Anyway, I dont think it can be a fake. People would pay too nuch attention to a bank note of this amount. No thief would

5、 want that to happen. Hostess: But hes in rags! Owner: Perhaps hes a very strange, rich man. ( as if he has discovered something for the first time) Why,yes! That must be it! Hostess: (hits her husbands arm) And you put him in the back of the restaurant! Go an see him at one. Owner: ( to Henry) Im s

6、orry, sir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note. Henry: But its all I have on me. Owner: Oh, please, dont worry, sir. Doesnt matter at all. Were so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed, sir, I hope youll come here whenever you like. Henry: Well, thats very knd of y

7、ou. Owner: Kind, sir? No, its kind of you. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. Just having you sit here is a great honour! As for the bill, sir, please forget it. Henry: Forget it? Well thank you very much. Thats very nice of you. Owner: Oh, its for US to thank you, sir and I

8、 do, sir, from the bottom of my heart. (the owner, hostess and waiter all bow as Henry leaves) Act , Scene 4 Narrator: at the end of the month, Henry was very rich and didnt fear jail. Dressed in the finest clothes, he drove by the brothers house in Portland Place and, seeing they were back, went to

9、 get Portia at her friennds home. Henry: My dear, the way you look today, it would be a crime not to ask for a good salary for the job theyll give to me. Portia: Oh, please remember that if we ask for too much we may get no salary at all; and then whatll happen to us, with no way in the world to ear

10、n a living? ( At the brothers home, the servant lets them in. the two brothers are seated,waiting.) Henry: Good morning,gentlemen .( Rodrick seems very surprised to see Portia) Portia, these are the men who helped me. Portia: So vary nice to meet you, kind sirs. ( She gives Oliver a wink with one ey

11、e.) Roderick: ErPortia, I Oliver: Were both glad to hear it, for now we can decide the bet which Roderick and I made. If youve won for me, you shall have any job as my gift. Have you got the million pound bank note? Henry: Here it is, sir. Oliver: Ive won! Now what do you say, Roderick? Roderick: I

12、say that Ive lost twenty thousand pounds. I never would have believed it. Why, that is amazing, man! Henry: Come, lets be going now, Portia. Oliver: But wait, wait! The job, you know. I must give you a job, as I promised. Henry: Well, thank you very much, but I really dont want one now. Portia: Henr

13、y, Im disappointed in you. You didnt thank the gentlemen properly. May I do it for you? Henry: Let me see you try. (Portia walks over to Roderick and gives him a hug. Then she sits in Olivers lap, puts her arms around his nevk and kisses him on the cheek. Oliver begins laughing.) Portia: Papa,he say

14、s he doesnt want anything else from you. Henry: (shocked) My dear, is that your papa? Portia: Hes my step father, and the dearest one that ever was. Henry: Oh, my dearest dear sir, I regret what I said. You have got a job open that I want. Oliver: Name it. Henry: Son-in-law. Oliver: Well, well,well!

15、 But youve never had such a job before. How can it be sure you can do it successfully? Henry: Try me oh,do, I beg of you! Give me 30 or 40 years , and Oliver: Oh, well, all right. Narrator: Are Portia and Henry happy? There are not enough word in the biggest dictionary to describe it. Did the people

16、 of London have a good time with this bit of news? Yes. Portias stepfather took that bank note back to the Bank of England and cashed it. The bank note was then useless for money but was his wedding gift to the young couple. Yes, the bank note was worth millions of dollars, but not worth on tenthe as much as how Henry felt about Portia . UnitUnit 4 4 How life began on the earth No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it h


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