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1、嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用第 1 页 共 54 页10 年高考【2003-2012】5 年模拟【2008-2012】英语分类汇编 形容词和副词 形容词和副词在高考中的考查重点:1.形容词、副词的作用与位置;多个形容词作定语排列的顺序enough 作修饰成分时的位置问题及形容词作后置定语形容词作伴随状语和原因状语 2.表语形容词的特点及连系动词+形容词作表语;3.形容词、副词比较等级的用法;原级的用法比较级的用法最高级的用法形容词和副词前面使用冠词的情况由 as/so 组成的形容词或副词短语more /less than 及其相关结构4.容易混淆的形容词、副词的区别。【2012 湖南】

2、24. Bicycling is good exercise; _, it does not pollute the air. A. nevertheless B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore【答案】B【考点】本题考察副词含义辨析。【解析】根据句意:“骑自行车是一种很好的运动方式,而且又不会造成大气污染”故选B(besides 而且,加之,除此以外)。词汇 副词 besides 【2012 辽宁卷】22. We used to see each other , but I havent head from him since last year. A.

3、especially B. regularly C. particularly D. approximately【考点】副词词义辨析【答案】B【解析】A 项意为“尤其;特别”;B 项意为“ 定期地,经常地 ”;C 项意为“特别,尤其”;D项意为“近似地,大约” 。根据句意“我们原来经常见面,但从去年我就没再收到过他的信” 。【2012 四川卷】7. The hotel is almost finished, but it _ needs one or two weeks to get ready for guests.A. only B. also C. even D. still 【答案】

4、D 【考点】本题考查副词用法【解析】根据句意“这个旅馆差不多竣工了,但仍还要一两周才可以接待客人。 ”选still(仍然,还) 。【2012 北京卷】28. Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _.A. some B. less C. much D. more【答案】D嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用第 2 页 共 54 页【考点】形容词考点。比较级,根据句意即刻判断。【2012 全国 II】13. Next to biology , I like physics _.A. b

5、etter B. best C. the better D. very well 【2012 全国新课程】29. This restaurant wasnt that other restaurant we went to.A. half as good as B. as half good asC. as good as half D. good as half as 【答案】A【解析】在 asas句型中,倍数放在第一个 as 的前面,故 A 正确。句意:这家饭店不及我们去过另一家的一半好。【考点】考查形容词同等比较句型。【2012 全国新课程】26. The result is not v

6、ery important to us, but if we do win, then so much _.A. the best B. bestC. better D. the better 【答案】D 【解析】此处 so much 修饰名词,所以用 the better 的形式。句意:这结果对我们来说不很重要,但如果我们真的赢了,那就太好了。【考点】考查形容词、副词的比较等级的用法。【2012 山东卷】33. Be _ you cant expect me to finish all this work in so little time. A. reasonable B. confide

7、ntC. creative D. grateful 【答案】A【解析】此处 confident 信心 ;creative 有创造力的;grateful 感激的;reasonable 有道理的。句意:要讲道理,你不能指望我在如此短的时间里完成所有的工作。【考点】考查形容词词义辨析及语境理解。【2012 福建卷】27. Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be respected.A. especially B. equally C. naturally . D. normally【考点】本题考查副词辨析嘉兴英语教学网

8、 收集整理 欢迎使用第 3 页 共 54 页【难度】难度强最近几年的高考试卷对于形容词的词义辨析考查面越来越广了,很多单选题都是从外国网站某篇新闻中节选的句子,同时在完型中考查形容词辨析的越来越多。考生一定要严格区分和细心的比较所给的四个选项,看其搭配、惯用法,尤其看内涵和外延,别忽略语篇大意要结合上下文语境确定词的意义。【2012 浙江卷】18. _Mike was usually so careful, _this time he made a small mistake.A. yet B. still C. even D. thus【考点】副词【答案】A【解析】根据句意:麦克通常很认真

9、的,然而(yet)这次他犯了个小错误。Still 仍旧;even 甚至;thus 因此,均不符合语境,故排除。【2012 浙江卷】10. _The research lacksevidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.A. solid B. fierce C. severe D. potential【考点】形容词词义辨析【答案】A【解析】根据句意:研究缺乏实证(solid evidence ) ,因此所得出的结论还有待考证。 fierce激烈的;severe 严重的;potential,有潜力的,均不符合语境,故排除。【2012

10、 湖北卷】26. “Perhaps we need to send for Dr. Smith to see what we can do about it,” Father suggested _ to his neighbor who had come to discuss the problem.A. tentatively B. thoughtlessly C. definitely D. rudely【答案】 A【考点】考查副词辨析 。难度中等。【解析】句意为:“看来我们要请史密斯先生来看看我们对此如何处理” ,父亲对到此讨论此问题的邻居试探性地说。A 项“试探性地” ,符合语境。B

11、 项意为“欠考虑地” ,C 项意为“明确地” ,D 项意为“粗鲁地 ”,都与语境不符。【2012 湖北卷】27. Can you tell the _ difference between the words “require” and “request”? I sometimes get puzzled by their meanings.A. dramatic B. regional C. apparent D. subtle【答案】 D【考点】考查形容词辨析。难度中等。【解析】句意为:你能区分“require”和“request”的细微差别吗,D 项意为“细微嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理

12、欢迎使用第 4 页 共 54 页的” ,符合句意。A 项意为“ 戏剧性的” ,B 项意为“地域性的” ,C 项意为“显然的” ,都与句意不符。【2012 湖北卷】28. Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled d own has remained _; people are still looking for other possible solutions.A. unchallenged B. relevant C. controversial D. contradictory【答案】 C【考点】考查形容词辨析。难度中等。【解析

13、】句意为:这些建筑是否要推倒仍然有争议,人们仍然在寻找其它可能的解决方法。C 项意为“有争议的” ,符合句意; A 项意为“不改变的” ,B 项意为“相关的” ,D 项意为“矛盾的” ,都与语意不符。【2012 安徽卷】34.Queen Elizabeth is often to be richest woman in the world. , her personal wealth seems rather small.A. Besides B. Otherwise C. However D. Altogether选择 C。前面说她富有,后面说她个人财富相当少。【2012 安徽卷】23. I

14、nterest is as to learning as the ability to understand , even more so.A. vital B. available C. specific D. Similar 【答案】A【解析】Be vital to 表示:对.极端重要;something be available to somebody 表示:某人可以得到某物,列句:cooperative medical service is available to all the members of the the commune. C 答案 specific 不能与 to 搭配;

15、D 答案 similar to 表示:与.相似。本题可以把定于 to understand 省掉,也可以把后面的 even more so 省掉或还原。Interest is as to learning as the ability 这样可以确定 B 是错误的,D 更是错误的。Interest is even more than the ability to understand.很佩服出卷人!原句: Interest is vital to learning 互联网对于学习极端重要。变化之一:Interest is as vital to learning as the ability to understand 互联网对于学习极端重要,就像理解能力对于学习极端重要一样,互联网


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