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1、 宁波大红鹰学院毕业论文题目 东阳“晶灿灿”家居产品组合定价现状、 问题及策略研究所在学院经济与管理学院专 业工商管理班 级11 工商 8 班学 号姓 名胡蒙晶指导教师李繁2015 年 04 月 15 日宁波大红鹰学院毕业论文I毕业论文诚信声明毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文东阳“晶灿灿”家居产品组合定价现状、问题及策略研究是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立研究、写作的成果。除文中特别加注的地方外,论文中不包含他人已经发表的学术成果或者他人为获得高等学校学位而使用过的材料,论文中不涉及任何知识产权纠纷。否则,本人将承担一切责任。学生签名: 年 月 日宁波大红鹰学院毕业论文II摘摘 要

2、要我国的生产制造行业进入 21 世纪以后,特别是对于生产型的中小型企业而言,企业管理者普遍都面临同一个问题:在不失去顾客的前提之下,要采取怎样的定价策略和方法才能适应企业的经营和发展,并且能够使其产品价格具有市场竞争力?对于企业来说,价格是决定产品转化为货币的关键环节,产品组合定价管理策略的制定和实施会直接影响到企业的业务收入。在我国产业升级转型的背景下,有一部分的生产制造型企业通过技术研发和品牌的创业,由 OEM 模式转变到 OBM、ODM 模式。与此同时,产品定价成为了企业面临的一个巨大的挑战。能否建立和完善企业自身的产品定价体系,不仅关系到企业的战略目标能够实现,更关系到企业自身的品牌成


4、tractAfter the manufacturing industry of our country to enter in twenty-first Century, especially for the production of small and medium enterprises, enterprise managers generally face the same problem: on the premise of not losing customers, to take to the pricing strategy and method how to adapt t

5、o the operation and development of enterprises, and can make the prices of its products have market competitiveness?For enterprises, the price is determined products into the key link of the currency, the formulation of product mix pricing management strategy and implementation will directly affect

6、the enterprises business income. In the background of the transformation of industrial upgrading in China, there is a part of the manufacturing enterprise through technical research and development and brand business, by OEM model, ODM model to OBM conversion. At the same time, product pricing has b

7、ecome a big challenge faced by the enterprise. To establish and perfect the pricing system of enterprises, is not only related to the enterprises strategic objectives can be achieved, more related to the enterprises own brand growth and market value.This paper takes DongYang “JINGCANCAN“ Home Furnis

8、hing products as the research object, mainly studies how the company improve its products pricing system to adapt to the new management mode of development needs. Firstly, the related theory and summarized the pricing system, and provide a theoretical foundation for following analysis. Secondly, the

9、re are specified and the execution of “JINGCANCAN“ in product pricing strategy in the problem are described and analyzed. Then, through the “JINGCANCAN“ the macroscopic environment, the influence of Internet environment and industry competition threat situation three aspects carries on the analysis,

10、 sum up effect “factor pricing JINGCANCAN Home Furnishing products“. Finally, this paper from the clear pricing objectives and principles, reconstruct the pricing system, based on the comprehensive analysis, try to put the implementation stage “JINGCANCAN appear“ company portfolio product pricing st

11、rategy pricing strategy and guarantee measures.Keywords: “晶灿灿“ Home Furnishing, Pricing strategy, product portfolio宁波大红鹰学院毕业论文1目录目录一、一、绪论绪论.2(一)选题背景和意义.2(二)国内外研究现状.2二、定价相关理论概述二、定价相关理论概述.3(一)产品组合定价理论.4(二)产品定价策略.5三、三、 “晶灿灿晶灿灿”品牌产品定价现状及问题分析品牌产品定价现状及问题分析.6(一)价格层次差距小.6(二)网络商城价格体系暂不成熟.6(三)产品流通价格体系仍需要加强架构.6四、影响四、影响“晶灿灿晶灿灿”品牌产品定价的因素品牌产品定价的因素.7(一)宏观环境.7(二)互联网环境的影响.8(三)行业竞争的威胁.9(四)企业自身因素.9(五)消费者消费心理因素.10五、五、 “晶灿灿晶灿灿”品牌产品定价优化设计方案品牌产品定价优化设计方案.10(一)优质的价格策略击败竞争对手.10(二)制定优质网络定价策略.



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