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1、企业公告及资料发布系统的企业公告及资料发布系统的设计与实现设计与实现论论文作者姓名:文作者姓名:申申请请学位学位专业专业: :申申请请学位学位类别类别: :指指导导教教师师姓姓名名( (职职称称) ): :论论文提交日期:文提交日期:企业公告及资料发布系统的设计与实现企业公告及资料发布系统的设计与实现 摘摘 要要近年来,随着网络技术的迅猛发展,越来越多的部门、企事业单位都在通过 Internet 对外宣传自己,同时为信息需求方提供方便快捷的服务,实现企业资源共享、提高办公效率、节减不必要的开支。因此,改变传统的独立、零散的信息发布方式是网络信息发展的必然趋势。本文完整地分析了企业公告及资料发布

2、系统的业务需求,并介绍了系统的详细设计与实现。在此基础上本系统将 ASP 技术作为 WEB 应用程序的重要开发工具实现了其中的基本功能,包括:文件管理,部门管理,公告管理,管理员管理,用户管理和留言簿管理等功能。同时,系统对用户进行了分级管理,提高了系统的安全性。该系统前台界面的设计主要采用 Microsoft ASP 作为开发工具,后台数据库采用 SQL_SERVER 2000 数据库设计,应用服务器端使用 IIS,并利用 ADO 数据库的各管理操作,实现了基于 B/S 模式开发的企业公告及资料发布系统的基本功能及管理功能。关键词关键词:OA;B/S 模式;ASP The Design an

3、d Implementation of the Enterprise Bulletin and Datum Issue System AbstractIn recent years, with the rapid development of the computer network, more and more departments and corporations propagandize themselves through Internet. Furthermore, it supplies convenient and immediate services to those who

4、 require information to realize resource sharing improve their working efficiency and save their cost. So, it is an inevitable trend for the development of the Network Information to change the traditional scattered method of issuing information.This paper introduced the business requirement analysi

5、s and the design and implementation of a system that issues bulletin, datum. ASP technology is used as the basic development tool for web site in this system, which helps to realize the basic function of file management, branch management and so on of this system. In the mean time, hierarchical mana

6、gement architecture was adopted to enhance the security of this system.The user interface at the forestage was developed with Microsoft ASP technique, and the backstage database system was supported by SQL Sever 2000. The application server adopted IIS and ADO was used to implement the connection be

7、tween the forestage and the backstage. By these means, the basic functions of bulletin issuing and datum transmitting were implemented based on the pattern of B/S.Key words: OA; B/S pattern; ASP目目 录录论文总页数:27 页1引言.11.1选题背景及意义.11.2系统特点.22ASP 技术和 SQL Server 数据库访问方法.22.1ASP 技术.22.1.1ASP 概述.22.1.2ASP 的运行环境.32.1.3ASP 的内建对象.32.2SQL Server 数据库.32.2.1SQL Server2000 简介.32.2.2ADO 组件说明.43系统分析和设计.53.1需求分析.53.1.1数据流图.53.1.2数据字典.63.1.3功能需求.63.1.4业务流程.73.2总体设计.73.2.1软件的运行环境设计.73.2.2系统模块设计.83.2.3系统的流程分析.93.3概念结构设计.93.4数据库逻辑结构设计.114系统详细设计和实现.134.1详细设计.134.1.



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