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1、1文体学在英语语篇分析中的作用【摘 要】文体学是一门研究各种文体语言特点的学问。本文通过对特定两种文体的具体分析,指出了该文体如何运用有效手段,达到传递文本信息的目的。【关键词】文体学;语篇;语言特点;信息传递Abstract: Stylistics is used to study and analyze different kinds of articles. In order to show how the following two passages put forward the information successfully, this paper points out the

2、characteristic ways the two passages employ.Key Words: Stylistics, Passage, characteristics,information文体学是研究文体的学问。文体有广义和狭义之分。狭义的文体指的是文学文体,其中包括各个作家的风格。广义的文体指的是一种语言中的各类文体,包括口语体和书面体,而在这两者之间,还有若干过渡类型的文体。文学文体也包括在广义的文体之中。文体学的任务是通过观察和描述若干种主要文体的语言特点,即其各自的语音、词汇、句法和篇章的特点,让学习者能够更好地了解这些文体所要表达的内容及其特有的表达方式,学会在适当

3、的场合使用适当的文体。虽然存在着各式各样的文体,但真正代表一种文体特殊用法的词句是很少的。真正被大量使用的还是那些按照普通方式运用的基本词汇、基本句型和基本表达方式。这也就是所谓的共核语言(the common core) , 它的惯常用法构成语言的常规(norm) , 而一种文体的特殊用法则是对这种常规的变异(deviation) 。下文将通过对语言的各要素,即语音、词汇、句法、语篇结构的分析来阐述它们在日常谈话、即席解说中说什么和怎么说这个问题上所起的作用。2欧美的文体研究最早可以追溯到古希腊、古罗马时期。亚里士多德曾经说过:“仅仅知道我们应该说什么还不够,还必须以恰当的方式来表达。 ”中

4、国的文体风格学在发展的早期与西方文体风格学很是相似,即两者都是从修辞学发展而来。孔子曾说:“辞达而已矣”,就是在强调语言应该顺畅地表达思想;孔子又说:“言之无文,行之不远”,就点出了“文采”的社会功用。这一切都说明了自古以来文章的内容和形式的关系问题就一直受到高度的重视。到目前为止,文体学已经被运用在包括翻译学、商务英语、英语阅读在内的许多领域中。(一)日常谈话:在日常生活中,人与人之间最常用的交流方式就是谈话方式。我们将从这一最普通的文体的语音、词汇、句法结构、语义等方面着手,进行具体分析,并探讨这些因素对英语听力教学的影响。以下是一篇访谈节目中主持人 Irene 对Beth, 为新母亲的思

5、索一书的作者的谈话摘录。BBeth IIreneB: Its a big challenge for mothers today, because oftentimes mothers feel like its an either /or proposition that they have to work or have a child. And the reality is more and more women are choosing to do both, and also not be superwomen, so its a tricky its a tricky line t

6、o balance. But I do have a quote that says, “To choose to have a child is to choose forever to have your heart walk outside of your body,” which means, just as weve been talking about, that you are constantly attached to your child, no matter how old they get, but you will learn to walk those lines.

7、 And you will learn to create balance and harmony in your life, and youll realize that not everything you do is going to send your child to a therapist. And thats wonderful.I: Yes, yes. Ive just always felt that if you loved them hard enough, and that you had your heart kind of in the right place, w

8、hich obviously is outside your own body, that there was very little that that you could do wrong. I mean you B: Yes. I think thats true. I think if you build a solid foundation with your child, 3especially in the early years, and I: How early are we talking “early years”? I mean, by what point is th

9、e childs personality formed already?B: Well, you know theres a lot of information on that that definitely is conflicting. But there are new studies coming out that are just fascinating about how important, extremely important it is for a child to be with his/her mother until theyre close to four yea

10、rs old. Now, that doesnt mean consistently. Im not advocating that a mother stay home full time if shes not so inclined. But theres definite research thats coming out saying that, yknow, a mothers role is more important in some regards than we had thought, and that the bonding process lasts quite a

11、bit longer. In fact, children go into shock oftentimes if they are separated too early. And thats why I think a lot of us are fighting for parental leave and family leave, that allows both mother and father to have time with their children hopefully within the first two years, not just the first few

12、 months.People need concrete support, and especially nowadays, I did write another meditation about people needing the support of community because nowadays we oftentimes dont have our parents close by, or brothers and sisters live in another state or even in another country. And so especially when

13、you come home for the first few months or the first few years, you may feel extremely isolated if you cant hook up with a co-op, a babysitting co-op, or a mothers group And this is just a wonderful way to remind mothers that we have what Mary Catherine Bateson calls peripheral vision: the ability to

14、 be attentive to multiple demands and to think about more than one thing at a time. And I think thats a very valuable trait that mothers do have. And sometimes we think of ourselves as being scattered and airheads because of it, and thats been oftentimes how weve been portrayed, but this is a wonder

15、ful, wonderful trait that mothers develop especially in the first few years.I: Well, we have eyes in the backs of our heads, right?B: Exactly.I: But we are also able to keep lots of balloons in the air, which means that what we do is, you get up in the morning and you say, “I need to do this, this,

16、this, and I need to go to work, and whats for dinner besides.”B: Exactly.I: You get it all in order before you leave the house in the morning.B: Right, and you can take your needs into account as well as the needs of many other individuals, which is extremely important in this day and age. I mean we no longer can 4afford ecologically to have a one-track mind. We can no longer afford it in the family, in the work place,


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