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英语和汉语的颜色差异 _第1页
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《英语和汉语的颜色差异 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语和汉语的颜色差异 (4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1英语和汉语的颜色差异 摘要:不同语言中的颜色词汇具有不同的文化内涵。本文从文化的角度探讨了英语和汉语的颜色词汇存在的 差异,通过对各种颜色词汇的对比分析,指出学生掌握颜色词汇文化内涵的重要意义。 关键词:颜色词汇 文化内涵 比较 1. Introduction Color terms often have symbolic meanings that vary from culture to culture. Color terms both in Chinese and English relate closely to their native cultures and have dis

2、tinct cultural associations, so they often influence peoples way of thinking. With the development of language and peoples repeated use of association, color terms have developed relatively fixed images, which reflect a nations like and dislike, positive and negative aspects. Whats more, these fixed

3、 images and cultural connotations will act on peoples daily thinking and determine peoples daily be havior in a specific context. In this sense, studying the cultural meanings of color terms is quite necessary for communication; otherwise, we will fall into some errors arising from the misuse of col

4、or terms. As for English language teaching, the teacher should encourage and help students to summarize and compare the different cultural connotations between Chinese and English to avoid possible misunderstanding and misuse of color terms. 2. Comparison of English and Chinese Color Vocabulary The

5、color red Red is the most exhilarating color, which stimulates vivid emotions of people. The word red is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions. This is true in Englishspeaking countries as well as in China. For instance, Chinese expressions hong duilian ( 红对联) (antithetical coupl

6、et),hong shuanxi ( 红双喜) (double happiness written in red- the traditional symbol for an event of special joy,such as a wedding),kaimen hong ( 开门红) (get off to a good start, make a good beginning) ;English ones like: red-letter days - holidays such as Christmas and other special days; to put out the

7、red carpet for sb.- to give a lavish welcome; to paint the town red- to celebrate wildly. In addition, in both cultures, red places some restrictions on peoples daily life, such as the traffic signal red light, the red light of fire truck and ambulance, or the red card in sports games. 2In Chinese,

8、red is also the color associated with revolution, socialism and success, such as hongjun ( 红军) (the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, 1928-1937),hongse zhengquan ( 红色政权) (red political power ) , honghuo ( 红火) ( flourishing /prosperous),hongren ( 红人) (a favorite with sb. in power). While in Engl

9、ish, red stands for blood, deficit and anger, such as red battle- bloody battle; be in red- have more liabilities than assets; see red- become very angry. Due to the differences, if the examples here are translated literally, people from the other culture will be confused or misled. The color black

10、Black is the color of mystery and the unknown. In both of the languages there are a variety of terms indicating that black is often associated with negative qualities: severe,unpopular, illegal, and vicious. black market and heishi ( 黑市) - illegal buying and selling goods; black list and heimingdan

11、( 黑名单) - list of people who are considered dangerous or who are to be punished;black heart and heixin ( 黑心) - evil mind. Some individual examples in English and Chinese: black look - angry stare; black day -unlucky day; black future - gloomy future. heibang(黑帮)- reactionary gang; heihuo(黑货)- siniste

12、r stuff Interestingly, the term be in the red means running a business at a loss, not meaning a profit, while the opposite of this in the black means having money in ones bank account, that is, running a business profitably. Besides, black coffee refers to the coffee without cream or milk; black tea

13、 is equal to Chinese hongcha ( 红茶). The color white White has similar associations to both Chinese and westerners ; it stands for cleanliness, purity, innocence and holy. In spite of this, white has a lot of different expressions and connotations in English and Chinese languages. Here are some examp

14、les: a white day - a lucky day; a white lie -a harmless lie; white heads - honest persons;white sale - a sale at a reduced price In these cases, white in the expressions has nothing to do with the color baise ( 白色) at all. In Chinese, a lot of examples can also be found with the word bai ( 白)but wit

15、hout the meaning baise ( 白色). zhenxiang dabai ( 真相大白) (the fact made clear) ; baichi ( 白吃) (to eat without pay) ; biaobai ( 表白) (to explain something for oneself) ;baichi ( 白痴) (the foolish person) ;baiyan ( 白眼) (supercilious look). The color blue Blue is calming and cooling color. It is relaxing fo

16、r the eyes and cheering for the mind. In Chinese, blue is the symbol of purity and wideness: liantu( 蓝图) (blueprint),3lantian ( 蓝天) (blue sky) . But in English,blue is usually associated with unhappy feelings: in a blue mood - be in a low spirit a blue outlook - a pessimistic view a blue Monday - the first day of work or school after a pleasant and happy weekend blue talk - dirty or obscene language a bolt ou


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