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1、淄博职业学院综合英语课教学方案教师:崔式蓉序号: 1 授课 时间2010.08.23-2010. 08.27 (周二 3-4;周四 1-2;) 授课 班级P09应用英语上课地点第九语音室学习 内容Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live 课时2 periods 教学 目标Students will be able to: 1.grasp the main idea; 2.appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer; 3.master the key language points and gramm

2、atical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 目标 群体Applied English Majors教学 环境Multi-media classroom; Stimulating communicational situations. 教学 方法Task-based teaching ,interaction 时间安排1st Period 2rd Period Pr

3、e-reading; While-reading (4-Part division, Part I) While-reading; Post-reading(Comparison 2.appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer; 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities rel

4、ated to the theme of the unit. 目标群 体Applied English Majors教学环 境Multi-media classroom; Stimulating communicational situations. 教学方 法Task-based teaching ,interaction 时间安排1st Period 2nd Period While-reading (Part I) While-reading (Parts I-III) Step I Part II. While-reading Tasks I. Text analysis 1. New

5、 words and expressions. (Omitted) 2. Paras.1-3 1) There are two things I have always wanted to do-write and live on a farm. -Topic sentence 2)Its a self-reliant sort life. -Topic sentence 3) Its a satisfying life too. -Topic sentence 4) In the summer ., in the winter .-Contrast 5) dozen n. (pl. doze

6、n, dozens) 作为实数及用作定语时 , 复数不加“ s“一打, 十二个(pl. dozens) 若干; 几十; 许多several dozen exercise-books 几打练习本some dozen (of) people 约十二个人some dozens of people 几十个人pack pencils in dozens 按打包装铅笔Examples: 1. How much do you charge for a dozen eggs? 蛋一打多少钱?She bought a dozen of eggs in the market. 她在市场上买了一打鸡蛋。6) lea

7、ve over留下, 剩下, 剩余Examples: Well leave the job over until next week. 我们将把这项工作留待下星期去做。7) provide with -provide for Examples: Sheep provide us with wool. 羊供给我们羊毛。They are ill provided with food. 他们的食品不足。A father should provide the education for his children. 当父亲的应该承担子女受教育的费用. 3. Paras 4-7. 1) But the g

8、ood life can get pretty tough. -Topic sentence 2) three months ago, three months from now, recently, later this month .transitional devices(过渡/转换方法 ) 3)the Fahrenheit scale: a scale of temperature, first established by the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714. The unit of temperature is the d

9、egree Fahrenheit( ), and 0was originally the coldest temperature Fahrenheit could achieve using a freezing mixture of salt and ice. On his scale, water freezes at 32 F and boils at 212 (under set atmospheric conditions). No longer used in scientific work, Fahrenheit temperatures still feature in eve

10、ryday language; hot days “in the eighties” , for example. To convert a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius(centigrade), subtract 32, then multiply by 5/9(five ninth). 1971 年德国人法勒海特 (Fahrenheit) 以水银为测温介质,制成玻璃水银温度计,选取氯化铵和冰水的混合物的温度为温度计的零度,人体温度为温度计的100 度,把水银温度计从 0 度到 l00 度按水银的体积膨胀距离分成100 份,每一份为 1 华氏度,记作 “

11、1 ” 。按照华氏温标,则水的冰点为32,沸点为 212。转换公式: C=5/9(F-32) F=9/5(C+32) To convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit multiply by 9/5 and add 32. 4) chores n. 零星工作 (尤指家常杂务 ) Examples :As a child one of my chores was to feed the animals. 小时候我的杂活之一就是喂动物。Its such a chore to do the shopping every day! 每天要去买东

12、西真是个负担!5) freeze Examples :The government decided to freeze prices for six months. 政府决定冻结物价个月。Freeze or Ill shoot! 别动,不然我就开枪打死你. Can vt. 将装入密封罐中保存Examples :The fish is canned in this factory. 鱼是在这家工厂制成罐头的。7) take (lessons) 学习(to learn); Examples :She plans to take a course in mathematics. 她打算学习数学课程。

13、8)while n. 1. 一会儿;一段时间conj. 1. 当的时候;和同时2. 而; 然而 3.只要 vt. (whiled; whiled; whiling )vt. 1 . 消磨(时光);轻松地度过Examples :While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape. 虽然我喜欢这枯帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的形状。9)produce n. 产品, 农产品 (=product) vt. 生产, 出产, 制造; 生产生, 引起, 招导致; 提出; 展现; 出示native produce 土特产品gross produce

14、 总产量fancy produce 特级(农)产品 home produce 国货, 国产品Examples :This is all locally grown produce. 这都是本地农产品。Wealth may not produce civilization, but civilization produce money. 财富未必创造文明,文明却能带来金钱。10)swamp vt. 淹没; 沉没Heavy rainfalls swamped the lowlands. 大雨淹没了低地。使困窘; 忙得不可开交Examples :We are swamped with work. 我

15、们被工作压得透不过气来。A big wave swamped the boat. 一个大浪淹没了小船。Step IV Conclusion (5 Minutes)作业1Review the text. 2. Do exercises on Language Focus. 3. Preview Text B. 教学反 馈Students show much interest in text. 淄博职业学院综合英语课教学方案教师:崔式蓉序号: 3 授课 时间2010.08.30-2010. 09.03 (周二 3-4;周四 1-2;) 授课 班级P09 应用英语上课地点第九语音室学习 内容Unit

16、 1 Changes in the Way We Live 课 时2 periods 教学 目标Students will be able to: 1. grasp the main idea; 2.appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer; 3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 目标 群体Applied English Majors教学 环境Multi-media classroom; Stimulating communicational situatio


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