外研版高中英语选修六module 2 period 6 reading practice

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1、Reading practiceModule 2 Module 2 Fantasy LiteratureFantasy LiteratureThe Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe1.狮子女巫魔衣橱 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 1950 2.贾思潘王子 Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia, 19513.黎明踏浪号 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 19524.银椅 The Silver Chair, 1953 5.奇幻马和传说 The Horse

2、and His Boy, 19546.魔法师的外甥 The Magicians Nephew, 19557.最后的战役 The Last Battle, 1956纳尼亚传奇系列纳尼亚王国传奇The Chronicles of Narnia 是刘易斯于1951年至1956年间创作 的七本系列魔幻故事。故事中的“纳尼亚王 国”是一个神秘奇幻的世界,在这些故事中 ,小主人公们或凭借一枚魔法戒指,或通 过一扇衣柜大门等各种奇妙方法进入魔幻 世界纳尼亚王国。他们通过英勇的冒险, 与魔鬼妖婆斗勇来拯救纳尼亚的人们。书里有会说人话的动物:巨人、马人、巨龙 、树精、地精和人鱼等等,有善良的羊怪和 小矮人,还有

3、伟大的狮王阿斯兰。在它们的 帮助下,小主人公们通过英勇的冒险和战斗 ,一次次战胜邪恶,保卫了这个神奇而充满 欢乐的国度。 每部都是一推出就大受欢迎, 影响甚广,该书还获得英国儿童文学的最高 荣誉“卡耐基文学奖”,更是被翻译成35个语 言版本,全球累积销售超过8500万,而目前 每年仍以平均600万册的销售持续吸引新世 代的读者。C.S.Lewis (1898-1963). One of the greatest British writers of fantasy literature. Works: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobedefeat wis

4、dom snowflake doorway daylight shut lamppost hoof reddish pointed brown-paperv. 击败击败 , 战胜战胜 n. 智慧 知识 n. 雪花 雪片 n. 门口 n. 白天 (daytime/nighttime) v. 关上 n. 路灯柱 (lamp路灯) n. 蹄 adj. 有点红的 adj. 尖的 n. 牛皮纸Words Previewdream of ahead of ought to /should have done look back over ones shoulder catch a glimpse of s

5、et out get back It seems to be go wrong soon after梦想 在前面 本应该 回头看 瞥见 出发, 动身 回来; 取回 看似 出错 一会儿step out frominto be shaped like be caught up so as to keep sb from doing stick out of give a start of surprise Goodness gracious me!走出进入. 呈形, 像 勾,挂,缠绕在 为了 阻止做 从中伸出来 吓了一跳 我的天哪!restore v. 恢复 restore sth to sth

6、归还;使恢复到 She was hoping that the Mediterranean climate would restore her to full health. He restored the dictionary to the shelf. forgive v. 原谅 宽恕 forgave forgiven forgive sb for (doing) sth Ill never forgive you for what you have done to your parents.1. She saw that there was a light ahead of her. a

7、head of 在前面 The production plan was fulfilled ahead of time She was always well ahead of the rest of the class. ahead of time / schedule 提前2. ought to v.aux. Such things ought to be allowed.应该允许这样的事。 ought无人称和时态的变化,后接不定式,表示责任、 合 适、必要性、可能性及愿望等,ought to 的否定式 “ought not to +动词原形”或“oughtnt to +动词原形”,疑 式

8、是将ought 提前。 There ought not to be much noise in a hospital. Ought I to write to say “ thank you”? 我应该写信致谢吗? I ought to have helped her, but I didnt. (ought to have done 表示本该做而未做)3. look back over ones shoulder 回头看她回头看是否有人跟随。 _look back on / to 回忆,回顾I can look back on my career with great satisfactio

9、n._ 4. catch a glimpse of 瞥见 catch _ of 看见 _ ones eyes on注视,盯着看 _ at 凝视 _ at 怒目相视 gaze at 凝视(有惊叹羡慕入迷之意) glance at 扫视、浏览5. set out意为“动身,出发+for sp.”,在表 示“开始或着手做某事”时,后跟动词不 定式作宾语。 set about doing _ set aside _ set free _ set off _ set up _Soon after that a very strange person stepped out from among the

10、trees into the light of the lamp post. 很快一个奇怪的人就从树林那边走来出现在灯光下面 。 (1) soon after既可作介词又可作连词用。意思是“不久 之后” We went home soon after the meeting. They were divorced soon after they got married. 对应词组 long before 在之前很久 It was long before I realized the truth. (2) from among the trees 意为“从树林当中出来” The child cr

11、awled from under the table. The cat came out from behind the door out of the hair there stuck two hornsThere lies a man on the ground.Long before, there lived a king who loved horses very much.There + seem, appear, live, stand, lie, come, exist, rise, occur, stick = there bePre-readingRead the intro

12、duction and then answer the questions.(P25)Answer the following questions:1. What makes The Lion, the Witchand the Wardrobe a fantasy story?The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a fantasy story because it takes place in the imaginary world of Narnia where it is always winter.2. Who was it written

13、for?It was written for children.3. How is C.S.Lewis similar to Philip Pullman?C.S.Lewis is similar to Philip Pullman because both authors have created a fantasy world where their characters go and have adventures.4. Do you think it has a happy or a sad ending?It probably has a happy ending although

14、the characters might be sad when they leave Narnia.2. Read the passage and decide when it takes place.a. before Lucy discovers Narniab. as Lucy discovers Narniac. in the middle of the storyd. at the end of the storyWhile-ReadingInto the text : 3. Read the passage again and choose the correct answers

15、. 1. At the beginning of the passage Lucy seemed to be _. a. half way between the real worldand Narnia b. walking along a street c. standing in a room at home d. standing in a wood2. Although she felt frightened, Lucy _. a. wasnt sure what she should do next b. was surprised to see a lamppost in the middle of a wood c. knew she could shut herself in the wardrobe d. decided that she could run back through the wardrobe to the room3. The Faun seemed to be_. a. a person who looks like a goat b. a person dressed as an animal c. a goat dresse



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