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1、 英语议论文的语言特点由于与其他文体相比,英语议论文类似英语说明文,因此,它具有英语说明文的一些语言特点,比如:时态较为统一,多用现在时;强调语言表达的客观性;尽可能指明信息来源等等。但作为一种独立的文体,英语议论文在语言上也有一些自己特有的表达形式:1.较多使用表达委婉语气的词语和句子与英语说明文相比,英语议论文不仅需要说明自己的观点,而且还要让读者接受自己的观点,因此,在词语表达上除了客观之外,还必须注意委婉。在英语中,常用虚拟语气,让步状语从句和情态动词 can,could,may,might,would,should 等。请看下面两组有关“面试在招生过程中的重要性”的文字:(1)No

2、one should be admitted into(招收进)college without a personal interview(面试).What can admissions people(招生人员)tell from a piece of paper?They can tell nothing.Only when they see a student face to face,can they decide what kind of a person he is.(2)Though admissions people can learn some things from a pie

3、ce of paper,such as how well a person writes and what he is interested in there may be many other things that an application (申请表)can not tell but can only be seen in a personal interview.The way a person talks,the way he thinks about and answers questions,the way he reacts(反应) ,are all important fa

4、cts of a person which can not be found on a piece of paper.两段文字都强调“大学生入学必须面试”,但相比之下,例(2)用了情态动词,though引导的让步状语从句等表达方式,语气较为委婉,更容易为读者所接受。2.使用有辩论、推理等含义的连接词和过渡词等词语结构英语议论文讲究辩论推理的条理性和逻辑性,因此,往往较多地使用这类性质的过渡词和连接词,常用的包括:since (既然) ,now that(既然) , therefore(因而) ,consequently(因此) ,accordingly(因此) ,hence(因而) ,in t

5、hat case(在那种情况下) ,because(因为) ,so (所以) 。另外,还有些句型也常出现在英语议论文中,比如: It follows that(因而) ,If,we may conclude that(如果,我们可以这样下结论) , Should it be the case(如果是这样的话) ,Idont want to,but (我并不想,但是) , If you admit,then (如果你承认 ,那么) ,It is true that, but(诚然,但是) , Even if(即使)等。下面这篇学生作文较好地使用了上述这些英语议论文常用的连接词和过渡词等词语结构,

6、从而使文章的辩论和推理条理清晰,富有说服力:Some people say that they will not give up smoking because they have the right to do what they want to do since smoking is not against the law.Yes,its true that smoking does not violate (违反)the law and therefore they can do as they like,but what is equally true is that they hav

7、e to be responsible for what they do at the same time. Now I dont want to bring fears to anyone,but here are some statistics(统计数字)Ive just got from newspaper:Over seventy percent of the people who died of lung cancer were heavy smokers. More than thirty-five percent deformed(畸形的)babies have smoking

8、mothers. Even if those chain smokers (一支接一支抽烟者)are not afraid for themselves,shouldnt they be afraid for their family members if they have got any?还可以用各种句型,eg.1)如“很多人很快就会发现,他们在物质上是富裕了,精神上却很贫乏”,可以这样达:Many people will soon find themselves rich in goods,but ragged in spirit.(注:句中 rich in 与 ragged in,go

9、ods 与 spirit 具有正反对比的关系和效果。 )2)如“利远远大于弊” ,可以这样表达:The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.(注:句中 the advantages 与 the disadvantages 具有正反对比的关系和效果。 )3)如“他们注意到了这些说法中的一些道理,但他们却忽视了一个重要的事实”,可以这样表达:They have noticed a grain of truth in the statements, but have ignored a more important fact.(注:句中 have no

10、ticed 与 have ignored,a grain of truth in the statements 与 a more important fact 具有正反对比的关系和效果。 )4)如“这样做既有积极效果也有消极效果”,可以这样表达:It will have both negative and positive effects by so doing.(注:句中 negative 与 positive具有正反对比的关系和效果)5)如“我们既有与我们很为相似的朋友,又有与我们很为不同的朋友”,可以这样表达:We have friends similar to us and frien

11、ds different from us.(注:句中 similar to 与different from 具有正反对比的关系和效果)2.排比英文中有时也使用排比句式,这种句式整齐而有气势,又不会使人感到单调。例如,如“读书使我们聪明,锻炼使我们强健”,可以这样表达:Reading makes us wise while exercises make us strong. 3.重复英文一般讲求简洁,因此为表达强调偶尔使用重复可以使语句的强调内容得到突出。1)如“现在是忘掉过去一切的时候了。现在是言归正传的时候了。现在是为未来而奋斗的时候了”,可以这样表达:Now is the time to

12、forget everything in the past. Now is the time to get down to the business. Now is the time to work hard for the future.(注:此句为句首重复,重复部分为句首的 now it the time to)2)如“我们渴望成功,而且正在为成功而努力工作”,可以这样表达:We long for success and we are working hard for success.(注:此句为句尾重复,重复的部分为句尾的 for success.)3)如“我相信我们能够成功,我相信我们

13、也一定会成功”,可以这样表达:I am convinced that we can succeed,and I am convinced that we must succeed.(注:and所连接的两个语句的句首与句尾部分同时重复,重复的部分为句首的 I am convinced that 与句尾的 succeed)4)如“我们现在生活在一个新的时代,而一个改革充满着风险与机遇”,可以这样表达:We are now living in a new era,and a new era of reform is always full of ventures and chances.(注:and

14、 之前的句尾与 and 之后的句首重复,重复部分为 a new era.)4.倒装这里说的倒装不同于前述非修辞性的语法结构倒装。非修辞性的语法结构倒装是语句的语法结构所限定的,没有自由选择的余地,只要运用需要倒装结构的句型就要采用倒装结构。这里所说的倒装是指修辞性语义结构倒装,是进行强调的一种手段,它利用了语句句首(或句尾)的特殊位置。例如,如“充满着风险与机遇的改革的新时代正向我们走来”,可以这样表达:Now on coming to us is the new era of reform full of ventures and chances. 5.转义转义是一种对词语灵活运用的修辞手段

15、,主要有比喻、拟人、夸张、反语、婉转等,比喻又包括明喻、暗喻、换喻、提喻等。1)如要表达“过去的经历就像图片一样总是在脑海中萦绕”,英文可为:What had been experienced in the past was always looming in memory like a picture.(注:此句采用明喻,明喻的特点是使用了 like 一词)2)如要表达“我们的英语老师就是我们最好的英语辞典”,英文可为:Our English teacher is our best English dictionary.(注:此句采用暗喻,暗喻的特点是利用事物之间的相似之处进行比喻,与明喻不

16、同之处在于不使用 like 一词)3)如要表达“我正在读莎土比亚的书呢”,英文可为:I am reading Shakespeare.(注:此句采用换喻,换喻的特点是直接借用一事物的名称宋代替另一事物的名称,使用通过联想理解其含义,但不是所有的事物都是可以用换喻来表达的)4)如要表达“这里需要一个帮手”,英文可为:A hand is needed here.(注:此句采用提喻,提喻的特点是用一个事物的部分来代表事物的整体或用一个事物的整体来代表事物的部分。这里用 hand 一词代表整个人)5)如要表达“巨大的不幸笼罩着整个城市”,英文可为:A great misfortune crept over the whole city.(注:此句采用拟人。拟人的特点是将事物人格化)6)如要表达“这种想法可真是伟大的愚蠢”,英文可为:This is really a great stupid idea.(注:此句采用反语。反语的特点是故意


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